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US Congressional hearing may spell trouble for Pakistan

America has changed a lot since last 30 years brother. There is already a Pakistani lobby in Washington but its going nowhere. Zionists control America's policies. There is nothing more Pakistan can do to please U.S. With all the sacrifices Pakistan made, you would think that we would get strategic gifts from U.S. but forget about it. The U.S. did not come to the region to find Osama Bin Laden and defeat Al Qaeda. They have goals that Indians and Israelis share with U.S..
I disagree.

If their is a Pakistani lobby in Washington, then it has proven to be ineffective or insignificant. Many Americans are ignorant about ground realities of Pakistan. Why?

Pakistan is now being perceived as a nation, which is sympathetic with groups with anti-US agenda.

We need to significantly strengthen our representation in Washington. We cannot expect wonders from our ambassadors and leadership only. Common people of Pakistan can make the difference.

Keep in mind that if Pak-US diplomatic ties break then this would be an enormous strategic win for India.
I disagree.

If their is a Pakistani lobby in Washington, then it has proven to be ineffective or insignificant. Many Americans are ignorant about ground realities of Pakistan. Why?

Pakistan is now being perceived as a nation, which is sympathetic with groups with anti-US agenda.

We need to significantly strengthen our representation in Washington. We cannot expect wonders from our ambassadors and leadership only. Common people of Pakistan can make the difference.

Keep in mind that if Pak-US diplomatic ties break then this would be an enormous strategic win for India.

Most Americans get their information from their media. The U.S. media never says anything good about Pakistan.
And U.S. politicians are pressing their President to cut off aid to Pakistan especially after the Abbottabad raid.

Pakistan has already lost U.S. to India and there is nothing more Pakistan can do about it. The U.S. always looked for its own interests and today in 2012 U.S. and India share more mutual interests than U.S. and Pakistan.
Most Americans get their information from their media. The U.S. media never says anything good about Pakistan.
Same is the case with Pakistan. Their has been no major attempt at cultural bonding between both nations. At least, Pakistani people should have made some serious effort in this regard.

And U.S. politicians are pressing their President to cut off aid to Pakistan especially after the Abbottabad raid.
Remember that all of this started after we refused to do something about North Waziristan.

Pakistani security apparatus has never come clean to Pakistani society regarding its agenda.

Pakistan has already lost U.S. to India and there is nothing more Pakistan can do about it. The U.S. always looked for its own interests and today in 2012 U.S. and India share more mutual interests than U.S. and Pakistan.
This is a major strategic failure of Pakistan. Indians proved to be more competent.
Same is the case with Pakistan. Their has been no major attempt at cultural bonding between both nations. At least, Pakistani people should have made some serious effort in this regard.
Remember that all of this started after we refused to do something about North Waziristan.
Pakistani security apparatus has never come clean to Pakistani society regarding its agenda.
This is a major strategic failure of Pakistan. Indians proved to be more competent.

There is nothing Pakistan can do to please the Americans. The American politicians hate Pakistan. Just watch how they bash Pakistan:

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Baluchistan is part of Pakistan and always will be, and idk how to say this but Entire country is being mistreated by the government not just Baluchistan.
There is nothing Pakistan can do to please the Americans. The American politicians hate Pakistan. Just watch how they bash Pakistan:

Bro, I can post videos of Americans who have spoken positively about Pakistan. Don't play this propaganda with me.

Point is that we are habitual at blaming others for all the ills but we don't do enough at our end to solve issues involving us.

I stand by my point that Pakistan needs much stronger representation in USA. For this, strong cultural bonding will be required.

Pakistani security apparatus (PSA) does not feels that it is liable to people of Pakistan to come clean on its policies. It should be.

And if PSA will play this game with the international community then Pakistan will loose its image and credibility in the whole world.

Remember that North Waziristan is the pendora box behind troubled relationship between WEST and Pakistan.
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Bro, I can post videos of Americans who have spoken positively about Pakistan. Don't play this propaganda with me.

Point is that we are habitual at blaming others for all the ills but we don't do enough at our end to solve issues involving us.

I stand by my point that Pakistan needs much stronger representation in USA. For this, strong cultural bonding will be required.

Pakistani security apparatus (PSA) does not feels that it is liable to people of Pakistan to come clean on its policies. It should be.

And if PSA will play this game with the international community then Pakistan will loose its image and credibility in the whole world.

Remember that North Waziristan is the pendora box behind troubled relationship between WEST and Pakistan.

Not even India, Pakistan's worst enemy, has ever called a public hearing of a plan to break Pakistan but U.S. has.

The U.S. is no angel, and the Pakistan Army and ISI have every right to be cautious of U.S. intentions in the region, and this hearing proves it.

All countries look after their national and strategic interests, and so does Pakistan. We already lost thousands of lives and billions of dollars for U.S. war OF terror, if that is not enough to please the Americans then nothing is.

If its North Waziristan today, then it'll be Balochistan tomorrow, and Gilgit-baltistan the day after until Pakistan is no more.
You can expect Americans to start sponsoring a Baloch Spring... Pakistan must cleansing its territory of all Americans.

What BS history this person gave... The only regions out of all of Balochistan that have ever till date expressed any desires of freedom are the Bugti, Mengal and Marri (all one small club of tribes) areas. These are the only areas where any issue has EVER been there. Not even like 10-20% of Balochistan.

How ridiculously American leaders convince their sheep to carry out wars and divert funding for their interests is beyond me. Just make up a good story and sell it.
I just heard it again... The dude gives Islamabad reference while quoting a 1947 incident. Dude, there was no Islamabad back then!

This is just like Pakistan is not listening to us, so start bugging them from this side...
Not even India, Pakistan's worst enemy, has ever called a public hearing of a plan to break Pakistan but U.S. has.

The U.S. is no angel, and the Pakistan Army and ISI have every right to be cautious of U.S. intentions in the region, and this hearing proves it.

All countries look after their national and strategic interests, and so does Pakistan. We already lost thousands of lives and billions of dollars for U.S. war OF terror, if that is not enough to please the Americans then nothing is.

If its North Waziristan today, then it'll be Balochistan tomorrow, and Gilgit-baltistan the day after until Pakistan is no more.

Long term a stable friendly Pakistan is in India's interest. If India could improve relations with Pakistan, we can directly go to Central Asia and may be scrap our a little costlier plan of going through chabahar port in Iran. An independent Balochistan will obviously become a satellite state of US (as they are the only one's who can liberate Balochistan if that ever happens and they don't do favors for free. :D)

India gains nothing by dismembering Pakistan. PERIOD
Balochis better not betray Pakistan like the Bengalis or like the Bedouin Arabs who betrayed the Ottomans. Pakistan should be iron fosted here. Unfortunately, the Pakistani Government is too incompetent and lacks the strategic vision to harness the province to its fullest potential. The BLA also have to be rooted out, the tribal chieftains and this backwards feudalist system has to be terminated as painful and controversial as that it this should happen in all sectors of Pakistani society. What is this nonsense of tribal chieftains ruling over people influencing them, this only acts as a barrier.

The solution to Balochistan is better integration and investment.

PS Honestly when I listened to the beginning of the address I thought some Balochi separatist and Other people of interest wrote that script he was reading.
I agree Baluchistan is going nowhere and of course like several other part of the country there are issues to attend and resolve and they will. What is incredible is the external forces that exist that are desperate to create unrest and instability in this part of the world. The USA are unable to show the hand of diplomacy and tact - and make it clear they want to stick their nose in an issue that really doesnt have ANYTHING to do with them. Jeeeeeeeez one would think there are enough issues that they should attend to and mind their own business in our land.

Balochistan just like rest of Pakistan , needs looking after and due attention. it needs fair treatment by the leaders not for the sake of Americans but for the sake of people of Balochistan.

if the Americans were not selective in their moral duties and human rights concerns then some major world conflicts would have been resolved.
Not even India, Pakistan's worst enemy, has ever called a public hearing of a plan to break Pakistan but U.S. has.

The U.S. is no angel, and the Pakistan Army and ISI have every right to be cautious of U.S. intentions in the region, and this hearing proves it.

All countries look after their national and strategic interests, and so does Pakistan. We already lost thousands of lives and billions of dollars for U.S. war OF terror, if that is not enough to please the Americans then nothing is.

If its North Waziristan today, then it'll be Balochistan tomorrow, and Gilgit-baltistan the day after until Pakistan is no more.
Time to give you some serious reality check.

The image of Pakistan is poor abroad because of flawed foreign policies.

I will touch 3 key issues here;

1. Foreign policy for Israel
2. Foreign policy for India
3. Foreign policy for Afghanistan

1. Foreign policy for Israel

Pakistan have no diplomatic ties with Israel. Pakistan does not even recognizes the existence of Israel.

End result: Do you think that Israeli lobby would have anything positive to say about Pakistan in USA?

2. Foreign policy for India

Pakistan has diplomatic ties with India but the two nations still do not get along with each other. Key factor is Kashmir dispute.

End result: Obviously, Indian lobby would have nothing positive to say about Pakistan in USA as well.

3. Foreign policy for Afghanistan

The Karzai led Afghan government contains many representatives from Northern Alliance and other ethnic groups which were suppressed by Taliban (backed by Pakistan).

End result: Obviously, this Afghani representation to USA also have nothing positive to say about Pakistan.


The purpose of the above is to pinpoint the fact that their are several channels in the world which constantly feed anti-Pakistani information to USA.

Now let us look at the internal situation of Pakistan;

Pak-US relationship was blossoming during Musharraf's era.

However, during Kiyani's era; Pak-US relationship began to falter. This was because of refusal of Kiyani to cooperate with the international community in the case of North Waziristan. Why did he refused?

What is our Afghan policy?

We want stable Afghanistan, correct? How we want to accomplish this? Through Taliban only? :rolleyes:

Don't you think that Kiyani should come clean on this matter?

Pakistan should have a well defined foreign policy for Afghanistan.


Obviously, our enemies plot against us. India is the primary example of this.

However, the threat posed by Israel and current Afghanistan government is immensely overstated. The lack of long-term sound strategic vision for these two issues have landed Pakistan in to the current mess and India have exploited these loopholes in our foreign policy to great effect.

Finally, the USA factor:

Israel, India, and Karzai led Afghan government are allies of USA. All of these are not friendly to Pakistan and promote anti-Pakistani sentiments in USA. Pakistani representation in USA is also insignificant.

Afghan issue is on global agenda in current times. Unfortunately, the foreign policy for Afghanistan is not clear from our side.

In addition, the lack of flexibility from Kayani on the matter of North Waziristan have set the stage for crumbling of ties with USA.

Get the picture?
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