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US calls on Pakistan to arrest recently freed Islamist leader Hafiz Saeed

Count the screams again; and try to figure out who is getting hurt, yourselves or we. As we speak, there are cowardly attacks by mobs on strangers in groups of ones and twos, at most threes. You, on the other hand, have moved on to a level two orders of magnitude higher.

I regret it, but feel strange to be told that we are screaming; perhaps in your view, your own people dying in the hundreds is nothing to feed like screaming about. As I have said before, nothing and nobody as brave as the Pakistani settled abroad, enjoying the safety of his adopted country, and pontificating about his mother country ] u always get the
Count the screams again; and try to figure out who is getting hurt, yourselves or we. As we speak, there are cowardly attacks by mobs on strangers in groups of ones and twos, at most threes. You, on the other hand, have moved on to a level two orders of magnitude higher.

I regret it, but feel strange to be told that we are screaming; perhaps in your view, your own people dying in the hundreds is nothing to feed like screaming about. As I have said before, nothing and nobody as brave as the Pakistani settled abroad, enjoying the safety of his adopted country, and pontificating about his mother country in terms of bravado.

Count the screams again; and try to figure out who is getting hurt, yourselves or we. As we speak, there are cowardly attacks by mobs on strangers in groups of ones and twos, at most threes. You, on the other hand, have moved on to a level two orders of magnitude higher.

I regret it, but feel strange to be told that we are screaming; perhaps in your view, your own people dying in the hundreds is nothing to feed like screaming about. As I have said before, nothing and nobody as brave as the Pakistani settled abroad, enjoying the safety of his adopted country, and pontificating about his mother country in terms of bravado.

I don't have to argue. It's someone else's boot at your effective parts. Let their boots argue with your witty deflections. It is as good as an after dinner cabaret.
U always get the leverage of being highly expert ,shrwed and respectful here uncle but the truth is "age factor" matters alot...and i am able to diagnose and assessing the symptoms here....u mean pakistan is unsafe for everyone...and your daughter/sister can go touring whole india on their own while wearing mini skirts unharmed ? Please try to reduce the testosterone level in your country before picking on others..or you want me to show the stats of farmer suicidal rates of your country or rapes analytical data ?
Trump should play Twitter Twitter with rocket man, we are busy with other important stuff
This is to tell you America stands with India and 700 million USD to tell Pakistan that America stands with Pakistan. Now go to sleep it is a bit late for you to discuss such things.
Actually it is only $350 million and US won't give the rest until Pentagon chief certifies that US has evidence of action against Haqqanis (which we know US will never do).
Try not to be silly; it is too late in the day to plead innocence.

No, it happened in India, and that is the point. Nobody crossed the border and killed Pakistanis. As for Purohit, he claims that he was worming his way into the confidences of a hostile and terrorist group, on behalf of military intelligence; military intelligence thinks he should have said this before being caught, and should have shared the information with his superiors. So your feverish imagination needs to take this on board and process it, and see what emerges.

Finally, you are confused about who is the enemy according to these zealots. Their enemy, going by the overlapping sets of the Malegaon blasts and the Samjhauta Express, is the entire Muslim community. That is an anti-national act, against citizens of India, and that is not an act of international terrorism. It is not an act against Pakistan.

I sincerely hope you get the difference.
Than first of all prove that hafix saeed crossed india and killed indians....its time for pakistan to start declaring RAW a terrorist organisation sponserd by you indians as a state assest against other country or countries on international forums..i want jadhav case to be showed to the world how an indian sponsor terrorist has killed so many people of neighbouring country
Actually it is only $350 million and US won't give the rest until Pentagon chief certifies that US has evidence of action against Haqqanis (which we know US will never do).

Forget the CSF, we will make the Trump pay for fencing we are doing on Afghan border, he should be thankful that we are not building wall witch would have been quite expensive.
Her statement merely warns of the impact on bilateral relations and Pakistan's reputation, that is all. It is up to Pakistan to decide how it wishes to respond as a sovereign nation to best serve its own national interests.
Actually it is only $350 million and US won't give the rest until Pentagon chief certifies that US has evidence of action against Haqqanis (which we know US will never do).
U know usa more than us??? lolz...kid go and take your medicines of today you are not following the doctors prescription.
U know usa more than us??? lolz...kid go and take your medicines today your following the doctors prescription.
i definitely know far more about USA than you, kiddo.

Forget the CSF, we will make the Trump pay for fencing we are doing on Afghan border, he should be thankful that we are not building wall witch would have been quite expensive.
The reality is you won't be getting remaining $350 million just like every recent year.
^Slaves know their master more than anyone

You won't be getting anything at all
[QU. OTE="uzbi aka viper, post: 10046488, member: 144138"]U know usa more than us??? lolz...kid go and take your medicines today your following the doctors prescription.
i definitely know far more about USA than you, kiddo.[/QUOTE]
Than you probably know the f16s?
Usa relation with pakistan in the breakage of soviet union ?
Pakistan is non nato major ally of usa ??
Pakistan role in war on terror?
Pakistan 70 years of relation with usa?

Kidco you have just started developing relations with usa ...and we know usa long ago while you were sitting in the laps of russians and escorting them to your country well known red light areas and procuring defence products on half rates i.e flying coffins
Let them cry... they are crying for the past 70 years... one of the saddest country on the planet..
Pakistan and China build CPEC....indian orphans cry..
Pakistan became a nuclear power...indian slum dogs screamed..
Pakistan arrested their monkey and they cried...
Pakistan wins cricket match and indians cry...
That's their fate... cry day in and day out... their old, young, kids, men, women, in betweens, ... just cry..
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Than first of all prove that hafix saeed crossed india and killed indians....its time for pakistan to start declaring RAW a terrorist organisation sponserd by you indians as a state assest against other country or countries on international forums..i want jadhav case to be showed to the world how an indian sponsor terrorist has killed so many people of neighbouring country

So you think Yadav was a sponsored terrorist who has killed a lot of people?

And you also think that your word is good enough to convince a world that RAW is a terrorist organisation, sponsored by Indians?

The very best of luck to you. None of your earlier formulae worked; maybe this time you'll get lucky.

U know usa more than us??? lolz...kid go and take your medicines of today you are not following the doctors prescription.

Of course, somebody who disagrees with you is juvenile, and also mentally ill, under medication.

Clear and logical, leaving nothing to the imagination.

^Slaves know their master more than anyone

You won't be getting anything at all

We didn't ask for anything. We didn't need to. And, as you will learn from the posts of Viper, you have been the slaves, and you have been the slaves for 70 years now. It is easy to forget, in the noise and clamour of applause for the new master, that you belonged to the camp of those whom you despise.

Strange how the wheel turns around.
As if the Pentagon boys are sitting on tons of alternative options!!!!! They have to put even F-22 in Afganistan flying over Pak not to get outwitted in every turn of the corner by China/Russia axis!!!! And, they also know it too well the Pindi boys are offering their last favors!!!! India needs to come up with something more than succumbing to mere "Kung-fu" kicks!!!!
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India should just assassinate saeeed hafreez.

Just like the burwani terrorist the killed in Kashmir

India needs to act saeed and daewood

Take them out
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