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US calls on Pakistan to arrest recently freed Islamist leader Hafiz Saeed

Although I despise HS and everything he stands for.......... but........ if it gets Trump's panties in a twist, nothing like it. Excellent news.
Funny was when Pakistan got told to allow drone strikes, when Osama was found, when reimbursement funds were frozen and when Pakistan was openly accused of sponsoring terror via the Haquani network. Hilarious will be when Pakistan is added to the global list of state terrorist supporters.
Wake up and smell the coffee.

You've deceived yourselves long enough.
Oh! masterji, instead of worrying for us, you should worry for your country as bjp and its allies are going to start civil war in india in coming years..
Indians be like,

Oh! masterji, instead of worrying for us, you should worry for your country as bjp and its allies are going to start civil war in india in coming years..

You worry me.
Are you telling me this because you yourself can only worry about one thing at a time? I thought that was Gerald Ford. Lyndon B. Johnson said about him," He can't chew gum and fart at the same time."
You worry me.
Are you telling me this because you yourself can only worry about one thing at a time? I thought that was Gerald Ford. Lyndon B. Johnson said about him," He can't chew gum and fart at the same time."
masterji, i dont know what this baby johnson have said.. but seriously we dont need your worries..

and dont feel to worries for us..
  • In a strong statement on the subject, the White House just stopped short of calling Pakistan a state sponsor of terrorism.
  • It also called Saeed a "notorious terrorist" and pointed out that "a clear international consensus" exists regarding Saeed's culpability.

WASHINGTON: The White House on Saturday came down heavily on Pakistanfor the release of its state-coddled Lashkar-e-Taiba terrorist+ Hafiz Saeed, warning that there will be "repercussions for bilateral relations and for Pakistan's global reputation" if he is not immediately re-arrested and prosecuted.

In an extraordinarily strong statement on the subject, the White House just stopped short of calling Pakistan a state sponsor of terrorism+ , saying the country's failure to prosecute or charge Saeed, "sends a deeply troubling message about Pakistan's commitment to combatting international terrorism and belies Pakistani claims that it will not provide sanctuary for terrorists on its soil."

It also called Saeed a "notorious terrorist" and pointed out that "a clear international consensus" exists regarding Saeed's culpability - he was designated by the United Nations under UN Security Council Resolution 1267 in December 2008 and the Department of the Treasury has designated him a Specially Designated Global Terrorist.

"As President Donald Trump's South Asia policy makes clear, the United States seeks a constructive relationship with Pakistan, but expects decisive action against militant and terrorist groups on Pakistani soil that are a threat to the region. The release of Saeed is a step in the wrong direction. The Pakistani government now has an opportunity to demonstrate its seriousness in confronting all forms of terrorism, without distinction, by arresting and charging Hafiz Saeed for his crimes," the White House said.

Coming on the heels of a similar, but less potent statement from the State Department+ , the White House missive suggests President Trump's bare-knuckled style had kicked into action, unconstrained by diplomatic niceties that tie down the Secretary of State. It now remains to be seen if Pakistan will fall in line, and what the White House will do if it does not.

The statement also distances the White House from the US Congress that last week changed a provision in a defense bill that would have required Islamabad to take steps to "significantly disrupt" the activities of both LeT and the Haqqani network. The new version of the bill restricted the requirement only to the Haqqani group, giving the impression Washington was not particularly concerned about LeT, Saeed, and their activities on the eastern front.

Previous administrations handled Pakistan with kid gloves despite compelling evidence of its use of terrorism and terrorist groups to further its policy objective, fearful that Washington did not have sufficient leverage to handle a state that threatens to go rogue when confronted. But by bluntly calling out Pakistan and its terrorist ward, the Trump White House has cornered Islamabad.

masterji, i dont know what this baby johnson have said.. but seriously we dont need your worries..

and dont feel to worries for us..

You are taking an awful lot of time and effort to tell me not to worry. And that is worrying.
Funny was when Pakistan got told to allow drone strikes, when Osama was found, when reimbursement funds were frozen and when Pakistan was openly accused of sponsoring terror via the Haquani network. Hilarious will be when Pakistan is added to the global list of state terrorist supporters.

I believe enough is enough! It is time for actions and not words as nothing works on these darned Pakistani's.

It is time for another surgical strike, India should send a mission to Pakistan to kidnap or eliminate Hafiz Saeed, in a covert operation. I believe Sunny Deol is available these days, that one man army can handle any and all challenges that the Pakistani establishment can throw at him to protect HS.

In the end it will be a win-win for both sides, Bollywood will earn a lot of money and Pakistani's will enjoy the 2 hour entertainment....especially if there is a Sunny Leone item song somewhere in there too.
What the US never mentions is Hafiz tried to donate money to the victims of a hurricane in New york and they put a bounty on his head in return.

What information? He openly asked people like heather to meet him which means he has nothing to hide.
indians consider everyone from Pakistan a terrorist even 4-5 year olds while on the other hand they lionize hindu supremacists have genocidal thoughts and engage in terrorists activities.

The US is losing clout all over the place. LOL at the headline about our “bilateral relations” being in jeopardy after the release. Like as if we have any relations to begin with. These Americans are truly living in a different dimension.

How about now?


US warns of 'damage to bilateral ties, Pakistan’s reputation' over Hafiz Saeed's release
AP November 25, 2017

The White House has called Pakistan's release of Jamaatud Dawa (JuD) leader Hafiz Saeed a “step in the wrong direction” and said a refusal to re-arrest him would damage bilateral ties and Pakistan's reputation around the world.

In a statement on Saturday, White House spokeswoman Sarah Huckabee Sanders said the US “strongly condemns” the release of Hafiz Saeed from house arrest. She urged his “immediate re-arrest and prosecution”.

“Saeed's release, after Pakistan's failure to prosecute or charge him, sends a deeply troubling message about Pakistan's commitment to combatting international terrorism and belies Pakistani claims that it will not provide sanctuary for terrorists on its soil,” she said.

“If Pakistan does not take action to lawfully detain Saeed and charge him for his crimes, its inaction will have repercussions for bilateral relations and for Pakistan's global reputation,” Sanders said.

On Friday, Washington had urged Pakistan to re-arrest Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) leader Hafiz Saeed and charge him with the crimes he was accused of committing.

Saeed was released before dawn on Friday after a three-judge panel in Lahore High Court ended his detention in Lahore. Saeed's spokesman Yahya Mujahid called it a “victory of truth.”

Addressing a sermon at Lahore's Jamia Masjid Al Qadsia a day after walking free, Saeed said he was "fighting for the freedom of Pakistan and Kashmir."

The move outraged both US and Indian authorities.

“India is outraged that a self-confessed and a UN proscribed terrorist is allowed to walk free and continue with his agenda,” Raveesh Kumar, India's foreign ministry spokesman, told reporters at a weekly briefing in New Delhi.

The US can burn in hell. LOL at our reputation worldwide. This is our country and our rules apply.

Trumpland is the last country on the planet that should talk about reputation.

Her statement merely warns of the impact on bilateral relations and Pakistan's reputation, that is all. It is up to Pakistan to decide how it wishes to respond as a sovereign nation to best serve its own national interests.

The decision has been made and Uncle Sam can’t threaten anyone with remarks such s reputation or bilaterial relations LOL
No one gives a hoot about an orange clown in the US. America is a joke.

Funny was when Pakistan got told to allow drone strikes, when Osama was found, when reimbursement funds were frozen and when Pakistan was openly accused of sponsoring terror via the Haquani network. Hilarious will be when Pakistan is added to the global list of state terrorist supporters.

Let me tell you what is even more funny. Daddy America just reimbursed 700 million dollars despite all the accusations LOL Who would reward a nation accused of so many ills? Your American daddy can’t even make up its mind about Pakistan. So much for tough talk and flexing muscles.

Just bring it on instead of handing out cowardly one liners. You got something on your mind? Fvcking bring it on. These lectures are boring.
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