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China, silent on Imran arrest, backs Pakistan Army as ‘defender of stability’

Imran Khan started off as an Army Establishment project to get more free money from the U.S.

He seamlessly morphed into a Juan Guaido-like figure the moment he lost support from the Army Establishment.

Given that he was always loved by all western media the entire time he was in the public spotlight, it's simply crystal clear now what he actually is.

Also, economically, he was a far worse leader than his predecessor.

He printed money with urban residential real estate subsidies of all kinds and stopped work on development.

This is the cause for the hyperinflation that is happening in Pakistan today.

He then tried to take credit for the fruits of the development done by the leader before him.

Anyone who knows how to read economic data can see how Imran Khan was an abjectly terrible leader in every economic respect in comparison to his predecessor.

He showed exactly as bad of a current account deficit curve as the government before his, but made that current account deficit with handouts and money printing and urban residential real estate subsidies instead of the development projects of the government before his.
I heard an opinion in China that Imran has always been supported by Jewish and Western money. He appears to be pro-China but actually pro-US.
Terrorist attacks against Chinese and facilities in Pakistan increased under his administration. Some insiders involved in the construction of China-Pakistan cooperation projects revealed that many cooperation projects were secretly obstructed by the Pakistani government at that time. He wants to privatize some state-owned enterprises jointly owned by China and Pakistan, which is actually confiscating the assets of Chinese companies. And this time the chaos in Pakistan was secretly instigated by Western forces.
China certainly has likes and dislikes for the rulers of Pakistan, but it will not interfere in Pakistan's internal affairs.
They literally lectured FM Bilawal zardari in the most undiplomatic way about getting political stability and house in order in Pakistan!
Chinese are like:-

They literally lectured FM Bilawal zardari in the most undiplomatic way about getting political stability and house in order in Pakistan!
It should be interpreted that they are not amused that the Army Establishment's project to get more free money from the U.S (Imran Khan), has only accomplished the fomenting of a color revolution in Pakistan.
The history of the coup in Pakistan, is that the military takes over for a decade, the economy grows, and then the politicians take over for another decade, all kinds of chaos, and then the military takes over, and then the next cycle

As a result, China has never meddled in Pakistan's internal affairs.

I am sure the Pakistanis would not welcome Chinese meddling in their internal affairs either.

Facts have proved that China is Pakistan's strategic ally, not because Pakistan's internal politics have changed.

The United States likes to cultivate its own proxies in countries, a tactic derived from the old mother, Britain.
Chinese don't overtly comment on internal matters of a another country but I can assure you privately they must have shown their concern.
Absolutely China, Turkey, and Saudi Arabia support current political and military establishment. Bajwa and Imran were the worst leaders we ever had.
I don't know about the situation in KSA and China, but is there any concrete behaviour or official statement that TR is a party to Pakistan's internal affairs? Or do you consider inaction as partiality? There will be historic elections in TR in 3 days. Tension is very high and I don't think Pakistan can be on anyone's agenda right now. (By the way, please do not misinterpret what I wrote, my aim is to understand the point of view and the current situation)
China should not back these Generals and PDM lapdogs of America.

The Chinese people need to know that Imran Khan is the most popular
leader who was kidnapped from the Court by the Army. This is why people
have come out on the streets, if he is released soon then it will end in a civil

Shouldn't the Pakistani people expect the 'leader' of democratic countries condemning the Pak military? It's America's self-assigned role to condemn the arrest and yet they've been silent.

China is quiet because they don't support or comment on another country's internal businesses. Last time some leaked news said China will provide supports to Pakistan to fight against 'foreign influences', the Pak posters on this board went ballistic in protests.
China had a hand in Imran's ousting.
doubtful, but I think China will pull out from CPEC if the Pakistani establishment failed to get rid of IK
I like how nobody was saying this in PDF threads when he was in office.

When in Office
Chinese: We love Imran Khan

When out of office
Chinese: Imran Khan was never a friend of China and was a CIA mole.
took some time figuring him out.
I don't know about the situation in KSA and China, but is there any concrete behaviour or official statement that TR is a party to Pakistan's internal affairs? Or do you consider inaction as partiality? There will be historic elections in TR in 3 days. Tension is very high and I don't think Pakistan can be on anyone's agenda right now. (By the way, please do not misinterpret what I wrote, my aim is to understand the point of view and the current situation)
Sharif brothers and other PML-N members have a personal relationship with AKP from last 15 years.




















Meanwhile IK:

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Last time some leaked news said China will provide supports to Pakistan to fight against 'foreign influences', the Pak posters on this board went ballistic in protests.
foreign invasions by its neighbors (unable to fully stand up to NATO at the present time)
took some time figuring him out.
told you so repeatedly since the end of his 2nd year in power. jumlabaz just as crooked as anyone else but stupid and indiscreet braggart to boot. "mein cheen ko nahin chhorron ga" kia piddi aur kia piddi ka shorba (had ambitions above his station).

send me here send me there I need to make speeches while you get busy and create me a one party or even better one man empire by eradicating all opposition but don't say I asked for it

China will pull out from CPEC if the Pakistani establishment failed to get rid of IK
never coming back. however he has this god complex wherein he'd prefer to burn down the country and rule over the ashes rather than give up his divine right to be the emperor-imam of the world where he, russia and indian imam imran hossien (a youtube preacher) would have defeated the west to establish utopia
I think expecting China to step into our domestic politics is wrong. They should not say anything just the way we would not say anything going on within China etc.

Americans have set a precedence for interfering and saying things about how others run/should run their countries. That isn't the model every other country operates by.
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He’s not corrupt

and because of that . he cannot be bought off or be influenced by outsiders. He must be doing something right if your usual suspects are not rushing to his side.
Doing what homie? Lobbying in America ?

Destroying relations with friendly state?
The way he humiliated Malaysia, turkey, Qatar and even KSA ? All in one go?

The way the man destroyed PIA and caused 2 billion USD loss ?

Even this case you don't seem to understand is linked to Malik Riaz and his 190 million pounds, the British govt handed the Pak ?

Trust me I even got proof of his sister's corruption. Do you know the salai machine was granted hundreds of acres of land in southern Punjab?

That included a few acres of yours truly. I personally went to meet the AC and paid the patwari a visit ... I stopped encroachment physically with my men. Baji machine had sent even drilling machine and tube well setup to install on land that is legally mine.
I think expecting China to step into our domestic politics is wrong. They should not say anything just the way we would not say anything going on within China etc.

Americans have a set up a precedence for interfering and saying things about how others run their countries. That isn't the model every other country operates by.
This, IMO, is the pivotal difference between the US and China.

The US would've used the current situation in Pakistan to engineer a strategically favourable situation, whatever that may look like. China, however, is basically standing aside and is doing its best to not stoke structural instability. However, as the US steps up its pressure against China, I'd expect Beijing to start building its infrastructure for deep political maneuvering.

For China, elevating Pakistan into a credible counter-force against India would be a critically valuable gain. It could potentially remove India as a reliable US ally in the Pacific by (1) distracting New Delhi and (2) steering New Delhi to make more decisions out of self-interest, like trading with Russia, investing in the indigenous defence industry instead of buying from the U.S., etc.

IMO, in 5-10 years, we'll see a genuine pro-China camp in Pakistan across military, political, and business lines. It could be a new political party, or a technocratic gov't, or something else entirely. Even non-Pakistanis can't afford a perpetual circus in Pakistan.
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