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US calls on Pakistan to arrest recently freed Islamist leader Hafiz Saeed

No, they are being favoured by an administration that does not believe in the rule of law, that is steadily subverting our national institutions one by one. The accused persons are far from innocent; the cases against them have not been prosecuted effectively, because that would reveal how far the present government has allowed criminal activity against Indian citizens.

However, your very clever question misses the point: these criminals were not waging war against a neighbouring country. They are the equivalent of your TTP, not of your LeT. There is a difference.

What is the warning about then, in your expert opinion? About the Islamabad traffic lights malfunctioning?

You have an infinite capacity to delude yourselves.

Is there something which is tying Hafiz Saeed directly to 26/11 attacks ? Just as Trump cant be accused of colluding with russians because his associates were in contact with russia, No ?

I guess the attack on Samjhota express train, all the indians died in it. So no attack on Pakistan or Pakistanis. The military Intelligence operative Col Purhoit belongs to an organization who is not involved in Anti Pakistani activities at all. So, Okay, I guess i've to take your word for it that these zealots are not against Pakistan at all.
Is there something which is tying Hafiz Saeed directly to 26/11 attacks ? Just as Trump cant be accused of colluding with russians because his associates were in contact with russia, No ?

Try not to be silly; it is too late in the day to plead innocence.

I guess the attack on Samjhota express train, all the indians died in it. So no attack on Pakistan or Pakistanis. The military Intelligence operative Col Purhoit belongs to an organization who is not involved in Anti Pakistani activities at all. So, Okay, I guess i've to take your word for it that these zealots are not against Pakistan at all.

No, it happened in India, and that is the point. Nobody crossed the border and killed Pakistanis. As for Purohit, he claims that he was worming his way into the confidences of a hostile and terrorist group, on behalf of military intelligence; military intelligence thinks he should have said this before being caught, and should have shared the information with his superiors. So your feverish imagination needs to take this on board and process it, and see what emerges.

Finally, you are confused about who is the enemy according to these zealots. Their enemy, going by the overlapping sets of the Malegaon blasts and the Samjhauta Express, is the entire Muslim community. That is an anti-national act, against citizens of India, and that is not an act of international terrorism. It is not an act against Pakistan.

I sincerely hope you get the difference.
  • In a strong statement on the subject, the White House just stopped short of calling Pakistan a state sponsor of terrorism.
  • It also called Saeed a "notorious terrorist" and pointed out that "a clear international consensus" exists regarding Saeed's culpability.

WASHINGTON: The White House on Saturday came down heavily on Pakistanfor the release of its state-coddled Lashkar-e-Taiba terrorist+ Hafiz Saeed, warning that there will be "repercussions for bilateral relations and for Pakistan's global reputation" if he is not immediately re-arrested and prosecuted.

In an extraordinarily strong statement on the subject, the White House just stopped short of calling Pakistan a state sponsor of terrorism+ , saying the country's failure to prosecute or charge Saeed, "sends a deeply troubling message about Pakistan's commitment to combatting international terrorism and belies Pakistani claims that it will not provide sanctuary for terrorists on its soil."

It also called Saeed a "notorious terrorist" and pointed out that "a clear international consensus" exists regarding Saeed's culpability - he was designated by the United Nations under UN Security Council Resolution 1267 in December 2008 and the Department of the Treasury has designated him a Specially Designated Global Terrorist.

"As President Donald Trump's South Asia policy makes clear, the United States seeks a constructive relationship with Pakistan, but expects decisive action against militant and terrorist groups on Pakistani soil that are a threat to the region. The release of Saeed is a step in the wrong direction. The Pakistani government now has an opportunity to demonstrate its seriousness in confronting all forms of terrorism, without distinction, by arresting and charging Hafiz Saeed for his crimes," the White House said.

Coming on the heels of a similar, but less potent statement from the State Department+ , the White House missive suggests President Trump's bare-knuckled style had kicked into action, unconstrained by diplomatic niceties that tie down the Secretary of State. It now remains to be seen if Pakistan will fall in line, and what the White House will do if it does not.

The statement also distances the White House from the US Congress that last week changed a provision in a defense bill that would have required Islamabad to take steps to "significantly disrupt" the activities of both LeT and the Haqqani network. The new version of the bill restricted the requirement only to the Haqqani group, giving the impression Washington was not particularly concerned about LeT, Saeed, and their activities on the eastern front.

Previous administrations handled Pakistan with kid gloves despite compelling evidence of its use of terrorism and terrorist groups to further its policy objective, fearful that Washington did not have sufficient leverage to handle a state that threatens to go rogue when confronted. But by bluntly calling out Pakistan and its terrorist ward, the Trump White House has cornered Islamabad.


But, Samjhota express blast and malegaon attack culprits are on bail right now. They must be innocents,thats why? right?

Samjhota express blast "culprits" were only able to get "bail" after 09 years in "real jail", not 09 months "guest house" picnic like Hafiz Saeed!!!!!
Will there ever be Repercussions for Hosting BLA Terrorist ? Arming the Al-Nusra ? Transporting ISIS out of Raqqa ? i can go on and the list will be huge .. those who live in Glass houses don't throw stones at others .
sarah KUCKabee's father called for a public execution of julian assange without a fair trial. Hafiz is a citizen of Pakistan and action was taken against him already.Not enough evidence to convict him so what more do they want?

Her statement merely warns of the impact on bilateral relations and Pakistan's reputation, that is all. It is up to Pakistan to decide how it wishes to respond as a sovereign nation to best serve its own national interests.
Another bharat mata, yawn, I thought India can pull of a phantom, but it looks like a big illusion on the part of Indians.
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