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US Bill On Balochistan

Those bastards who bring this statement can't see the human rights voilations in Kashmir, Afganistan, Libya, Iraq, Sudan, Phlistine....This is truly an act of war to intervine the matters of some other country......Now Pakistan must passed a resolution in its Assembly about American presence in this area and openly support Talibans they will learn lesson.
Perhaps we should look to create more provinces/states/districts.... This is the best option left on our table....

Making new provinces i see it as probably another game of personal interests of the politicians. Creating more provinces so that each of children and relatives of the politicians can get provinces or part of it as "inheritance" as the current number of provinces cannot accommodate all of them keeping in view the number of children and relatives of the politicians.

If they cannot work for the interests of the provinces and the nation now what difference will they make even if they increase the number of provinces 3 times. Creating new states will not create new resources. The resources will still remain the same. Only difference will be that the children and relatives of the politicians will "inherit" power or a part of the power in the new provinces (uncrowned kings).
Making new provinces i see it as probably another game of personal interests of the politicians. Creating more provinces so that each of children and relatives of the politicians can get provinces or part of it as "inheritance" as the current number of provinces cannot accommodate all of them keeping in view the number of children and relatives of the politicians.

If they cannot work for the interests of the provinces and the nation now what difference will they make even if they increase the number of provinces 3 times. Creating new states will not create new resources. The resources will still remain the same. Only difference will be that the children and relatives of the politicians will "inherit" power or a part of the power in the new provinces (uncrowned kings).

Well someone has to stand up, including you, me and others here. We can't wait.
I believe there should be a law banning the feudal system. If someone rejects this law then a gun should be pointed over their heads...
Lets say on average there are 1000 people under 1 Sardar. Those same 1000 people will have the opportunity to divide land equally under the law. I guess this will be the only way to make people grow and happy.
The reason why Baluchistan wants to split is because of these sardars. They are the ones who are looking for personal interests. In a nutshell, they want more power. The same problem is seen in other parts of the country. People in Sindh don't give a damn what the Bhuttos did. They are brainwashed and they are slaves. They are told to kiss their feet in every manner of situation.
If we create more provinces, then we should also guarantee that there will be no feudals.. citizens from each area should each get their own part of land in equal size.
this bill reminds me one funny pic:
In the pic, there was a dragon having fire and smoke in the mouth....but when i had close look i saw that actually the a$$ of darogn was set on fire...he was sitting on fire..

chale the kashmir liberate karane ..pata chala balochistan he liberate ho gya..another milestone for Indian Diplomacy.

Ho gaya??? Milestone??? Why you guys post on PDF while smoking Afghan charas? :hitwall:
Not really. Balochistan is not East Pakistan, besides being linked to all three provinces, it lacks a border with India so they cannot harbour terrorists like in 71. Making our job easier in case of a wide spread rebellion. Secondly, the Pakistan Army has already started mass recruiting efforts from the Baloch tribes, this strategy of mass-nationalization was successful in quelling the Sindhudesh insurgency, I fail to see how it will not work in Balochistan. It is only a waiting game and time is on our side.
‎"Hypocrites, to boot": "... that is exactly what the commanders of the Deep State are. Lying; pretending; deceiving even their friends and well-wishers; trying to be too-clever-by-half; and when caught out, donning the robes of martyrs with holier-than-thou looks on their faces. As if butter wouldn’t melt in their mouths...Pervez Musharraff (Establishment's US dogy slave), Kiyani & Pasha Pictured and the Failure Democratic Ghadhari's PPP/ANP Govt.

"Just look back over the years and see the lies and damned lies that we have been told, specially when the country has been led into catastrophes directly because of the Deep State’s own doings.

If it was East Pakistan a half-century ago when that part of our country was treated like a colony and our Bengali compatriots like second and third-class cheap citizens which moved them to hate West Pakistan (and its hapless people), it is Balochistan today where every second week broken and bashed and shot-through-the-heart bodies are dumped, making the Baloch hate the (yes, hapless) Punjabis." Kamran Shafi.

Plz note writer is retired military officer from Punjab: Hypocrites, to boot – The Express Tribune


Noone wants to be friends with Baluchis and Pakthoonis! you cant trust your own brother in Islamabad, Punjab and you expect to trust an alien from another province. Killing, loot, & backstabbing each other in Punjab, who even bothers to engage other aliens of Provinces.

Stop reading Karman Shafi. He is just another member of Pakistan and ISI bashing bandwagon.
Ho gaya??? Milestone??? Why you guys post on PDF while smoking Afghan charas? :hitwall:
Aadat hey..:lol:
They are really forgetting that Khalistan movement is still alive..:butcher: Still Shouting on Balochistan . Typical Indian.
Not really. Balochistan is not East Pakistan, besides being linked to all three provinces, it lacks a border with India so they cannot harbour terrorists like in 71. Making our job easier in case of a wide spread rebellion. Secondly, the Pakistan Army has already started mass recruiting efforts from the Baloch tribes, this strategy of mass-nationalization was successful in quelling the Sindhudesh insurgency, I fail to see how it will not work in Balochistan. It is only a waiting game and time is on our side.
By the way ,its the right time to wake up Khalistanis again. ;)
Not really. Balochistan is not East Pakistan, besides being linked to all three provinces, it lacks a border with India so they cannot harbour terrorists like in 71. Making our job easier in case of a wide spread rebellion. Secondly, the Pakistan Army has already started mass recruiting efforts from the Baloch tribes, this strategy of mass-nationalization was successful in quelling the Sindhudesh insurgency, I fail to see how it will not work in Balochistan. It is only a waiting game and time is on our side.

Comparing everything with East Pakistan is fashion nowadays. Come on TV, cry for missing persons, dead bodies, ask govt to talk to militants and other such blah blah. The fact is any of these thing aren't going to solve this problem. The problem will only be solved by engaging a common native of Baluchistan and improving their living standard. By giving them importance and respect.
Aadat hey..:lol:
They are really forgetting that Khalistan movement is still alive..:butcher: Still Shouting on Balochistan . Typical Indian.

By the way ,its the right time to wake up Khalistanis again. ;)

So waking up a moment in other country will solve all your problems ... huh?
dare to wake up...?. wakeup yourself...:lazy:
Khalistan is a dead moment now.... try it again & find more involvement in Blochistan of RAW... simple maths
Comparing everything with East Pakistan is fashion nowadays. Come on TV, cry for missing persons, dead bodies, ask govt to talk to militants and other such blah blah. The fact is any of these thing aren't going to solve this problem. The problem will only be solved by engaging a common native of Baluchistan and improving their living standard. By giving them importance and respect.

The whole point of this "Media Prong" is to bring about the Balkanization of Pakistan. The only way to resist it is to have faith in the establishment and actually try to validate claims before blindly rallying behind "Anonymous" sources that bring news of terrible abuses in parts of Pakistan be it Central Sindh, South Punjab, Hazara, Potohar, Balochistan, FATA, Gilgit-Baltistan, Azad Kashmir etc. It does not take a fool to see that keeping a campaign of systematic genocide running(as claimed by the media) is impossible.
Haroon criticizes US on intervening into Pakistan's affairs


Pakistan’s permanent representative in United Nations Abdullah Hussain Haroon Sunday regretted US resolution table in Congress.
The permanent representative of Pakistan in criticized the resolution tabled in US Congress by saying that America has not any right to interfere in the internal affairs of Pakistan.

Talking to a private TV channel, he said that only self-reliant Pakistan could remove the disappointment, the country has received from US.

He said he had already indicated during UN Security Council meet two days earlier that the steps taken by West are becoming peril for Islamic countries. The Muslim Ummah should think over it. Now it is approaching to the minds of Muslims that what kind of dirty gamer is being played against them.

He said that the behaviour of USA is inappropriate with Pakistan since long. “I started an endeavor to unite Muslim countries in the United Nations. We should keep in touch with them every moment”, Haroon added.

He said US can do any thing within the limits of America but what it said about Pakistan is absolutely immoral according to UN charter.

Haroon criticizes US on intervening into Pakistan's affairs | The Nation
So waking up a moment in other country will solve all your problems ... huh?
dare to wake up...?. wakeup yourself...:lazy:
Khalistan is a dead moment now.... try it again & find more involvement in Blochistan of RAW... simple maths

You Indians don't want to mess with ISI. Khalistan was supported by Pakistanis for a bit. The Mumbai Attacks, the bombing of Indians embassies in Afghanistan, and the killing Indian soldiers in Kashmir is just the tip of the ice berg. If ISI is ditching NATO out of the region then India is a joke. Go check the rankings. ISI is ranked #1 in the world.

If Indians touch any issue in Pakistan, naturally, revenge is usually taken. You can't expect to walk out of the park that easily.

I see you are a punjabi yourself. People like you living in India don't realize the fact that you are being used in every way. Whether its military, governance, agriculture production, and or for intermarriage for your better looks. Of course you do get money for this and this does make you happy. But the question is, is happiness keeping culture and your language or money? You should remember what Indra Ghandi did to your people. This is not the first time Hindu against you. Just read history and see whether your relations with Hindus good or bad.

So the fact is, Khalistan is not dead. In the U.K and in Canada, the movement is still very strong. In fact, i know a lot of Indian punjabis who consider themselves just Punjabi and not Indian. There are reasons why the want to split. Money makers in India makes them go round.:cheesy:

QUETTA: Balochistan Chief Minister Nawab Aslam Raisani on Saturday strongly condemned resolution moved in the US Congress in support of separatists and termed it interference in Pakistan’s internal affairs and violation of international laws.

He demanded the federal government to protest with the United States in this connection. He has also asked American government to keep anti Pakistan Senators and members of Congress away from such activities.

Expressing his concerns over the said resolution, the chief minister said that the member of US Congress, Dana Rohrabacher who tabled the resolution, was a disputed personality and his anti Pakistan sentiments were not hidden from anyone.

He had filed a bill to stop Pakistan’s assistance in Congress after Abbotabad operation. He also had taken a stand to return wreckage of crashed American helicopter used in the Abbottabad raid.

Raisani said it was the same man who in the early 1990 while supporting Taliban had claimed Taliban were members of an organised morale society and they wanted real progress and terming them terrorist was not correct by any mean.

“He also supported terrorist Mohiuddin in 2007 who was imprisoned in US for his involvement in killing of women and children in Bangladesh.”

“Now the same Republican Congress man has moved a misleading resolution in the House of Representatives about Balochistan situation in which it has been stated that in 1958, 1973 and 2005 resistances were demonstration of people’s opinion against Rule of Islamabad,” said the chief minister.

“Any separation movement in Balochistan is nothing but an adventure for him (Dana Rohrabacher),” said Raisani.

The chief minister said there was an elected and politically representative government in Balochistan which has representation of every area of the province and it has been elected by the people.

He said the resolution moved in the US Congress was not only against sovereignty of Pakistan but it also assailed the mandate of Balochistan people.

He said tabling resolution at a time when presidents of Afghanistan and Iran were attending trilateral conference in Pakistan, was nothing but an attempt to create rift among the countries of the region.

The chief minister urged the federal government to persist with the Iran-Pakistan gas pipeline project and other common projects in energy sector without tolerating any outside interference.
Cmon, there are just 4-7 million people living in Balochistan and most of them Pashtuns. LOL, the people involved in this movement don't have the man power! Obviously we should help these people achieve what they want other than splitting. I sort of consider this thing overhyped. What is the aU.S Bill going to do? they davit achieved any thing in the past inside ruling countries. Once Pak army is done its job in the tribal areas, they can move in the Baloch region, looking for Indians, Israelites, and Americans violating our sovereignty.
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