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US Bill On Balochistan

But decision makes in last 10-12 years have already changed twice.. Its just that under military, things were hushed up and in a democracy they are pretty visible. Things in Pakistan wrt WOT havent changed much from the days of "Either you are with us or against us" threat from USA

i think you dont want to understand-
By blocking NATO supply lines whats the message going across?- We are with them?-
By making a Natural Gas deal with Iran?- What is the message going across?- We are with them?-
ISI playing rouge- we hv been in negotiations with talibans long before amrika realized-
These all things goes against amrika- still you put us in the same position as early as just after of 9/11-
Jon bhai the sad fact/thing is Pakistan made wrong choices ,it always fent for the easy choice rather than the good one , its too late to change them now ...if according to Pakistani youth ..imran will come & solve all there problem's with a little HELP from Freind's ...well think again cause nobody in the world likes to have a freind who blackmails you every time by putting a gun on his own head ...that said every relationship is based on mutual interests....what has pakistan to offer other than its location & if god forbit amaricans get there way do you think friends will help you??????????cause it will be much much easier for freinds to work with US than Pakistan...Think?????????

Thats the biggest misconception you indians have about Pakistan-
Tell me what india had to offer when it was on brink of getting bankrupt?-
Did the offering fell from the sky later?-
What you did- was not unusual- it was just to keep your house straight- and every thing else follows--

and about Friends- There is always an option to go for the other rising block- No need to worry-
may be you have a different meaning of genocide altogether.

i don't understand why you talkin about India my friend ? its not the topic of this thread. you've been here for a long time- you are expected to know it.

and i knew i don't NEED to make you fool. you proved it again.

I don't have a different meaning. As I said before I believe in the obvious meaning of this word. I am not a troll from India hence cannot force the "genocide" word to Baluchistan. About fool part you know better, I won't debate on it with you. Since you are yourself a .... and who knows better than you. :lol:
Relax, this is same way, US was continued to harrass on Pakistan regarding North Waziristan, painting them a Al Qaeda house, and pressure them to attack, and demand Army during 2007-2011 !!

Now, it is silence, US is now using different tools to use Balouchistan after we shut border close, vacate Shamsa Air base, dealing with Iran's pipelines, and Afghanistan meetings alone without US involved.

I think, Hina Khar's response is good enough to nail it...let me highlights and bold important parts...

Hina Khar condemns US Balochistan resolution


ISLAMABAD: Foreign Minister Hina Rabbani Khar condemned a resolution introduced by a US lawmaker calling for self-determination in Balochistan, SAMAA reported on Saturday.

The minister described the resolution as a violation of international laws set by the United Nations.

“It was aimed to create distrust between the peoples of the two countries,” she said in a statement.

Earlier, Pakistan’s Foreign Office protested against the US move and refused the bill, terming it violation of international laws.

“The resolution is based on Ignorance and lack of understanding. This would be taken as clear interference in Pakistan’s internal affairs,” the foreign office spokesman said in his reaction.

He warned the US authorities against any irresponsible step, asserting that such acts would not be tolerated.

Meanwhile, State Department spokesperson Victoria Nuland said “US has no intension to interfere in Pakistan’s affairs.

In a briefing to newsmen in Washington, she said US had concerns over Pakistan-Iran-Afghanistan gas pipe line project. SAMAA

---------- Post added at 02:31 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:28 PM ----------

Pak angry over Balochistan resolution in US Congress

Pakistan's top leadership reacted angrily today to a resolution introduced in the US Congress seeking the right to self-determination for Baloch people, with Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani describing the move as an attack on the country's sovereignty.

Gilani condemned the resolution moved in the US House of Representatives by Congressman Dana Rohrabacher yesterday.

Talking to reporters on the sidelines of a function in Karachi Port, he said, "We condemn it as it is against our sovereignty."

In a statement, Foreign Minister Hina Rabbani Khar took strong exception to the resolution on Balochistan, which has witnessed a spike in violence by nationalist groups that are seeking greater autonomy and a say in the exploitation of the southwestern province's abundant natural resources, including minerals and gas.

Khar said though the resolution was an isolated move by a few individuals, it was contrary to the principles of the UN Charter and international law.

"The resolution was also against the very fundamentals of the longstanding Pakistan-US relations," she said.

She pointed out that Pakistan's National Assembly or lower house of parliament had unanimously adopted a resolution condemning a recent hearing on Balochistan by the US Foreign Affairs Sub-Committee on Oversight and Investigations.

The National Assembly resolution had "clearly represented the legitimate reaction of the people of Pakistan," she said.

Khar described Rohrabacher's resolution as "an unfriendly and irresponsible attempt by a few individuals in Washington" to create distrust between the people of the US and Pakistan.

Khar said she hoped this tendentious move would not be allowed to get through the US House of Representatives by a vast majority of Congressmen who continued to support friendly relations between the two countries.

Information Minister Firdous Ashiq Awan described the resolution as part of a dirty conspiracy.

She told reporters that Islamabad had been expecting such moves after hosting a trilateral summit with Afghanistan and Iran.

In a separate statement, Foreign Office spokesperson Abdul Basit said Rohrabacher's resolution on Balochistan was "a highly irresponsible move and a sheer violation international laws".

"The resolution was based on poor information and ignorance,"
he said.

Rohrabacher's motion, which was co-sponsored by Congressmen Louie Gohmert and Steve King, highlighted Balochistan's troubled relations with the federal government after the creation of Pakistan.

It said revolts in the province in 1958, 1973 and 2005 indicate continued popular discontent against Islamabad's rule, and the plunder of its vast natural wealth while the province remains the poorest in the country.

The resolution further said that the people of Balochistan have the right to self-determination and to their own sovereign country.

Prime Minister Gilani flays US resolution on Balochistan


Islamabad: Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani on Saturday said that the US Congress resolution on Balochistan issue is against of Pakistan’s sovereignty.

He was talking to media on Friday. Answering a question regarding Dr Shakil Afridi, Gilani said that the issue would be dealt according to Pakistani law.

He said that Nato supply routes were closed and Shamsi Airbase was vacated by the government in the national interests.

To a question regarding Pak-Iran gas dead, the prime minister said the gas pipe line agreement would be implement. He said that Pakistan sought good relations with neighbours, including Iran, India, Afghanistan and China as it was imperative for regional stability.

Replying a query, he said he couldn’t do anything if anyone declared him political martyr.

Gilani directed Sindh Chief Minister Qaim Ali Shah to improve law and order situation in the province.


anyone pink clothes?
i fully agree with your assesment , but the thing is not many in your country (people who's opinion matter's) want to beleve the gravity of this situation cause to them there own interests(personal) are imp than anything else + to add to the misery of balochistan they have very easily made there people beleve that all this happening cause of conspiracy by others.

Then those whose opinion is being subdued should stand up..voice their concerns.
As those who have vested interests will ditch and run at the last minute crying "I will not preside over the destruction of Quaid's Pakistan" and settle in mansions abroad.
otherwise they'll see a repeat of 71 where shock and disbelief took over people.
I fully support Pakistan on this issue, US has no locus standi on this issue. My Pakistani bro, do not take it seriously nothing happening.
I fully support Pakistan on this issue, US has no locus standi on this issue. My Pakistani bro, do not take it seriously nothing happening.

Thank you for your support...
your intelligence services do not seem to share that viewpoint.

The US may not have a locus standi here..
but then what was the locus standi when it came to Iraq or Iran.. or Libya?
Any form of evidence can be found or "generated" to create one.
The idea is to make sure that no more evidence is found.. all that is generated will automatically wither away.
Thank you for your support...
your intelligence services do not seem to share that viewpoint.

The US may not have a locus standi here..
but then what was the locus standi when it came to Iraq or Iran.. or Libya?
Any form of evidence can be found or "generated" to create one.
The idea is to make sure that no more evidence is found.. all that is generated will automatically wither away.

That could be just your assumption, I know MMS wants good relation with Pakistan. We want good relationship with Pakistan, I was happy when Musharraf was doing it last time. I see that we are moving in that direction again. I fully support friendly relationship with Pakistan.
Thank you for your support...
your intelligence services do not seem to share that viewpoint.

The US may not have a locus standi here..
but then what was the locus standi when it came to Iraq or Iran.. or Libya?
Any form of evidence can be found or "generated" to create one.
The idea is to make sure that no more evidence is found.. all that is generated will automatically wither away.

RAW setup was dismantle way back during Third front Govt....

Why don't you put some evidence before making unsubstantial allegation ?
“Stick it to the Pakistanis”

Eddie Walsh 5 hours ago

“I concluded that it wasn’t about human rights. Rather, it seemed that the people behind this hearing were pandering to diaspora politics just to tick off the Pakistanis at a time when the United States is trying to repair its tattered relationship with Pakistan,” witness Dr. C. Christine Fair said.

In the days before last week’s Congressional hearing on Balochistan, Dr C. Christine Fair, an Assistant Professor at Georgetown University, was extremely critical of the proceedings, going so far as to call the hearing a “political stunt” and one of her fellow witnesses a “nut” in a series of Twitter exchanges.

At the time, Fair did not elaborate on what drove her to so publicly rebuke the hearing. It is only now that she is ready to set the record straight in defence of her statements amid what she calls “considerable harassment from some vocal members of the Baloch diaspora.”

The “stunt” heard round the world

According to Fair, her “political stunt” comment was prompted by a call from a sub-committee staff member. Fair had contacted him to solicit guidance for her upcoming testimony. In the course of their conversation, the staffer explained “we want to stick it to the Pakistanis.” The staffer further elaborated that the Pakistanis had been “killing our troops for ten years in Afghanistan.”

In Fair’s words, while she understood and even shared this person’s views on Pakistan’s relations with the United States over the past decade, this comment about the hearing made her “feel really uncomfortable about being roped into something that I would call a stunt. So, I wanted to make my position publicly known.”

Looking back on the comment, Fair is unapologetic: “Prior to accepting the request to serve as a witness, I was told this was a hearing about human rights violations and other issues needed to understand the various crises in Balochistan. But, based upon that brief phone conversation, I concluded that it wasn’t about human rights. Rather, it seemed that the people behind this hearing were pandering to diaspora politics just to tick off the Pakistanis at a time when the United States is trying to repair its tattered relationship with Pakistan.”

Fair’s comments did not go unnoticed. Elements of the Baloch diaspora, who Fair called “a bunch of extremists,” took extreme exception to the comments, especially on Twitter. In her words, they then “subjected me to an array of bullying and obnoxious assaults, many of which also tagged Congressman (Dana) Rohrabacher (R – CA).”

This avalanche of tweets protesting Fair’s participation in the hearing ultimately brought the matter to Rohrabacher’s office. On the Monday prior to the hearing, the staff member who had been coordinating with Fair reached out to her again to convey his displeasure: “He called to take a piece out of my hide. I requested that he explain to the Congressperson why I called the hearing a stunt, namely this staffer’s explanation that they wanted to stick it to the Pakistanis.” However, in her assessment, the staffer “did not have the testicular fortitude to explain the comment to Rohrabacher.”

A “nut” by any other name

Fair’s characterisation of Ralph Peters, a fellow witness, as a “nut” also rankled many proponents of Baloch interests, including at least one staff member affiliated with the hearing. According to Fair, during the aforementioned phone call, the angered Congressional staff member explained that he was taken aback that Fair dismissed Peters as a nut. He added that he had never previously experienced one witness attacking another before the hearing.

In recounting that exchange, Fair remains vivacious in her defence. She points out that she actually called Peters “a certified, flipping nut because only a nut would advocate the dismembering of a sovereign state based upon the views of one community in a province.” She then explains the reasoning for her steadfast opposition to Peters: “If this Congressional subcommittee remotely intended to try to use the hearing to put pressure on Pakistan for its human rights record in Balochistan, they should not have included someone who calls for the halving of their country.”

Biting the hand that invites you

Fair acknowledges that her comments were the impetus for the uncomfortable exchange with Rohrabacher at the hearing’s conclusion. Rohrabacher, who looked her straight in the eye and explained “this was not a stunt,” appeared perturbed by her pre-hearing comments. He therefore, used the hearing as the forum to issue his rebuttal.

While Fair admits that she “might not be invited back to give testimony again,” she does not regret her actions. From her perspective, she needed to signal her concerns because “this was a hearing designed by a collection of guys – and possibly a woman or two – who share a strategic image of how the Afghanistan and Pakistan postures should interrelate. While they reflect the general frustration in Congress with Pakistan taking US money and supporting terrorism, their views about dismembering Pakistan do not reflect the larger sentiment in Congress on Pakistan. Their statements struck me as incredibly provocative, did nothing to advance human rights in Balochistan, and made a US-Pakistan rapprochement much more difficult.”

Fair also notes that Congressmen Rohrabacher and Louie Gohmert (R – TX) bear significant responsibility for undermining the hearing before it was ever held. She points to the Congressmen’s pre-hearing OpEd, which suggested the United States should openly support an independent Balochistan, as setting the wrong tone for a hearing purportedly on human rights.

Eddie Walsh is a senior foreign correspondent who covers Africa and Asia-Pacific. He also is a non-resident fellow at Pacific Forum CSIS. Follow him on Twitter here.

RAW setup was dismantle way back during Third front Govt....

Why don't you put some evidence before making unsubstantial allegation ?

What evidence can you offer to the contrary?
Or what evidence do you have on foreign hands in the maoist insurgency?
Will you bring the guys who fight maoists to testify online via skype or something?
RAW is very active.. I am an eyewitness to their handywork...
To the extent that a massive scandal may have erupted in the PAF if not for the MI.
RAW setup was dismantle way back during Third front Govt....

Why don't you put some evidence before making unsubstantial allegation ?

As if you have provided any evidence for your claim.
What evidence can you offer to the contrary?
Or what evidence do you have on foreign hands in the maoist insurgency?
Will you bring the guys who fight maoists to testify online via skype or something?

RAW is very active.. I am an eyewitness to their handywork...
To the extent that a massive scandal may have erupted in the PAF if not for the MI.

That is very naive of you....you are just not justifying your stance of having evidence of indian involvement.

I still remember the infamous press conference of Sm krishna with your foreign minister in pakistan where he literally mocked pakistan when he said forget about any credible evidence provide us any evidence of India involvement in Balouchistan and your foreign minister was looking left and right... We are not gonna but the argument of "Right Time" make us sleepy.

When you make hue and cry about kashmir all the time why not about terrorism in Baluchistan ?
When you make hue and cry about kashmir all the time why not about terrorism in Baluchistan ?
Apparently you never see the news.. it is happening.
You cannot prove there is no involvement from your house.. I cannot prove there isnt..
So I can make my statement.. you can yours.
Your country is fomenting terror in Balochistan the same way we did to you in Kashmir.

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