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US Bill On Balochistan

Nothing will happen yaar. Why would we do that. That's too inhumane imo.

No, when it comes to Pakistan, i'm damn right about it. Pakistan is the heart of Middle East which is holding every thing in it's right place and all four provinces are like four chambers of a heart and if someone tries to isolate one part (for instance, Baluchistan) or
if they try to damage one part of it, it will affect the whole body, not just that region of the heart. I hope you get my point friend
We have nuclear weapons for the defence of Pakistan. We're not provoking anyone, however the message should be sent that we will not be tolerating any bull ****.

No, when it comes to Pakistan, i'm damn right about it. Pakistan is the heart of Middle East which is holding every thing in it's right place and all four provinces are like four chambers of a heart and if someone tries to isolate one part (for instance, Baluchistan) or
if they try to damage one part of it, it will affect the whole body, not just that region of the heart. I hope you get my point friend

Yeha I know. But nothing is going to happen. The bill isn't going to be passed. And Indian bacha party will troll for one day or two on it. Yeah obviously if needed we would use everything we have in our arsenal for our defense. But again is still too far fetched that anything like this will happen.

---------- Post added at 02:57 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:56 PM ----------

being happy for nothing. most Patriotic Indians are Sikh in the country. (0% Indian population don't even know that there is something called Khalistan movement. Pakistan minus balochistan seems to know a lot about khalistan than India.

but I dont blame you, being a citizen of pakistan minus balochistan it is expected from you!!

Looks like you are fed up with this account on PDF that's why why want to get it banned. Idiot. :disagree:

Pakistan minus Balochistan. By saying word Pakistan you have already added Balochistan in it. #Fool :rofl:
well freinds , the thing is unkiljee wants the pie(trade & oil corridors from arabian sea to europe through CAR's) now the thing is unkil is not alone, more so pakistanies (regeme...feuadl elite+millitarry) wants a piece of the pie....but but but...deu to there wrong decissions in the past control of this area is not there hand any more + china is also a big factor(which wants to keep unkil+bachha party out of it) now that unkil dosent trusts + cannot control pakistani regeme they want to do what british use to do ...and if that happens then what can Pakistany regeme do about it.......??????
Wow! Things are getting more interesting now. On one hand U.S shows its concerns about Difa-e-Pakistan Rallies and on other hand they are again back stabbing us.. Gud Going man!:enjoy: Lets see How much this disease effect them? :pop:

Watch at 35 minutes.

This should be a message to all Pakistanis that Indians are eternal enemies. These jokers burn at the thought that we rejected them and will not stop this obsessive tirade against Pakistan. So for all you Pakistanis that want to be friends with them and watch Bollywood, you should just go and shoot yourselves. India must be taken care of.
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Watch at 35 minutes.

This should be a message to all Pakistanis that Indians are eternal enemies. These jokers burn at the thought that we rejected them and will not stop this obsessive tirade against Pakistan. So for all you Pakistanis that want to be friends with them and watch Bollywood, you should just go and shoot yourselves. India must be taken care of.

would love to see how you do it:rolleyes:
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Watch at 35 minutes.

This should be a message to all Pakistanis that Indians are eternal enemies. These jokers burn at the thought that we rejected them and will not stop this obsessive tirade against Pakistan. So for all you Pakistanis that want to be friends with them and watch Bollywood, you should just go and shoot yourselves. India must be taken care of.

why don't you say..US is our eternal enemy as they are moving this bill ? :tongue:
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Mods, close this thread because everyone is getting false hope whether be American, Indian or Pakistani. Nothing will happen to Baluchistan. It will always be intact with Pakistan. Period!
Mods, close this thread because everyone is getting false hope whether be American, Indian or Pakistani. Nothing will happen to Baluchistan. It will always be intact with Pakistan. Period!

Nothing will happen to Baluchistan, however it is very important to observe the character of the Bhartis on this thread. I hope every Pakistani here takes a good look.
wow so much frustration:alcoholic:

Not at all. From the video I posted you can clearly see the intentions of Bharatis. I was one for peace, but you guys seem to like provoking Pakistan. Anyway I just want every Pakistani to see the nature of the Bharatis here.
They had a "discussion" and then a "resolution". US is pushing hard on Pakistan, the ground under their feet is slipping quickly in Afghanistan, NATO remains equally incompetent. Aside from a preferred political emphasis in Blochistan, Pakistan should try to broker between Karzai and Taliban in Afghanistan for a shared government and thus pave a clear way for America out of Afghanistan. It is notable that if US loses out of Pak-Af-Ir , it jeopardizes ME interests and thus cant be substituted by its presence even in India since US already has ample presence in the region. That's why we mostly see the recent serge in Indo-US relationship to be mostly salesman-customer one. I sincerely hope US policymakers would also be mindful of implications of losing this important playground of Central Asia.
'US Congressman's Balochistan resolution ill-informed, unacceptable'

WASHINGTON: Reacting strongly to a US Congressman’s introduction of a resolution on Balochistan, the Pakistani Embassy rejected the move as “ill-informed and unacceptable”.

“We reject this ill-informed move and the Congressman’s misplaced concern on Balochistan, which is a part of the Pakistani Federation,” the Embassy said, commenting on Representative Dana Rohrabacher’s move in the House on the rights of the people of Balochistan.

A statement issued by the Embassy reminded sponsors of the move that Balochistan has a “directly elected provincial assembly of its own and has due representation in the National Assembly and the Senate of Pakistan.”

“The resolution seeks to cast doubt on the territorial integrity of a member of the United Nations and a friend of the United States, and is totally unacceptable.”

The Pakistani Embassy made it clear that “Balochistan’s affairs and issues are an internal matter of Pakistan, and it is for the people of Pakistan and our democratic institutions to address these [issues].”

“We would advise those behind this resolution to reserve their concern and solicitude for problems closer to home. Needless to say, provocations such as these will seriously impact the Pakistan-US relations. We value this relationship but not at the cost of our dignity, sovereignty and territorial integrity,” the Embassy statement added.

‘US Congressman’s Balochistan resolution ill-informed, unacceptable’ – The Express Tribune
its really sad what pakistan army is doing in Balochistan. now the genocide has got the attention from the international arena. this genocide is no different from the one committee by the same pakistan army in Bengal during the last years of 60's and the beginning of 70's. Bengali were lucky that the Indian government interfered and got them freedom. may be this time US will play the angel role for the people of Balochistan. i hope the people of Balochistan get their right of self determination. world should look into this matter very seriously.

Their is no genocide. Not according to the literal meanings of the word "genocide". Stop trolling just because you are an Indian you are supposed to do so. You can't fool anyone here.

---------- Post added at 06:38 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:37 PM ----------

Boring but informative

Pakistan Vs. Balochistan

Malik Siraj Akbar: Pakistan Vs. Balochistan

First ask Malik Siraj Akbar to come to Baluchistan then write rants like this one. Oh I forgot the loser has ran to America to save his ***.
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