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US believes Russian President Vladimir Putin has decided to invade Ukraine

Russia announces troop withdrawal​

Published: 15 Feb 2022 | 09:18 GMT

Military hardware takes part in the joint military drills between Belarus and Russia, at the military training ground in Belarus. © Sputnik/Russian Defence Ministry

Forces have already begun preparing for withdrawal, the Ministry of Defense has announced

Russian troops have completed their training drills in Belarus, close to neighboring Ukraine, and will begin returning to their places of regular deployment, the Ministry of Defense in Moscow has announced amid fears in the West that the exercises could have been a precursor to an invasion.
Major General Igor Konashenkov, the chief spokesperson for the ministry, delivered the news in a video released by military chiefs on Tuesday.

“As the forces complete their military exercises, they will, as always, complete a multimodal march back to their permanent bases,” Konashenkov stated. “The divisions of the South and West Military Districts have finished their tasks and have already begun loading the rail and automobile transport, and today will begin moving back to their military garrisons.”

He explained that different divisions would be moving separately in military columns. Video clips released by officials also showed armor being loaded onto railway carriages to return home.

Russia began conducting the joint “Union Resolve” drills with Belarus last week, and they are scheduled to last until February 20. According to a statement from Moscow, the exercises are designed to test and develop the two nations’ abilities to “halt and repel foreign aggression” and will involve ground forces, heavy equipment such as tanks, and air force maneuvers.

Western leaders have been voicing fears for months that Russia could be planning a full-blown invasion of Ukraine, and have pointed to reports of a troop buildup on the two countries’ shared border, as well as the exercises in Belarus, as signs of aggressive intentions. Moscow has consistently denied that it plans to attack, and has called for security agreements that would limit the activity of NATO, the US-led military bloc, in Eastern Europe.

Last Wednesday, White House spokesperson Jen Psaki called the drills “concerning,” but said that she would not make any predictions about their significance regarding a potential invasion. US President Joe Biden has previously warned that Moscow could order an offensive at any moment.


So much for America saying that the invasion of Ukraine would take place "Any Day Now". The bumbling buffoons sitting in Washington DC and London, must be biting on their wagging tails, like rabid dogs, today!!
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So much for America saying that the invasion of Ukraine would take place "Any Day Now". The bumbling buffoons sitting in Washington DC and London, must be biting on their wagging tails, like rabid dogs, today!!

I could have almost betted on a false flag but done by America/UK to start a war in Ukraine. Both, especially America, would be safe thousands of miles away and UK too has some distance from the conflict and its repercussions. I hope any European reading this would try to breakaway from the Neocon led war-mongering world order.
PS. One of the most vocal voices against the Biden-led belligerency against Russia/Ukraine is surprisingly Fox News' Tucker Carson! I have hated this guy but he is attracting a large audience and respect for his views about the US policy in Ukraine; and he is not shy to criticize Republicans too on Ukraine.
I could have almost betted on a false flag but done by America/UK to start a war in Ukraine. Both, especially America, would be safe thousands of miles away and UK too has some distance from the conflict and its repercussions.

Although there was a sense of something like a false flag, black ops flying in the air. What it seems to have turned to be, is a Modi Circus! A term I've coined in light of what India perpetrated back in February 2019. To win elections on the home front, start an international conflict, that may or may not lead to war.

The two idiots, sitting in Washington DC and London, have been taking hit after hit on the political landscape. Both Biden and Boris' ratings have been plummeting at steady pace, over the last couple of years. To top it off, America's image amongst its allies has been degrading steadily after the debacle in Afghanistan. Plus NATO's reputation too has taken a nose dive amongst America's allies.

So this "Modi Circus" was orchestrated by Modi's two lovely friends, Biden and Boris!
repentance of Jews
more like ultimate destruction of all jews

There is a reason behind it, Evangelical Christian dominate US establishment and vote bank. Their beliefs revolves around restoration of Israel, return of Jesus and repentance of Jews.

Muslim Arabs are the villain of mid-East and Russian (empire) their final end of times nemesis.

So just like Iranian Ayatollahs are waging proxy war to take hold of two holy mosque, to fulfill their version of end of time return of medhi. Or mullah indoctrinating masses about “yahoodi
Shazih “ in Pakistan. Similarly, these US govt policies have religious connotation.
the two mosque would be taken by Imam Mahdi , not us or our so called proxy warfare
It's a good news the Russian descalation.

Now it's time to NATO send back to home tropps in East Europe countries deployed last weeks, like in Poland.
The US and UK War-Monger-Maniacs must be very disappointed that the WORLD IS NOT AT A WAR AND HUMANITY IS NOT GETTING BUTCHERED AND SLAUGHTERED !!!
Like I said there is going to be no invasion. All this is shadow play suits both parties. Putin can play the strong man for the Nostalgic Russians who can feel the distant echoes of a powerful Soviet Union. Elections are also due with Putin's poll numbers which were on a downward trajectory
NATO can unite the fissiparous allies and bring then into a coherent body by inflating an imagined immanent invasion and a Russian bogey threatening Europe. It also helps Biden look more like a US president. Boris desperately needs a distraction before the Met finally nails him and he becomes another PM forced to resign. Ukraine leadership also consolidates its power by appearing to stand up to a bully about to invade.

Well summarized.
Hamaara tau kuchh na kuchh faeda he ho ga. :lol:
Dekhna para ga ... we buy parts for our armored divs from Ukraine. Turkey is in between hard and rock place. They buy air defence from Russia and buy engines etc for their latest UAV from Ukraine. Place Ukraine-Russian border is a deep freezer, we have nothing to offer except blankets.

Two artillery shells hit Russian territory, Moscow claims​

Published: 19 Feb 2022 | 16:22 GMT

A photograph released by Russian officials purporting to show the remains of a shell that exploded in Rostov region, near the border with the Donbass.

The claims come amid warnings of fierce fighting in the nearby Donbass region

Two explosions reported on the Russian side of the border with Ukraine were the result of incoming artillery shells, officials have claimed, amid an escalating military stand-off across the border in the Donbass.
In a statement issued on Saturday, the FSB security service in the southern Rostov Region said that local border guard officials had recorded “ammunition strikes” near two rural settlements.

“One of the shells exploded two kilometers from the Russian-Ukrainian border on the outskirts of the village of Mityakinskaya,” authorities said. “Another shell destroyed an outbuilding on the ground of a private home in the Manotsky farming community.” No injuries have been reported, and a criminal investigation is said to be underway.

While officials have not yet publicly declared who they believe to be responsible for the alleged incidents, Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmitry Kuleba has insisted they had nothing to do with Kiev’s armed forces. “We resolutely refute all accusations of any alleged Ukrainian shells falling on Russian territory,” he wrote on Twitter. “Ukraine has never opened any such fire. We call for an immediate and impartial international investigation of the incidents reported by Russian media.” Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has also cast doubt on the news.

In a statement issued earlier the same day, Russia’s Investigative Committee announced that a criminal probe into the incident would be opened and that a “thorough and comprehensive investigation into the circumstances” is underway.

Speaking to RIA Novosti, an unnamed law enforcement source claimed that the remains of a shell from a Soviet-era BM-21 Grad rocket launcher have been identified at one of the purported blast sites. The weapons system is believed to be used by both Ukraine’s armed forces and troops loyal to the two breakaway Donbass regions.

Officials in the self-declared Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics and officials in Kiev have both reported heavy shelling on either side of the contact line in the war-torn east of the country, accusing each other of escalating the tense military standoff. On Friday, rebel leaders declared that they believed Ukraine was set to order a military offensive designed to retake the two regions, which declared their autonomy after the country’s government was ousted by violent street protests in 2014.

The head of the Donetsk region, Denis Pushilin, called on “all men capable of carrying arms” to sign up for military service and help to “hold off Kiev’s aggression.” However, a number of media outlets have since reported that the metadata on two videos, one from Pushilin and one from his counterpart in Lugansk, warning of a recent escalation in hostilities indicated that they may have been recorded two days in advance.

Alexey Danilov, the secretary of Ukraine’s’ National Security and Defense Council, denied on Friday that Kiev was planning to attack the DPR and LPR. “There is an attempt to provoke our forces,” he claimed, adding that Ukrainian troops “can only open fire if there will be a threat to the lives of our service members.”

In a statement issued shortly after the evacuation order, Kiev’s Foreign Ministry said that “allegations that the Ukrainian authorities allegedly intend to launch an offensive in the temporarily occupied territories of Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts are untrue.”

On Saturday, US President Joe Biden claimed that Washington has “every indication” that Russia is “prepared to go into Ukraine, attack Ukraine.” The warning is the latest in a series of Western leaders insisting that Moscow could be on the verge of ordering a full-blown invasion of its neighbor. The Kremlin has consistently rejected the allegations, claiming American and British intelligence reports that it is preparing a ‘false flag’ attack as a pretext for war are “hysteria.”

Speaking on Friday, Russian President Vladimir Putin again called for a diplomatic solution to the growing crisis. “All Kiev needs to do is sit down at the negotiating table with representatives of the Donbass and agree on political, military, economic, and humanitarian measures to end this conflict. The sooner this happens, the better,” Putin said.

Ukrainian minister, MPs, and journalists come under fire in Donbass – Kiev​

Published: 19 Feb 2022 | 16:24 GMT

Ukrainian minister, MPs, and journalists come under fire in Donbass – Kiev

© Getty Images / Anadolu Agency / Contributor

‘Miraculously, no one was hurt,’ the interior minister’s adviser has said
Ukrainian Interior Minister Denis Monastyrsky, along with a group of lawmakers and 25 foreign journalists, has come under fire in Donbass, Anton Gerashchenko, an adviser to the interior minister, said on Saturday.

Minister of Internal Affairs Denis Monastyrsky, a group of MPs, as well as 25 foreign journalists have just been shelled,” Gerashchenko wrote on Facebook.
The alleged incident took place near the village of Novoluganskoe in the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic.

Miraculously, no one was hurt,” Gerashchenko said, adding that reporters from CNN, Fox News, the Washington Post, the New York Times, and Voice of America had the chance to see for themselves “who was actually preparing for an attack on peaceful Ukraine.”

Ukraine has been accusing Russia of seeking to create a pretext for an invasion. Moscow has categorically denied the allegations. On Friday, the breakaway regions of Donetsk and Lugansk announced the urgent evacuation of civilians to Russia, citing fears of the imminent threat of a “breakthrough” by Ukrainian forces, which Kiev also denies.

In view of your age, let me remind you of a common sense:
For countries like Russia that have been sanctioned by many countries, you should refer to Russia's PPP instead of GDP.
Russia's PPP ranks fifth in the world, second only to China, USA, India and Japan.
Russia economy is about of Spain.

I don’t know what Putin has in mind but what he does is totally worthless. Ukraine now hates Russia than ever. Neutral countries as Sweden and Finland now consider joining the NATO. They think Russia is dangerous and unpredictable. Putin lowers Russia to the same level as Kim’s North Korea.
Russia economy is about of Spain.

I don’t know what Putin has in mind but what he does is totally worthless. Ukraine now hates Russia than ever. Neutral countries as Sweden and Finland now consider joining the NATO. They think Russia is dangerous and unpredictable. Putin lowers Russia to the same level as Kim’s North Korea.

Russia is a military power than an economic power. So yea it is not "worthless".
Never underestimate the Russians, yes they were defeated in Cold war but they give America run for their money, they are determined and intelligent people its just they are not doing doing well financially thanks to US sanctions, US knows what Russia is capable of once their economy shoots up, give Russians economy like China and they will be on par with Americans.
Now as for Arab spring, I did not mean exactly like Arab Spring of course, it will be a similar tactic that can be used, first Russians will try to get hold of Ukraine and Belarus where they have a decent Influence and people that they can use, once these two countries are within Russian influence then they can move forward, and Europe's own internal problems will be a key factor in determining what will happen to the remaining Eastern EU'en countries.

I agree that there is a strong resentment for Russians and how Russians are ruled by their Autocratic leader, but thing is that since the Migration crisis in EU has kicked in, the EU has seen a huge influx of far right movements who are not very fond of Democratic rules, sooner or later you will see few EU nations falling for the Far right movements and bring a leader which is going to damage the democratic system in its country, and it might even cause the domino effect as US feared in the times of cold war, US the largest Democracy was attacked and almost gone at 6th Jan, and things are not the best in US as well, Biden is doing terrible job as a President and Trumps supporter worship him like a God incarnate, he has replace enough SC judges to make sure that for next decade the SC will be more lenient towards the Republican/Conservatives. The world is changing and this change is what driving Russians to try their luck to get what they always wanted, reunite the Soviet union, and just as Rome wasn't build in a day, someone has to start from somewhere from the Russian side, and Ukraine will be the first (unfortunately).

You are wrong. The thing is that russia actually loses more and more influence. Greece happened to have positive view on russia. But this changed. Its an abomination under Putin. The EU was never more united against Russia than ever before.

Russia is a military power than an economic power. So yea it is not "worthless".

Military without economy is worthless

It's a good news the Russian descalation.

Now it's time to NATO send back to home tropps in East Europe countries deployed last weeks, like in Poland.

You know who decides this? Poland. No one else
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