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US believes Russian President Vladimir Putin has decided to invade Ukraine

Sure, he's a badass.

If you think someone invading a much weaker country makes someone a badass.

If this was the US, would you be calling Biden a badass right now?
Didn't you guys talk about your heroism and invincible army when you and the British ganged up on Iraq? A much weaker nation already collapsed under decades of consecutive wars and severe economic sanctions at the time? You talk as if the US had never declared war on weak nations. And Iraq had no supporters, but Ukraine at least on paper has the support of western powers.
Last time I looked on a map Donbass is in Ukraine.
Maybe you should look too.

Last time I checked the historical records, it was Russia facilitating peace talks between Kiev and the Donbass Republics. As the records show it was American "regime change" headed by Victoria Nuland that toppled a democratically elected President of the country.

The records also show that it was Russia who played the crucial role of bringing together Kiev and Donbass Republics to establish the Minsk Accords. And it was Russia who stated clearly that NATO in Ukraine is a Red Line for the Russian Federation.

Recorded facts also show that it is the West that has been sending heavy caliber weapons that arm Kiev.

Besides you never mentioned that little detail before in all your multiple "Putin is NEVER going to send troops in Ukraine" yapping.

I have stated in my posts that the Russian Federation will react to provocation by the West and Kiev. That is a very basic assessment anyone with common sense will tell you.

So don't try and weasel your way out by suddenly throwing us a post invasion tiny clarification implied asterisk on your posts like:

You seems to have a weak grip on the subject. Either you aren't following the events over the last 7 years, with accuracy.

U.S Intelligence = 2
Mhosein intelligence -1

Factually speaking ... after Gulf of Tonkin, Iraq-WMD, Syria Chemical Weapons puts American Intelligence agencies' credibility, below zero.

Also, the current Russian Military Ops is not an invasion of Ukraine since an invasion means a foreign military intruding and consequently occupying native's territory. If you are unfamiliar with what an invasion looks like, then please refer to US-NATO invasion of Iraq - 2003 to present day, US-NATO invasion of Afghanistan - 2001 to 2021. US-NATO invasion of Syria 2011 to present day.
The Americans are yip yapping as usual. The reality on the ground is for everyone to see.
I don't know how sending in almost 200k Russian troops

Do you have any substantial evidence to prove that there are 200000 Russian troops in Ukraine right? If so, I invite you to share it with us.

along with Belarusian allies into Ukraine

Again, do you have proof that there are Belarusian troops on the ground in Ukraine?

is not an invasion along with asking for Ukraine to surrender. This is not some limited air or long range strikes.

I ask you to go and view the speech of President of Russian Federation - Vladimir Putin, on the morning of 24th February 2022. In which President Putin has stated that the Military Operations are to demilitarize Ukraine and prosecute the Neo-Nazi elements in Ukraine.

As this is an ongoing military operation, one cannot come to a conclusion that this is an invasion.
The Russian Foreign Ministry has announced February 15 as “the day Western propaganda failed”

With Russia announcing that its troops are pulling back following the completion of exercises near the border with Ukraine, Moscow has insisted that predictions it could be just moments away from ordering a full-blown invasion have been proven false.

Zakharova’s comments come after American business outlet Bloomberg reported on Saturday, citing unnamed officials, that an offensive against Ukraine could take place as early as Tuesday. The agency reported that a possible attack might include a provocation in the Donbass region or against Kiev.

Stop weaseling out of your previous posts that an invasion of Ukraine is a made up farce by the US.

Face it...you made post after post calling Russia an innocent victim of a Western propaganda plot.

Now that Russia has invaded you are trying to weasel out of it all with long winded excuses.
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Stop weaseling out of your previous posts that an invasion of Ukraine is a made up farce by the US.

Face it...you made post after post calling Russia an innocent victim of a Western propaganda plot.

Now that Russia has invaded you are trying to weasel out of it all with long winded excuses.
Hey you guys created shit everywhere, and now you blame others for reacting. No worries, your orange president is coming back... I predict civil war if China stops using greenbacks, inflation will skyrocket. Add in some fentanyl and the pressure cooker explodes.
Stop weaseling out of your previous posts that an invasion of Ukraine is a made up farce by the US.

Face it...you made post after post calling Russia an innocent victim of a Western propaganda plot.

Now that Russia has invaded you are trying to weasel out of it all with long winded excuses.

Look buddy you seem to be on some sort of high about being America correct that Russia would invade Ukraine.

Russia has sent it's military to conduct operations now, and it was provoked into doing so. 7 years the West toyed around with Ukriane, giving it a false sense of security and encouraging it to think that the West had Ukraine's back.

Now after 7 years of exhaustive effort by Russia to bring peace between Kiev and Donbass, and with Kiev attacking Donbass, Russia was not going to sit around idle. This Donbass is not Kosovo where the West can bomb Russia as it did to Serbia.

The West wanted to play with fire, now don't come crying when you get burnt to the ground. 30 years of unchecked, unjust Western wars have now come to a stop. Russia isn't Iraq, Libya or Yemen. If the West messes with Russia, it will get pummelled and bloodied beyond recognition.
Look buddy you seem to be on some sort of high about being America correct that Russia would invade Ukraine.

Yes, and you seemed very determined to go out of your way to say an invasion talk was just made up sh*t by the West.

Again I would like to state you even quoted a Russia official who denied an invasion was about to happen...and who obviously was found to be a liar.

So next time instead of making long worded post after long post
after post
after post
after post
after post
after post
after post
100% convinced of being in the right while saying almost everybody else is completely in the wrong...you should learn to keep your mouth closed instead of acting like a mindless lapdog.

Go back and read some of the long winded replies you have in this thread where you pulled every single crazy conspiracy idea you could think of to justify your view.
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Yes, and you seemed very determined to go out of your way to say an invasion talk was just made up sh*t by the West.

Again I would like to state you even quoted a Russia official who denied an invasion was about to happen...and who obviously was found to be a liar.

So next time instead of making long worded post after long post
after post
after post
after post
after post
after post
after post
100% convinced of being in the right while saying almost everybody else is completely in the wrong...you should learn to keep your mouth closed instead of acting like a mindless lapdog.

Go back and read some of the long winded replies you have in this thread where you pulled every single crazy conspiracy idea you could think of to justify your view.

Wish you all the best in your future endeavors. Hope they aren't all as oblivious as your recent ones.

Russia is not the one who provoked the military operations in Ukraine. It is the West who has been moving it's military to Russia's doorstep. After having persevered for 30 years in trying to work with the West, Russia has reached the limit of it's patience.

Ukriane military ops' responsibility and cause lays squarely on the West. When it has blatantly disregarded and has been arrogantly dismissive about Russia's security concerns. It is the West who perpetrated the Maidan Revolt and transformed it into a bloodied coup. Nuland and McCain were there in Maidan in 2014. So there can be no one who can argue the case that the West is not complicit in Ukraine's acts of oppression against the People of Donetsk and Lugansk.

As history has shown, it is the West and not Russia nor China, who has expedited regime changes through war, or political lobbying or economic sanctions against other countries.

Russia would not have carried out military operations in Ukraine, if the West was not hell bent on pushing NATO at Russia's doorstep. Over the last 20 years or so, NATO has expanded, enveloping 14 nations into its fold. If NATO is a defensive alliance, then why has it been expanding? And now that NATO has expanded, whom has it do so, against?

It isn't Russia who had lied in the UNSC about WMD in Iraq, it was America. But people who are brainwashed, ignorant or have selective memory, do not seem to remember this.

The West attempted to play with fire when it provoked Russia. Now watch how the West gets burnt to the ground!
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