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US believes Russian President Vladimir Putin has decided to invade Ukraine

US leadership and intelligence is making a fool out of itself. In last 3 weeks Putin has invaded Ukraine at least 300000000 times. This is getting ridiculous now.
Where is your evidence of these so called unspeakable crimes that Russia has committed against other nations? Please do enlighten us?

Ever heared about cold war and iron curtain? They shot thousands of people in Poland, Czech, Eastern Germany, Hungary ect who wanted escape that shitshow. They murdered, stole and raped their way through eastern europe for over 40 years. If you want a specific repulsive event, google Katyn massacre, where they murdered tenthousands of polish officers and leading figures of the polish state.
Ever heared about cold war and iron curtain? They shot thousands of people in Poland, Czech, Eastern Germany, Hungary ect who wanted escape that shitshow. They murdered, stole and raped their way through eastern europe for over 40 years. If you want a specific repulsive event, google Katyn massacre, where they murdered tenthousands of polish officers and leading figures of the polish state.
Why is Nato expanding eastward, encircling Russia? If Ukraine joins Nato, doesn't Russia have a legitimate reason to feel threatened?
Why is Nato expanding eastward, encircling Russia? If Ukraine joins Nato, doesn't Russia have a legitimate reason to feel threatened?
Good question, why do nations that formerly suffered from russian agression seek security in NATO?

Without NATO the Baltics, Poland, Czech Republic ect would still be under the russian yoke.

What does Russia feel threatened for? That it cant occupy and violate its small neighbors anymore? Too bad.
Good question, why do nations that formerly suffered from russian agression seek security in NATO?

Without NATO the Baltics, Poland, Czech Republic ect would still be under the russian yoke.

What does Russia feel threatened for? That it cant occupy and violate its small neighbors anymore? Too bad.
so you are saying Russia has no legitimate security concerns from Nato? it should welcome encirclement?
so you are saying Russia has no legitimate security concerns from Nato? it should welcome encirclement?

I have no doubt that a school bully feals threatened when his victims unite and make his attacks impossible.
I have been hearing this since past few months, at this rate I will get a tarot card reader from the streets to predict the date and time.
Why is Nato expanding eastward, encircling Russia? If Ukraine joins Nato, doesn't Russia have a legitimate reason to feel threatened?
Encircling is a wrong word. Russia neighbors don’t move away, they just run into the arm of NATO and EU. Understandable, they seek prosperity and security. What do they have in common with Russia? Remain poor and helpless to please foreigners?

Simply madness. What is it 1939 ?

As if the world does not have enough problems with the corona virus.

Ever heared about cold war and iron curtain? They shot thousands of people in Poland, Czech, Eastern Germany, Hungary ect who wanted escape that shitshow. They murdered, stole and raped their way through eastern europe for over 40 years. If you want a specific repulsive event, google Katyn massacre, where they murdered tenthousands of polish officers and leading figures of the polish state.

Yes I heard about the Iron Curtain, I lived through the Cold War. But where is your evidence that "Russia" killed thousands of Polish, Czech, German and Hungarians? Unless of course you make the ridiculously absurd mistake of considering Soviets and Russians as the same. Russians were not in control of their country, Atheist Jewish Bolsheviks were in power, not Russians. The Russians were crushed twice by the Bolsheviks (by support of the West), once during the Bolshevik Revolution and the counter White Revolution.

You speak of Russians as if they are the most ruthless monsters on the planet. What happened to Nazis? Lost your memories there? What about Sudetenland? What about the millions of Polish, Gypsies, Russian massacred by them? What about the hundreds of thousands of Russians massacred during the German invasion of Russia, in the first world war? What about the tens of thousands of Russians slaughtered by the French who invaded Russia under the leadership of a crazed lunatic, midget?

You ought to go look at yourself in the mirror and think deep and hard of who you really are? European? I highly doubt it! I am neither Russian, nor European, rather I am a Muslim who has studied, visited, researched and analyzed the history of the European and Eurasian regions, dating back 700 years. And in each instance I have found a particular hatred by the Western Europeans, for the Orthodox Christian Russians. From the Teutonic Fanatics that rampaged through Poland and the Baltics, to the French band of mercenaries led by midget, the Prussian led Germania who wanted to assert themselves as a hegemon, the irrelevant British who seemed to get involved in every matter pertaining to Europe, whether they're invited or not and then there was the genocidal tyrant, Hitler that lost his marbles completely. In every instance, it was undisputedly a targeted attack on Russia? Why? Have any answer? No you don't.

I suggest you go read Europe's history first, go do some sole searching. Soviets are NOT Russian, but Russians did suffer immensely under the Soviet Bolshevik brutality, Bolsheviks who were Jewish by origin and Atheist by belief. They were not Russian, as Russia is and has always been Orthodox Christian.

Before you can start accusing anyone of anything, better take a long at your own house and your backyard. Go see who helped the Bolsheviks into power.
Yes I heard about the Iron Curtain, I lived through the Cold War. But where is your evidence that "Russia" killed thousands of Polish, Czech, German and Hungarians? Unless of course you make the ridiculously absurd mistake of considering Soviets and Russians as the same. Russians were not in control of their country, Atheist Jewish Bolsheviks were in power, not Russians. The Russians were crushed twice by the Bolsheviks (by support of the West), once during the Bolshevik Revolution and the counter White Revolution.

You speak of Russians as if they are the most ruthless monsters on the planet. What happened to Nazis? Lost your memories there? What about Sudetenland? What about the millions of Polish, Gypsies, Russian massacred by them? What about the hundreds of thousands of Russians massacred during the German invasion of Russia, in the first world war? What about the tens of thousands of Russians slaughtered by the French who invaded Russia under the leadership of a crazed lunatic, midget?

You ought to go look at yourself in the mirror and think deep and hard of who you really are? European? I highly doubt it! I am neither Russian, nor European, rather I am a Muslim who has studied, visited, researched and analyzed the history of the European and Eurasian regions, dating back 700 years. And in each instance I have found a particular hatred by the Western Europeans, for the Orthodox Christian Russians. From the Teutonic Fanatics that rampaged through Poland and the Baltics, to the French band of mercenaries led by midget, the Prussian led Germania who wanted to assert themselves as a hegemon, the irrelevant British who seemed to get involved in every matter pertaining to Europe, whether they're invited or not and then there was the genocidal tyrant, Hitler that lost his marbles completely. In every instance, it was undisputedly a targeted attack on Russia? Why? Have any answer? No you don't.

I suggest you go read Europe's history first, go do some sole searching. Soviets are NOT Russian, but Russians did suffer immensely under the Soviet Bolshevik brutality, Bolsheviks who were Jewish by origin and Atheist by belief. They were not Russian, as Russia is and has always been Orthodox Christian.

Before you can start accusing anyone of anything, better take a long at your own house and your backyard. Go see who helped the Bolsheviks into power.

Sorry to break it to you but i dont want a Greece nor Europe under a russian tyranny. Russia has 7000 nukes. Greece has zero. Without NATO we would need our own nukes or otherwise be like lambs led to the slaughter house.
Such a clown world.

I hope Biden will keep making prediction. I will sooner see CIA falseflag terrorists attacking Donbas.
CSTO + China act as one a hive mind practically. Bully Russia in Europe and China will make America bleed financially, politically, militarily, culturally elsewhere. Can't defeat united Eurasian superpower alliance of Rus+China+allies
CSTO + China act as one a hive mind practically. Bully Russia in Europe and China will make America bleed financially, politically, militarily, culturally elsewhere. Can't defeat united Eurasian superpower alliance of Rus+China+allies

China won't get dragged in imho..
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