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Upset over arms treaty, India may cancel its delegation to UK


Aug 21, 2012
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NEW DELHI: Stung by the UK's reluctance to accommodate its concerns in the negotiations for the global Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) approved by the UN general assembly last Tuesday, the government has decided to send a strong message of its displeasure to the UK.

A high level defence delegation's visit to the UK slated for April 9-11 could either be cancelled or significantly scaled down as a mark of protest, TOI has learnt. Defence secretary Shashi Kant Sharma was to lead the delegation comprising representatives of all three services.

The UK has been one of the champions of ATT and New Delhi holds it responsible for the fact that hardly any of India's concerns were accommodated in the agreement. India had abstained from voting on the treaty saying the draft was weak on terrorism and non-state actors and compromised security and defence interests of major arms importing countries.

Intense consultations are underway in the government on the future course of action since Tuesday's vote, in which the treaty was passed with 154 votes in favour, three against and 23 abstentions. India, China and Russia were among the countries that abstained.

In fact, TOI has learnt that the external affairs ministry has conveyed to the UK that its unhelpful attitude will have serious consequences for defence purchases by India from that country. Even during the negotiations for the treaty, India seems to have warned the UK that defence cooperation between the two countries was going to suffer.

Top sources confirmed to TOI that the MEA was not in favour of cancellation of the visit and had told the defence ministry in writing to communicate India's unhappiness but wanted the engagement to continue.

Sources said the defence ministry had sought the MEA's opinion before deciding on the trip. The foreign ministry, which had warned UK of adverse consequences, wanted the defence ministry to make a strong statement but not by cancelling the trip as this could lead to avoidable rancour in relations. While France too was among the 154 nations which voted in favour of ATT at the UNGA, it was very supportive of India's concerns during the negotiations.

Over the last week, consultations were underway between the PMO, MEA and the MoD over the steps to be taken to convey India's extreme displeasure over UK's lead role in pushing through the treaty. It is not yet clear if the government is contemplating any further steps to convey its disappointment.

British PM David Cameron welcomed the ATT saying Britain should be proud of its role in the negotiations. Britain was also the leading country behind the move to put the draft treaty to vote in the UNGA.

India's lead negotiator Sujata Mehta had argued that the treaty was weak on terrorism and non-state actors and those concerns found no mention in the specific provisions of the treaty. "India cannot accept that the treaty be used as an instrument in the hands of exporting states to take unilateral force majeure measures against importing states without consequences. The relevant provisions in the final text do not meet our requirements," she had said.

India believes that the treaty should make a real impact on illicit trafficking in conventional arms and their illegal use, especially by terrorists. While New Delhi's concern was about terrorists targeting the Indian state, the US and the UK ensured a flexible language in this context so that they could continue to arm rebels in states such as Syria.

India also feels strongly that the treaty is heavily weighed in favor of arms exporters, who can invoke unforeseen circumstances to cancel a contract.

Upset over arms treaty, India may cancel its delegation to UK - The Times of India
i think Britisher reaction would be not much different than the number of reactions seen on this thread. :cheesy:
The Sun has already set on the British Empire. :)
Let David Cameron come again beseeching for Indian investment in his knackered economy. ;)
The Sun has already set on the British Empire. :)
Let David Cameron come again beseeching for Indian investment in his knackered economy. ;)

I agree with the senitment- Camoron goes to India with the largest ever buinsess dlegation looking to make serious inroads into India and then goes and ignores India's concerns and pushes for this/ Sending mixed messages doesn't even cover it. What message is the UK sending to India- "we'll take your money but don't give a s**t about what your want from us". Absurd. This is how NOT to do dipliomacy.

As a Brit I see this as a pathetic attempt by the UK to remain relevant on the world stage. Again and again the UK hitches its wagon to these high-profile items ATT, Syria,Libya etc to look like one of the "big boys". It is all showboating and we know it.
Funny how some defend India's relations with the UK when we all know its full of BS. We got our independence, let' sterr clear from these guys. They have never done anything good for India and never will. When will we learn?
Canceling delegation is nothing unless it's followed by cricket boycott
Funny how some defend India's relations with the UK when we all know its full of BS. We got our independence, let' sterr clear from these guys. They have never done anything good for India and never will. When will we learn?

I actually agree almost entirely. Fact is, and take it from a Britain, the UK still seems to see India through the Empire lenses. As such whenever India is mentioned the Indian railways and such are never that far behind. Whilst other nations have taken a mature approach to India like France and the US, the UK still treats India as inferior (IMHO) and some second-class nation.

The difference between Indian-French/Israeli/Russian/US/etc ties and India-UK ties is RESPECT. The UK to this day still does not respect India in any meaningful way instead any of India's achievements the UK takes credit for and the British media belittles and chasticises the Indian govt and people.

The difference is stark in any report on India from the West, no matter what the news the UK media will in 99% of the time bring the story to poverty. A similar report by the French/others will report on the issue at hand and 99% of the time stick to that news, not digress onto anything else.
I actually agree almost entirely. Fact is, and take it from a Britain, the UK still seems to see India through the Empire lenses. As such whenever India is mentioned the Indian railways and such are never that far behind. Whilst other nations have taken a mature approach to India like France and the US, the UK still treats India as inferior (IMHO) and some second-class nation.

The difference between Indian-French/Israeli/Russian/US/etc ties and India-UK ties is RESPECT. The UK to this day still does not respect India in any meaningful way instead any of India's achievements the UK takes credit for and the British media belittles and chasticises the Indian govt and people.

The difference is stark in any report on India from the West, no matter what the news the UK media will in 99% of the time bring the story to poverty. A similar report by the French/others will report on the issue at hand and 99% of the time stick to that news, not digress onto anything else.

Sadly, I feel this way thru some interactions with Brits (White) and they always come off condescending and love to lecture this and that about India. But the moment you mention the atrocities the British Raj inflcited and the turmoil it left behind, they love to ignore that, turn a blind eye to such facts and many times will use the phrase " it was 70 ys ago, its time to stop blaming us and blame yourself." The British have never changed their feelings and they won;t. They are every bit the backstabbers they were centuries ago. No change at least for me.

And as you pointed out the media plays a huge role in this. The BBC loves to portray all the negative stuff, highlight the treatmnet of minorities, etc.......never any good info. I mean remember the article about Condoms and penis size in India? This was put up by Western media so mnay times. Yet, they conveniently neglect the facts about that piece.

I have always felt and stated such, but media and marketing is a big deal but the Indian govt completely neglects thi importnt prism. It does absolutely nothing to portray an image about its ppl or country. Instead, it allows foreigners to completely control how it is perceived in the world. I can't believe how the Indian govt does not see the importance of such things like MEDIA. This is the problem when you have idiots running the nation.

As for the UK they have never been our true friend to India only to the elites. This is the same story for Pakistan as well.
I have always felt and stated such, but media and marketing is a big deal but the Indian govt completely neglects thi importnt prism. It does absolutely nothing to portray an image about its ppl or country. Instead, it allows foreigners to completely control how it is perceived in the world. I can't believe how the Indian govt does not see the importance of such things like MEDIA. This is the problem when you have idiots running the nation.

Here you cannot blame the GoI as India is an open and democratic nation with a free press, this is a good thing for sure. And as such the GoI cannot not have any part to play in what they report on, if they did India would be an oppressive totalitarian state. It is the fault of the Indian media themselves for consistently putting out nonsense and reports that harm their own nation. I cannot tell you the number of negative reports I have read in the International press that use Indian media sources for their basis. The Indian media undermines their own country.

As for the UK they have never been our true friend to India only to the elites. This is the same story for Pakistan as well.

I agree and as such I am glad that ties are languishing (by all counts) between India and the UK whilst ties built on RESPECT AND EQUALITY like the ones with Israel,France,Russia etc are flourishing.
this is the problem with brits.....they are always on moral high horses...always trying to be politically correct....ignoring realities on the ground.
but atleast i m not that upset with this treaty, may b this what india need to deaddict itself from foreign weapon imports....it may well be a blessing in Disguise.:cheers:

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