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Nobel laureate wants India to cut military spending

The people who get killed, do they give a shit about what the motive was? no they're dead. Because they don't care about religion, makes it ok to kill people? :lol:

Fact is, drug cartels do the worst kind of painful torture and make it last days to make victims suffer. The terrorists over your area blow you up, a quick death you won't even know. Which one would you take?

But toxic seed sowed by terrorists is far more greater than drug cartels.US FBI destroy the drug cartels in US easily(I think Sicilian Mafia) .But against ALQeada ,they spend trillion of dollars and thousands of Americans life and still its an ongoing conflict
But toxic seed sowed by terrorists is far more greater than drug cartels.US FBI destroy the drug cartels in US easily(I think Sicilian Mafia) .But against ALQeada ,they spend trillion of dollars and thousands of Americans life and still its an ongoing conflict
Stupid comparison. FBI operated in the US, the most monitored state in the world. You are comparing that to fighting in a foreign country with little to no records of people and mountainous terrain etc?
Stupid comparison. FBI operated in the US, the most monitored state in the world. You are comparing that to fighting in a foreign country with little to no records of people and mountainous terrain etc?

Comparing Drug Cartels with Terrorism is indeed stupid.US is most monitored state and virtuallly they rule this world for their CIA is the FBI of this world.They monitor every single activities of their enemy .But Al Qaeda is still strong.Terrorism is a scourge .OBL is dead but Al Qaeda is still alive .Sicilian Mafia is dead like their head.
Terrorism infect the very basic of society .it is too powerful.Just check TTP record

Drug cartels are 10x worse than terrorists you deal with.

Mexican drug cartel leaves 10 severed heads in the street as warning to rivals a week before Pope's visit | Mail Online Just one example.

"In 2010, 26-year-old Hugo Hernandez was kidnapped from Sonora. His corpse was found in the city of Los Mochis about a week later. It had been chopped to pieces, but in a turn suited to Freddy Krueger’s playbook, Hernandez’s face had actually been skinned off and stitched onto a soccer ball. There was a note with the body that read “Happy New Years, because this will be your last.”"

You do realise that India also needs to deal with Drug traffickers, smugglers and arms traffickers right?
I'm sorry ,but this nigga is high, delusional or too wrapped up in his Ivory Tower to see reality-enough said.
I wish people would stop stating defence expenditure as a percentage of GDP. GDP is the total economic output of a nation but that is totally different to what the Government gets in revenue to spend. Indian GDP might be about $1.8 trillion but Government only gets about $172 billion of that to spend. So spending $37 billion of that every year, on the military, is a huge deal as it is about 21.5% of the public purse, not to mention that India is running over 5% annual deficit and public debt of about 68% of GDP. Oscar Arias Sanchez is absolutely right in saying countries like India need to spend less on military and more in developing its economy. Greater military power comes as an extension of a mightier economy. If your Government doesn't realise this by now, then India development will be greatly hindered, if not regress altogether.
The nobel laureate has no clue of the godforsaken neighborhood that India has to put up with....The security issues that India faces a mammoth with pakistan on one side whose entire military doctrine is unilaterally aimed at India, and a economic and military giant china on the other side which will fight India till the last pakistani...
It seems that Mr. Oscar Arias Sanchez, has no touch with ground reality and security threats faced by us.

Though I don't doubt his intentions.
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