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Uproar in Muslim world after BJP leaders' derogatory remarks on Prophet

LOL you paid the Arabs very nicely with the hatred towards the holy prophet. I am sure Modi will get more medals after this.

You also have one of the poorest population on the planet. Let's see how tough you are with your Islamophobic rhetoric. It is one thing to insult and it's a different thing to continue insulting.

I am sure GCC leaders will continue to suck up to you. I don't expect anything from GCC leaders. However, the people of GCC nations have now seen your true face. This is not the first time that your countrymen have insulted Islam. The damage is complete.
Aur karo boycott India…
Bohot shauk tha na pange lene ka? :lol:

Do enlighten me on how Pakistani politics revolve around India.
Shehbaz, Khan and Neutrals all are more obsessed over what happens in India than what’s happening within, did show you tweets. India me petrol ki kya price hai, India ki foreign policy kya hai, India Russia se tel le raha hai…
For example, every time an Indian makes an anti-Muslim comment online, they are deported.
Wow it will crash India’s economy

Your aukaat is not that of France's.
More than France, our economy is 15% higher than them in nominal and 4 times more in PPP terms. Afterall we all know what will they did when they trended boycott India last year when a Rohingya was neutralised by Assam police, ended up importing much more from India.
Have you noticed.

Arabs didn't give a shit about Muslims dying in India.

But as soon as the prophet of Allah is insulted they are incensed. I am sure its nothing to do with the fact he was an Arab but they should react like this when all Muslims are in trouble. Palestine Kashmir Iraq Syria Libya and Yemen to name a few
Aur karo boycott India…
Bohot shauk tha na pange lene ka? :lol:
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If India becomes too dependent on Russia for oil, then India will loose its leverage over Russian oil purchase when it comes to price negotiation. As a result, India may loose discounts that offset the expensive transportation and insurance cost for oil purchase from Russia. India needs to find a diplomatic solution for this manufactured crisis. Taking an antagonistic position to the OIC over this trivial mishap is not the best course of action :close_tema:
If India becomes too dependent on Russia for oil, then India will loose its leverage over Russian oil purchase when it comes to price negotiation. As a result, India may loose discounts that offset the expensive transportation and insurance cost for oil purchase from Russia. India needs to find a diplomatic solution for this manufactured crisis. Taking an antagonistic position to the OIC over this trivial mishap is not the best course of action :close_tema:
Lol middle east overreacted now it’s paying the price, doubling oil imports from Russia is the first thing we should’ve done after their overacting, bohot shauk tha India ko sabak sikhane ka toh ab karlo shauk poore :lol:.

There’s a very strong anti-middle east sentiment in India right now, just check the most trending hashtags on twitter India.
Lol middle east overreacted now it’s paying the price, doubling oil imports from Russia is the first thing we should’ve done after their overacting, bohot shauk tha India ko sabak sikhane ka toh ab karlo shauk poore :lol:.

There’s a very strong anti-middle east sentiment in India right now, just check the most trending hashtags on twitter India.
I don't think that twitter hashtag trends should drive foreign policy. I've already said my rational for why India should find a diplomatic solution to this problem. Russian oil is a feasible alternative only when there is a good discount. Negotiating a discount will depend on leverage that India can have during the negotiation.
Indians can waste PDF bandwidth with their habitual tall talk and boxing above weight habbits but as soon as a ship load of Indian migrants get sent back from Middle East, Modi will be the first to run to the Arab world and act the drama queen by forcibly hugging and cuddling his Arab Masters.
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File photos of BJP leaders Nupur Sharma (R) and Naveen Kumar Jindal. — Pictures via Twitter

Muslim countries have taken strong exception to derogatory remarks made against Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) by leaders of India's ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), with Qatar, Kuwait and Iran summoning India's envoy to register their protest on Sunday.

Qatar has sought a public apology from India for allowing such "Islamophobic" views without retribution.

Kuwait, in a statement, said it had handed over an “official protest note expressing the State of Kuwait's categorical rejection and condemnation of the insulting statements against the Holy Prophet (PBUH), Islam and Muslims issued by one of the officials in the ruling party”.

Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif also called out the comments made by the BJP leader and urged the world to take notice and reprimand India.

"... Have said it repeatedly that India under Modi is trampling religious freedoms & persecuting Muslims. World should take note & severely reprimand India."

He said the love of Muslims for the Prophet (PBUH) was supreme and they could sacrifice their lives for the Holy figure.

According to Hindustan Times, BJP spokesperson Nupur Sharma and another party leader, Naveen Kumar Jindal, made disrespectful remarks about the Prophet (PBUH) and after worldwide condemnation, India's ruling party had to distance itself from their statements, announcing disciplinary action against the duo.

Qatar summoned the Indian envoy and handed him an official note that expressed Qatar’s disappointment and “its total rejection and condemnation [of] the controversial remarks made by an official in the ruling party in India against Prophet Mohammed ... Islam and Muslims,” according to a statement issued by its foreign ministry.

Qatar said it is “expecting a public apology and immediate condemnation of these remarks from the Government of India”.

It noted that allowing such Islamophobic remarks to continue without punishment constituted a grave danger to the protection of human rights and may lead to further prejudice and marginalisation, which will create a cycle of violence and hate.

Meanwhile, Pakistan said the remarks made by two officials of the ruling BJP were "totally unacceptable" as they hurt the sentiments of billions of Muslims around the world.

"BJP’s attempted clarification and belated and perfunctory disciplinary action against these individuals cannot assuage the pain and anguish they have caused to the Muslim world," the Foreign Office said, urging India to ensure that decisive and demonstrable action was taken against those responsible for making derogatory remarks and attacking the dignity of Prophet (PBUH).

Pakistan also called upon the international community to take immediate cognisance of the "grievously aggravating situation of Islamophobia" in India.

The grand mufti of Oman, Sheikh Ahmad bin Hamad Al-Khalil, tweeted that the “obscene” comments of the spokesperson of India’s ruling party amounted to a “war against every Muslim”.

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India told both Qatar and Kuwait that the offensive views did not reflect those of the government of India, instead attributing these to "fringe elements". It said that "strong action" had been taken against those responsible for the derogatory remarks.

BJP suspends party membership of leaders
Following a strong reaction from the Muslim countries, the ruling BJP suspended Sharma and expelled Jindal from the party for their remarks, according to Hindustan Times.

The statement issued by the party did not name anyone but it underlined that the party did not condone insults to any religion and respects all faiths.

“The Bharatiya Janata Party is also against any ideology which insults or demeans any sect or religion. The BJP does not promote such people or philosophy…During the thousands of years of the history of India every religion has blossomed and flourished. The Bharatiya Janata Party respects all religions,” the statement said.

LOL notice how quickly grandpa Modi took action after Arab nations demanded an apology.

I condemn the BJP party leader, but if he says crap in a Kafir majority country who are we to say anything.
There’s a very strong anti-middle east sentiment in India right now, just check the most trending hashtags on twitter India.
I wouldn't be so cocky. Hope they don't see India as a hostile entity. Gulf countries have millions of Indians. Kuwait had 400,000 Palestinian Arabs and they deported 97% of them after 1990 Iraq invasion and the American liberation because of some of their Pro Saddam actions.
Isn’t this what you wanted? Accountability and action from the BJP? I for one am pleasantly surprised they took the corrective actions they did — gives one hope that there is still some sense left in there somewhere.

How much “concrete” action gets takes remains to be seen. But not at all a bad response from my vantage PoV

But what's stopping Arabs from demanding an apology from Mod himself, he makes remarks about Muslims/Islam every election campaign? Oops that's beyond Arab paygrade, funny how Muslims are rejoicing over an eyewash, anybody with little knowledge of Indian politics knows suspension are a joke, its a code word for, ek saal tak bhashan mat dena, samne mat dikha, sirf organisational kam karega tu lol

Don't get angry high caste priest.

LOL so Hindutva always speaks unpleasant truths about Islam and Muslims?

Eyewash 😂😂 The Arab and Iranian governments are summoning you on the highest level buddy.

It's not a corrective measure but an eyewash as JigglyPuff said. BJP didn't remove this filthy, foul-mouthed female from the party but just said "Naughty girl, go rest for a few weeks and then we will take you back because we after all are all foul and terrorist people" let alone arrest her unlike how the Dalit scholar of Delhi University, Professor Ratan Lal, was arrested by BJP proxy Delhi Police just more than two weeks ago because he said something on Twitter about the "Shivling" found in Gyanvapi Mosque in Banaras, UP. Delhi Police arrests Ratan Lal in Delhi for something he said about a Hindu object supposedly found in UP but Delhi Police doesn't arrest BJP's Nupur Sharma even though she is right in Delhi :

Well I believe internet has increased islamophobia to a great extent. I am sure Prophet Muhammad was an amazing human being but non-muslims will naturally feel terrible when they hear stories of Banu Qurayzah Jews being killed and their women being taken as slaves, or the story of a young mother known as Asma Bint Marwan who was supposedly killed for opposing the prophet. Due to easy access to internet, many non-muslims read biography of the prophet muhammad and feel horrified by such events which leds them to islamophobia.

Then you haven't known of the 3000-year-old terrorism, oppression, anti-humanity and irrationality called Hindutvad brought into India 3000 years ago by Aryan invaders from Iran who subjugated the indigenous populations and forcibly assimilated them and created the caste system, misogyny and the most extreme Capitalist system in history. Please read my thread I linked just above.
Isn’t this what you wanted? Accountability and action from the BJP? I for one am pleasantly surprised they took the corrective actions they did — gives one hope that there is still some sense left in there somewhere.

How much “concrete” action gets takes remains to be seen. But not at all a bad response from my vantage PoV
There is a deeper problem, it is the hate that BJP has fostered for decades following the RSS mantra. The hatred which has been sowed in the hearts of everyday, regular Hindus is not something that can be put out by band-aid measures without extensive counter narrative, promotion of peace & harmony for decent co-existence followed by extreme accountability by those who do not adhere to the rule of law.
In 2021-22, the UAE with $72.9 billion, was the third largest trading partner of India. It was followed by Saudi Arabia ($42.85 billion), Iraq ($34.33 billion)

I am sure new records will be broken. Don't convince me. Tell Modi and his Hindutva brigade to behave. Right now the Arabs could eat you for dinner.

Aur karo boycott India…
Bohot shauk tha na pange lene ka? :lol:
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Shehbaz, Khan and Neutrals all are more obsessed over what happens in India than what’s happening within, did show you tweets. India me petrol ki kya price hai, India ki foreign policy kya hai, India Russia se tel le raha hai…

Wow it will crash India’s economy

More than France, our economy is 15% higher than them in nominal and 4 times more in PPP terms. Afterall we all know what will they did when they trended boycott India last year when a Rohingya was neutralised by Assam police, ended up importing much more from India.

LOL Good. Now continue your prophet hate. If I see any apologies or weaknesses from your overlord Modi I will tag you.

You have already shown weakness by expelling the BJP rodents who insulted the prophet.

There is a deeper problem, it is the hate that BJP has fostered for decades following the RSS mantra. The hatred which has been sowed in the hearts of everyday, regular Hindus is not something that can be put out by band-aid measures without extensive counter narrative, promotion of peace & harmony for decent co-existence followed by extreme accountability by those who do not adhere to the rule of law.

That is why I predicted in the past that Hindutva hate against Muslims will continue to rear its ugly head. Hindutva never disappoint.
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