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Uproar in Muslim world after BJP leaders' derogatory remarks on Prophet

Well I believe internet has increased islamophobia to a great extent. I am sure Prophet Muhammad was an amazing human being but non-muslims will naturally feel terrible when they hear stories of Banu Qurayzah Jews being killed and their women being taken as slaves, or the story of a young mother known as Asma Bint Marwan who was supposedly killed for opposing the prophet. Due to easy access to internet, many non-muslims read biography of the prophet muhammad and feel horrified by such events which leds them to islamophobia.

Ignorance and hatred stemming from the ignorance. However, Allah knows who will have a change of heart and at what time. A slandered today may be a Muslim years later. Allah will give everyone a chance to realize the truth about Allah, and the person will have the free will to choose to accept or deny. On the day of resurrection, everyone will answer for their deeds
I condemn the BJP party leader, but if he says crap in a Kafir majority country who are we to say anything.

You don't hear me complain. I am rejoicing. When the enemy is busy shooting himself in the foot I will help him aim the gun on the other foot too. I offer will tea in the process.
What were the remarks? Does anyone know?

Well, the ever-so-foul-mouthed BJP terrorist female spokesperson, Nupur Sharma, called Hazrat Muhammad a child rapist because he supposedly married the six-year-old Aisha bibi and consumated the marriage when she was nine and then Nupur went on to talk about Muslims believing in flying horses and other such stuff. Now that is all ironic because the Hindu god Rama married Sita when Sita was six years old according to Hindu texts themselves and the mythology book Ramayana in which the legends of Rama and Sita are written have such "miracles" as the talking monkey Hanuman who can grow in size, is an ardent devotee of Rama and can carry an entire mountain because it has a plant to cure Rama's brother Lakshman. And the demon king Ravana who resides in Lanka comes to abduct Sita on a flying vehicle. Can Rama be called a child rapist using the logic of the Hindutvadis like Nupur Sharma and some on PDF and can they reply to the fantastic miracles in Rama's story ? Best is for the Hindutvadis to shut up because they are irrational people.

Top officials tried to manage the diplomatic fallout as nations including Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Oman, the UAE, Iran, Jordan, Afghanistan, Bahrain and Indonesia demanded an apology from the government for allowing the derogatory remarks.

The United Arab Emirates condemned statements by the BJP spokesperson, expressing its denunciation and rejection of insults of the Prophet Muhammad. It further underscored the need to respect religious symbols and not violate them, as well as confront hate speech and violence.

The anger is growing among numerous countries around the world.
Problem is with the entire Indian society, these people like Nupur Sharma is just a a reflection of the degraded society. All debates are about religion, hindu, muslim, jihad, burqua, cow, ram temple, cow dung, pakistan and obviously praising Modi/Yogi etc., Not a single real issue is being debated. No debates on economy, education, jobs, science, technology, healthcare, innovation etc., What do you expect when they get crass people in the set? It's not just nupur sharma, almost all participant (irrespective of any religion) just are abusive arseholes. They help BJP to win every election - that always helps BJP if nobody debates about real issues.

Here's a sample from past just for 1 anchor -




Do you find a single debate on relevant issues??
Just look at the pattern, it's easy to see whom these chirkuts are serving.


Turkey-based organisation that hailed Talibani terrorists and Palestinian jihadists behind Twitter storm over anti-India remarks on Prophet Muhammad


The Indians are now blaming Turkish groups for Twitter furore.
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Indians are trending boycott Qatar airways.

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Off-topic, btw Jamahir apparently Gul Panra has gotten married, hope you are sleeping well. :p:

I will sleep well because this article says :
The source also confirmed Gul Panra’s husband, indeed, is a businessman. On the other hand, another close relative of Gul Panra has reportedly termed the news of the singer’s secret wedding as nothing but rumors.

But I will ask @Zibago to confirm or deny.
If a Kafir makes fun of Prophet Muhammad (saw) in a Kafir country, then who cares.

but if a Kafir comes to a Muslim country and makes fun of the Prophet Muhammad (saw), then we have every right to be angry.
LOL Twitter has gone ablaze with Hindutva calling for Arab and Qatar Airways boycott. Read the hilarious comments folks. Everyone is having a laugh of their lives.
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