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[Updated May 2023] Israel Strikes Gaza Again

Will the ongoing escalation develop into a full blown 3rd Intifida?

  • Yes

    Votes: 15 36.6%
  • No

    Votes: 26 63.4%

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Jews see it as a return to their ancestral lands,Palestinians see it as an invasion of their ancestral lands. Israeli soldiers and settlers kill Palestinians,Palestinians kill Israelis and settlers.

What makes it righteous to kill a baby? Is this baby that cannot understand what is going on,an occupier? A valid target?

Is the Palestinian baby a terrorist?

People have to find their humanity again. Or this will never end.

So you would attack their children and wives deliberately?

They deliberately brought children and wives onto stolen land. Now if they keep doing that and occupy all of the West Bank, you expect the Palestineans to sit outside their former houses?
'Negotiations'?? If one were to read your own posts above, with a clear admission that Israelis would NEVER agree to even the 1967 line, what's to 'negotiate' for??
And who's I to complain? It is for the regional players and I believe they will sort it out through more violence. Nations win through wars and don't give up the acquired lands unless wars make them give up. If there are rare exceptions to that then are 'rare'.
Israel has it coming unless it mends it ways. Personally, I'd like to see a solution along the 1967 borders and I believe Israel can be a great positive presence in that region. But then racist people dig their own graves. It is coming for Israel. And probably in my lifetime.
They could have what little they have left and also demand the removal of all settlements in the West Bank and Gaza. They could put that as a term for peace.

They deliberately brought children and wives onto stolen land. Now if they keep doing that and occupy all of the West Bank, you expect the Palestineans to sit outside their former houses?
Yeah but these Jews are armed and fight back. And most of the time,they bomb entire neighborhoods with attack helicopters and UAVs.
They could have what little they have left and also demand the removal of all settlements in the West Bank and Gaza. They could put that as a term for peace.
How kind of you to offer concessions on behalf of the Palestinians. Have you seen a map of settlements in the West Bank lately?

Regardless, the right of return of Palestinian refugees is non-negotiable and "Israel" will never agree to it. The prevailing narrative is that "Israel" offered many peace deals, but fanatic Palestinians always refused them. This narrative is false. Feel free to mention any supposedly serious "Israeli" offer of peace and I will happily educate you as to why it wasn't a serious offer.
hey could have what little they have left and also demand the removal of all settlements in the West Bank and Gaza. They could put that as a term for peace.

I honestly dont' think I have anything left to discuss with you on this topic anymore. It is for the forum members to see our exchanges above.
I am kind of sad that with your 'heart' in the right place, your 'mind' is not, as per my observations.
Anyway, peace!
We are heading towards a mini regional war. This doesn't look good.
How kind of you to offer concessions on behalf of the Palestinians. Have you seen a map of settlements in the West Bank lately?

Regardless, the right of return of Palestinian refugees is non-negotiable and "Israel" will never agree to it. The prevailing narrative is that "Israel" offered many peace deals, but fanatic Palestinians always refused them. This narrative is false. Feel free to mention any supposedly serious "Israeli" offer of peace and I will happily educate you as to why it wasn't a serious offer.
Have you noticed how many times I've said "the removal of all settlements from Gaza and the West Bank"?

I honestly dont' think I have anything left to discuss with you on this topic anymore. It is for the forum members to see our exchanges above.
I am kind of sad that with your 'heart' in the right place, your 'mind' is not, as per my observations.
Anyway, peace!
So you think that realistically the Palestinians can take ALL of Palestine back?
Southern Lebanon by Hamas? How did Hamas get in southern Lebanon?
Idk about other countries but we were told a story as kids. Perhaps it's a folk tale or perhaps one of Aesop's fables.

A wolf was drinking water from a stream. Downstream, a lamb was also drinking. The wolf saw it and got hungry. He went down to it and said "I will eat you, because you are contaminating the water I am drinking by drinking first.". The lamb said, "But, sir I am downstream from you".

The wolf was stumped for a moment, recollected and said, "I will still eat you. You were hurling abuses at me last year.". The lamb replied, "I wasn't even born last year".

The wolf got frustrated and said, "Then it must have been your mother who did it", pounced and killed the lamb.
Idk about other countries but we were told a story as kids. Perhaps it's a folk tale or perhaps one of Aesop's fables.

A wolf was drinking water from a stream. Downstream, a lamb was also drinking. The wolf saw it and got hungry. He went down to it and said "I will eat you, because you are contaminating the water I am drinking by drinking first.". The lamb said, "But, sir I am downstream from you".

The wolf was stumped for a moment, recollected and said, "I will still eat you. You were hurling abuses at me last year.". The lamb replied, "I wasn't even born last year".

The wolf got frustrated and said, "Then it must have been your mother who did it", pounced and killed the lamb.
Sounds like Aesop alright
Turns out invading a mosque on Palestinian territory to brutalise worshippers isn't great PR.

No doubt that excessive force was used.

But consider this.

Hundreds thousands pray in Al Aqsa Mosque each week with out a problem. Over 130 000 worshippers prayed there only this friday.

When a group of people lock themselves inside the Mosque at night , it is not surprising that the police wanted to interfere. Police stepping out of line , is not exactly unique to a particular country . . .

Religious places like Al Aqsa Mosque should be respected.

But this also means they also should not be used as places to riot in order to flame things up. That is also a Muslim interest.

No doubt that excessive force was used.

But consider this.

Hundreds thousands pray in Al Aqsa Mosque each week with out a problem. Over 130 000 worshippers prayed there only this friday.

When a group of people lock themselves inside the Mosque at night , it is not surprising that the police wanted to interfere. Police stepping out of line , is not exactly unique to a particular country . . .

Religious places like Al Aqsa Mosque should be respected.

But this also means they also should not be used as places to riot in order to flame things up. That is also a Muslim interest.

Why would they lock themselves in tho? Other muslims would want to get in too.

Could it mean they don't want to let jewish worshippers into the mosque? I would say that's a genuine reason.

Unless they were using the mosque as a base of operations for violent reprisals or something, just locking themselves in doesn't seem to justify anything of the sort we saw.
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Have you noticed how many times I've said "the removal of all settlements from Gaza and the West Bank"?
I repeat: Have you seen a map of settlements in the West Bank lately?

No doubt that excessive force was used.
That's an understatement.

What is the justification for occupying forces to invade Palestinian territory with heavily armed soldiers and attack clearly peaceful and unarmed worshippers like this?

I repeat: Have you seen a map of settlements in the West Bank lately?
And I repeat,do you understand what I'm saying? Is my english not good enough for you?

What have I been saying about the settlements,on this thread again and again?

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