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[Updated May 2023] Israel Strikes Gaza Again

Will the ongoing escalation develop into a full blown 3rd Intifida?

  • Yes

    Votes: 15 36.6%
  • No

    Votes: 26 63.4%

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  • Poll closed .
Even Pakistan's nukes would be vaporized by Americans as soon as a grave threat to Israel from Pakistan is sensed.
Yes because Pakistani nukes are placed in the grocery store ready to be bombed.
whichever gets the job done

I think something like Operation Swift Retort brilliant text book manoeuvre

Hezbollah fires rockets into Israel, Israeli is forced to respond

Israeli F35A are in the air and they pick up Syrian aircraft acting aggressive and then fleeing

F35A does a chase and behind them out of no where with the element of surprise comes the J17C for the kill

Pakistan gains sympathy from entire Arab World and even the whole World
That’s too much work, just sneak in Thermobaric artillery close to border area and level the airfields, airports, power stations. Back to the time of Moses.

Even Pakistan's nukes would be vaporized by Americans as soon as a grave threat to Israel from Pakistan is sensed.
Build an ICBM and disperse your nukes, no one will dare any misadventure. Jab apni G line per hoti hy, no one comes close.

Yes because Pakistani nukes are placed in the grocery store ready to be bombed.
In any majors conflict each side will target other side nuclear silos. Fact is China, Russia and US all are aware of this reality, so they build second and third strike capability.
Because Hindutva need lessons on how to hate Pakistan and Islam?
They do need lessons on how to fly their fighters...

Build an ICBM and disperse your nukes, no one will dare any misadventure. Jab apni G line per hoti hy, no one comes close.

In any majors conflict each side will target other side nuclear silos. Fact is China, Russia and US all are aware of this reality, so they build second and third strike capability.

I am all for multiple strike capabilities and a plethora of ICBMs.
The same school of thought has been thinking like this for 50 years and the result was to only make things harder for the Palestinian people. They didn't want to negotiate,because they thought they would win,they thought just like you "they can't keep the apartheid up forever" etc. Then the 70s passed. Then the '80s passed. Then the '90s,then the 2000s and then the 2010s.

4 major wars passed: 1948,1967,1973 and 1982.

An international terrorism phase passed in the '70s and '80s.

Two major uprisings passed. The First Intifada and the Second Intifada. During which,activism for Palestine peaked worldwide.

A rocket battle by Hamas in the 2010s.

And instead of winning something,the Palestinians lost even more every time. It would have been way easier to negotiate peace instead of having buffoons go like "We will liberate all of Palestine and throw the Jews to the sea! No negotiations!" etc.

And remember...back then,the vast majority of the Arab world (and the muslim world),supported the Palestinian cause even more and it was a matter of principle for a Muslim leader to support Palestine either financially or militarily or diplomatically or in some other way.

They didn't want to negotiate, because their is nothing to talk about with your occupier.

If we took this route during the crusades or other battles we would have been destroyed

A colonial occupation has been forced upon the people, resistance is duty to God

They will inflict brutality upon the people regardless, to accept compromise isn't a way forward, it only proves that your oppressor was right to hurt you because you broke in the end

Keep fighting, keep resisting, keep the fires burning and remember everything, until you can tip the balance in your favor
Yes because Pakistani nukes are placed in the grocery store ready to be bombed.

Build an ICBM and disperse your nukes, no one will dare any misadventure. Jab apni G line per hoti hy, no one comes close.

In any majors conflict each side will target other side nuclear silos. Fact is China, Russia and US all are aware of this reality, so they build second and third strike capability.

@Genghis khan1 has aptly responded.
We maybe off topic here but this is my understanding of Pakistan's nukes: America has NEVER seen Pakistan as a geopolitical 'threat'. NEVER. Pakistan obviously played the 'double game' by being an American 'ally' while also sheltering the Afghan Talibans. Americans hated Pakistan for that and there was a long, dark period of friction between the two but Americans NEVER crossed some lines like destroying Pakistan's economy or targeting the nukes. On the contrary. There is a long long history of cooperation, going as far back as 1940s. Americans, actually, instinctively respect Pakistan for being a small nation punching above its weight. They look at the map and see a tiny Pakistan versus a giant India. You have to live here for a long time and interact to know 'Americans' think and that 'bubbles up' to the higher echelons of power in the American Congress. Having said that, the relationship has been 'transactional' and actually it is 'transactional' in case of India too. It is transactional EVERYWHERE in geopolitics except in rare cases when there are strong ethnic ties like between 'the Anglos' or between Islamic countries or when Lobbies hijack a country's policies as in America in a unique way. But I digress.

Pakistani nukes are limited in scope--they are India centric. They are actually useful for America because India can be threatened via Pakistan. I absolutely believe that! But the moment there is a grave danger to Israel, Pakistan would face a huge military catastrophe. There are no longer American troops in Afghan to target. Russians missed that opportunity and the war in Ukraine is at least partly related to the American withdrawal from Afghanistan. I strongly believe Americans knew of the Russian plans about Ukraine and decided to 'free up' resources by a hasty withdrawal from Afghanistan in August 2021.
They do need lessons on how to fly their fighters...
And they still fail

Israel has ABSOLUTELY no interest in coming to the 1967 based borders agreement while Palestinians and the larger Muslim world does.
Well of course they don't. That doesn't mean that shouldn't be the plan.

But tell me,what exactly have I proposed that you did NOT like?
And that peace is not going to be achieved by following some Gandhian falsehoods.
Man,didn't you read my previous post where I explain that Palestinians HAVE tried the resistance method?

Let's see again:

1. Four major conventional wars by the largest Arab forces gathered,failed.
2. Terrorist attacks in the '70s and '80s against international targets,failed.
3. Two uprisings,the First Intifada and the Second Intifada,failed.
4. Random rocket attacks throughout the 2000s and 2010s,failed.
5. Random stabbing attacks,failed.
6. Terrorist attacks throughout the '80s,'90s,2000s and 2010s inside the country,failed.
7. One idiotic flotilla by Erdogan in 2010,failed.

Basically,every attempt to win this war by force,has failed. It only made the Israelis more hostile and more racist towards the Palestinians. And in the end,Hamas started a civil war with Fatah,seperated the Palestinian State into Hamastan and Fatahland.

And I have a bunch of guys here going like "hey Greece,why don't you share the Aegean with Turkey,everything will be solved,you will have peace,just give them a few islands". But when it comes to unrealistic Palestinian goals for liberation of the entire Holy Land...they're like "oh no no,it's resistance,the only way is war,all or nothing".
Man,didn't you read my previous post where I explain that Palestinians HAVE tried the resistance method?

Let's see again:

1. Four major conventional wars by the largest Arab forces gathered,failed.
2. Terrorist attacks in the '70s and '80s against international targets,failed.
3. Two uprisings,the First Intifada and the Second Intifada,failed.
4. Random rocket attacks throughout the 2000s and 2010s,failed.
5. Random stabbing attacks,failed.
6. Terrorist attacks throughout the '80s,'90s,2000s and 2010s inside the country,failed.
7. One idiotic flotilla by Erdogan in 2010,failed.

Basically,every attempt to win this war by force,has failed. It only made the Israelis more hostile and more racist towards the Palestinians. And in the end,Hamas started a civil war with Fatah,seperated the Palestinian State into Hamastan and Fatahland.

And I have a bunch of guys here going like "hey Greece,why don't you share the Aegean with Turkey,everything will be solved,you will have peace,just give them a few islands". But when it comes to unrealistic Palestinian goals for liberation of the entire Holy Land...they're like "oh no no,it's resistance,the only way is war,all or nothing".

'Failed'?? Pakistanis, well, the oldies like me at least, have grown with the story of a certain Muslim king from many centuries ago; I am forgetting his name. A conqueror who tried to conquer some land but failed again and again. Then once he watched a spider trying to carry something up a water well or something like that but continuing to fail. I think it was after 17 attempts the spider succeeded. (I am recalling it from my memory from a childhood story I read!). The King kept looking at the spider and he realized he had to keep trying and he eventually succeeded in his foreign mission.
How many times Israelis tried to get back to Jerusalem and 'failed'? For how many centuries?? How many times the Jews said 'Next year, Jerusalem!' as they raised their glasses? And they kept failing. Hundreds if not thousands of years.
So why should the Palestinians not raise their glasses and say 'Next year, Jerusalem' now?
BTW, I have talked past you totally. You seem to think that some non-violent ways would have helped the Palestinians. Absolutely not. Violence will beget violence. I don't know what's left to discuss with you on this matter.
How many times Israelis tried to get back to Jerusalem and 'failed'? For how many centuries?? How many times the Jews said 'Next year, Jerusalem!' as they raised their glasses? And they kept failing. Hundreds if not thousands of years.
So why should the Palestinians not raise their glasses and say 'Next year, Jerusalem' now?
BTW, I have talked past you totally. You seem to think that some non-violent ways would have helped the Palestinians. Absolutely not. Violence will beget violence. I don't know what's left to discuss with you on this matter.
And alright,then you say no negotiations,no peaceful solution. Only war until the complete liberation of the entire Holy Land.

Then don't complain about the death toll and suffering of the Palestinians. Because in 50 years,there's been nothing but heavy casualties for the Palestinians.
And alright,then you say no negotiations,no peaceful solution. Only war until the complete liberation of the entire Holy Land.

Then don't complain about the death toll and suffering of the Palestinians. Because in 50 years,there's been nothing but heavy casualties for the Palestinians.

'Negotiations'?? If one were to read your own posts above, with a clear admission that Israelis would NEVER agree to even the 1967 line, what's to 'negotiate' for??
And who's I to complain? It is for the regional players and I believe they will sort it out through more violence. Nations win through wars and don't give up the acquired lands unless wars make them give up. If there are rare exceptions to that then are 'rare'.
Israel has it coming unless it mends it ways. Personally, I'd like to see a solution along the 1967 borders and I believe Israel can be a great positive presence in that region. But then racist people dig their own graves. It is coming for Israel. And probably in my lifetime.

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