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Update: Indian troops killed soldier after questioning: Pakistan Army

there is not single definition of religiously perfect muslim, people like good human being, not good muslim.
BTW among Indian muslims I met, aurangzeb is considered closer to ideal muslim than akbar.

Akbar was not Muslim..
he had his own religion known as Din-e-Elahi....
well there isnot any defination of Ideal Muslim but there is about perfect...
em talking about perfection....
those type who you can realize by their deeds that they are muslim...
but here apperance os more stressed....:hitwall:
and yes anyone saying that he is a muslim isnot......
he wouldnot even be considered.....
i.e it is hadees that the man from whose hands and tongue his fellow is not safe is not among us....(outta Islam)
the one who don't respect his elders and isnot kind with youngers is not among us...
After the trio turned up to prove their innocence and expose the hyped up Indian staged acts and lies, did the Indian authorities had any other choice except to bite the bullet..... not to mention the ten most wanted list....what to say of once bitten twice shy. And off course you would be inclined to believe all the nonsense spewed by your frivolous media since they just happened to be present behind every rock, boulder and glacier to film and witness the Kargil chapter. Pathetic. !!
Have you ever wondered why there was suspicion at the first place ? Last time 4 guys came with wearing tourist attire and entered Taj hotel with travel bag gave a long lasting perception of Pakistani citizens in India.

They were suspect because of the name earned by so many Pakistanis all over the world that even Indian Muslims have to go through frisking etc. in US.

Better safe than be sorry. Intelligence had a doubt, admitted the mistake. Don't you think Pakistani intelligence should be that careful to check out suspects in places like Quetta, which has been targeted over and over again..

I can live with mistake of intelligence that had suspicion for few rather than no investigation and complete failure in my city which leads to a major terrorist attack one after another. Rather have arrest of suspects than mourning over hundreds of people killed like in 26/11 when we ignored the suspicion.

Pakistan intelligence should learn from it. Even CIA failed over and over again. Also arrested innocents. Why did this happen ? You know the reason.
But the point here to be brought under light is Indian Army did not mutilate the body of fallen soldier.
Just curious - how come in these kinds of India Pakistan threads only Indians get pink slips and no Pakistani gets one?
1.5 years when last bombing reported in mumbai......

What about pakistan? Just google for some bombing stats... and surely would make you feel constipation :lol:

you missed again, it not mumbai bombing, its different?;)
guss what?
this time you will find akmal qassab, taking revenge of his brother? & you cant google that?:lol::wave::agree:
All media reports indicate, the soldier was challenged, which means he was spotted, and whoever spotted him had a good look of him because he saw a person with a gun in his hand. We all agreed here, Forward observation post soldiers are in full Army dresses. So your assumptions are way off the mark.

Now the real assumptions is didn't Indian Army tells the SOP's of accidental crossing to all Indian forward observation posts? If yes than Why when IA spotted a Pakistani Army soldier, instead of shouting or telling him through a loud speaker, he was challenged which means he was threatened with a Gun?

Your post ignores the facts, falsely represents those favouring your jaundiced views as the sum of all reports, rather than representing merely those that you wish to entertain for your own ends, and builds a fragile case on that.

The first three reports (in sources not of south Asia) on a Google search are reproduced below. In all cases, an intruder was spotted, challenged, a firefight ensued, and his death occurred. How did you come to the conclusion that all this was with full view of his uniform, and what uniform do you define as conferring immunity considering the apparel worn by the Army of Muridke, including known Special Forces uniform? The fantasies begin with the bland statement that a soldier was spotted, and that whoever spotted him had a good look at him because he saw a person with a gun in his hand. Nothing of the kind; a challenge of an unauthorised person in those areas is a challenge; no sighting of arms is supposed. Only when he opened fire would his carrying a gun have been known, so the question of having observed him closely enough to ascertain that he was in uniform does not arise. The question of assuming that he was regular Army, and not an infiltrator or cross border raider in the military uniforms that they ape, is moot; when someone is shooting at you, it is not usual to ask him for his name, rank and identification number.

The next paragraph is part of your rickety construction. Every Indian Army post knows the SOP. Why is that in question? Where did you get the information that the patrol did not shout out a challenge, and what peculiar logic are you using to imagine that a challenge is a threat with a gun? Ask any sentry at any outpost, and he will tell you that there is a standRd challenge. The gun is there in every sentry's hand; it means nothing more and nothing less than that. Your visions of foot patrols carrying around loudspeakers and about the distinction between a shout and a challenge really add nothing to the situation, or our understanding of it.

May the good Lord save us from chairborne soldiers.

Pakistani soldier killed in Indian shooting - Central & South Asia - Al Jazeera English


you missed again, it not mumbai bombing, its different?;)
guss what?
this time you will find akmal qassab, taking revenge of his brother? & you cant google that?:lol::wave::agree:

Any idea how many potential kasabs are carrying out tasks inside pakistan? Quetta is just anther job....

Congrats for feeding them....
Any idea how many potential kasabs are carrying out tasks inside pakistan? Quetta is just anther job....

Congrats for feeding them....

try it, 1000 times more, but akmal is going to mumbai, with something special, & dont google that:rofl::rofl::rofl:!
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