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Infiltrator killed in hand to hand combat along LoC in Poonch

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Gurkhas are same everywhere.

Too much butthurt from Pakistanis.
This is nothing new. Gurkhas had cut 11 Pakistani soldiers heads in hand to hand fighting on one of the pick of Kargilin Kargil war.
@HariPrasad really does make some hilarious typos at times, not that I'm complaining. The other day, he wrote Ashtray Rifles instead of Rashtriya Rifles.:lol:

Come on man this are simple typos. Do not take that too seriously. It happens when some one is not too fluent in typing.
Unlike others here I'm not going to try and sell what is, for all intensive purposes, the martial races theory. The soldier here performed well not because of his heritage but superior training imparted to him by the Indian Army. The idea some communities are inherently better warriors than others in the 21st contrary is pretty stupid really and I'd advise my Indian friends to stop propagating this nonsense as the world will only snigger at you and by extension the Indian Army for believing such falsehoods. The ONLY thing separating an effective soldier in the 21st century is TRAINING and EQUIPMENT. The former can overcome less of the latter and vice versa- to an extent, obviously it is better when you employ both together.

I'm sorry but in a conventional scenario because they have the latter (superior equipment) most grunts in modern armies would be more effective in a 1vs1 performance comparison against the average Indian grunt and by extension Gurkhas in the IA.

Even I don't believe in the bs about martial race. But with Gurkhas (as with Ethiopian and highland Kenyans), I think there is also a scientific reasoning as well -- they are the natives of the rarefied environment of the highest mountain range in the world and combined with harsh and impoverished living conditions over the millennium toughened these people. Isolated into their mountain kingdom, their bodies seem to adapted to oxygen-scarce mountainous environment. So when you put them on lower altitudes, they are like on steroids!

Same is the case with Ethiopians and highland Kenyans who almost always win marathons anywhere in the world!

But you are absolutely right -- training and equipment can make any ordinary man a tough soldier!
I see the indians are still at it , still trying to pass on midgets whose average height is less that 5 feet 5 inches as being built for hand to hand combat
Lmao thts very hairy story .. Although we know tht killing POWs n mutilating their bodies is nothing new for the indian army ..

You are a poor reader. I told wrote that they were terrorists not soldier. Asked your 70000 soldiers we captured from Bangladesh. How many of them tortured and killed?

Even your minister gave the example of India when your soldiers were beheaded by TTP. He told that though India was our enemy, They complied with all Geneva conventions and did no atrocity of such kind with any of our soldier.

There is a hell of difference between how we treat POW and how you treat. When you will come out of the delusion created by history taught in Pakistan, you will realize the difference.

Are you sure he didn't confuse the Gurkhas with Nagas??I never heard Gurkhas practicing cannibalism,it's the Nagas who practice this.

May be . I had heared that a long time ago so I may have been confused between Gurkhas and Nagas.
For the last time , these kangar midgets are not built for hand to hand combat


They may be able to take punishment on the battlefield but attempts to pass them off as1 man taking on 30 is just hilarious
For the last time , these kangar midgets are not built for hand to hand combat


They may be able to take punishment on the battlefield but attempts to pass them off as1 man taking on 30 is just hilarious

Their only quality was being extremly loyal to their master, they have always fought for others being mercenaries. They are not independent people.
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