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Update: Indian troops killed soldier after questioning: Pakistan Army

As far as what's concerned? I think you guys are on the same level if not worse. Look inside India ......killings of Christians, Muslims ongoing for years in hundreds at a time???...abusive treatment of hundreds of thousands of people in many states.....the military gang rapes and killings in Kashmir of women and children???? The supermen status of terrorists organizations in India who belong to Hindu elite groups like Shiv Sena, BJP, RSS????
What more would you like to compare to, in order for calling India better than any other country? So my man, both India and Pakistan are in the same boat. Terrorism and intolerance exists equally. But it takes more press for Pakistan as it's not as big of an economy as India's and its lobby ain't paying as many $$ as much bigger and money throwing Indian lobby does.

Really? I wasn't aware christians were being killed "hundreds at a time". Why don't you post some links to prove your statement. A few Christians were killed in Kandhamal riots in 2007 which were perhaps the only anti christian riots in India's history and were perpetrated by some lawless tribal villagers. 5 states in India are christian majority states and several of our top politicians like the head of our ruling party - Sonia Gandhi and our defence minister are Christian. Meanwhile , Christians , Hindus and Sikhs in Pakistan have been almost wiped out in a systematic ethnic cleansing campaign. Minorities in Pakistan today are less than 1%. So yeah, India and Pakistan are not on the same boat and never were. There's a reason why your country is called " Islamic Republic of Pakistan" and ours is not called "Hindu republic of India" .
As far as what's concerned? I think you guys are on the same level if not worse. Look inside India ......killings of Christians, Muslims ongoing for years in hundreds at a time???...abusive treatment of hundreds of thousands of people in many states.....the military gang rapes and killings in Kashmir of women and children???? The supermen status of terrorists organizations in India who belong to Hindu elite groups like Shiv Sena, BJP, RSS????
What more would you like to compare to, in order for calling India better than any other country? So my man, both India and Pakistan are in the same boat. Terrorism and intolerance exists equally. But it takes more press for Pakistan as it's not as big of an economy as India's and its lobby ain't paying as many $$ as much bigger and money throwing Indian lobby does.

That's a lame excuse.. Get out of anecdotal comments and compare numbers.. If you call BJP as a terrorist organization, then I am sorry, but by that logic one can call Pakistan a country of 180 million terrorists.. Being religiously motivated does not make you a terrorist. What you do with that motivation does.. And there in lies the difference between India and Pakistan..
ISPR has just come out with a statement.. No evidence.. No proof... Pakistan army may be God for Pakistan, but has no credibility on face value for rest of the world...

I dont care abt what you say and think, I dont want to get into a chit tossing debate with you indians at this pt of time. But just one clarification, kindly remember you are not the whole world. So please stop quoting your self as such.
I dont care abt what you say and think, I dont want to get into a chit tossing debate with you indians at this pt of time. But just one clarification, kindly remember you are not the whole world. So please stop quoting your self as such.

When I said whole world, I did not mean India.. Every one needs evidence to believe what PA says.. Everyone except Pakistanis ...
Press Release
No PR21/2013-ISPR Dated: February 16, 2013
Rawalpindi - February 16, 2013:
Namaz-e-Jenaza of Sepoy Muhammad Akhlaq who embraced shahadat yesterday in Khoi Ratta Sector was offered in his native village Pind Bainso, Tehsil Kallar Saydan, District Rawalpindi and was buried with full Military Honour today.

A large number of serving military officials, relatives of shaheed and media persons offered namaze jinaza and fateha for the departed soul.


Namaz-e-Jenaza of Sepoy Muhammad Akhlaq who embraced shahadat in Khoi Ratta Sector offered in his native village Pind Bainso, Tehsil Kallar Saydan, District Rawalpindi on Saturday. (16-2-2013) - Photo ISPR
Feel sorry for that young guy and parents who lost their son :).

May God take care of their family n award them happiness
Namaz-e-Jenaza of Sepoy Muhammad Akhlaq who embraced shahadat yesterday in Khoi Ratta Sector was offered in his native village Pind Bainso, Tehsil Kallar Saydan, District Rawalpindi and was buried with full Military Honour today.

I take a bow and pray to Allah that he provides comfort to the parents and relatives of the martyred young soldier. May Allah bless his soul and reward him with eternal Paradise. Ameen
Pakistan army denied that they had killed two Indian soldiers few days back.

But not even any Pakistanis believe that. They accept it naturally that PA lies most of the time anyways. But then they find a fountain of truth in PA statements when its convenient and it nurses that victimhood complex.
RIP to the brave man who laid down his most precious belonging in the service of his country...

Interestingly no mention of an execution in the ISPR press release.. just like the one on Ministry of Foreign Affairs.. Did the original journalist who quoted ISPR mess up ??

The ISPR gave a press release to all the media outlets during a press conference, where the journals can cross question the authorities, do you honestly think every incident is or should be posted on the ISPR website. !!!
Pakistan army denied that they had killed two Indian soldiers few days back.

But not even any Pakistanis believe that. They accept it naturally that PA lies most of the time anyways. But then they find a fountain of truth in PA statements when its convenient and it nurses that victimhood complex.

Victimhood complex :angry:

When has the PA or even a Pakistani asked the IA to show any quarter? The only thing ISPR has done is describe their side of the story, was there a single statement that depicted that PA is asking from mercy from the Indian side. This thought process of 'egoistic superiority' has taken a huge toll on the minds of the average. Nor have we asked for nor do we expect to receive any quarter from the Indian side, so take this thinking and shove it up your a** cause no one here is scared off you and nor do we expect any special treatment.
Unfortunately, karan doesn't understand English.

Keep the discussions going without violating the rules.


Could you kindly warn those posters who are repeatedly bringing 71 and 99 Kargil subjects again and again. What POW and Kargil issues has got to do with the shahdat of our Jawan?
Victimhood complex :angry:

When has the PA or even a Pakistani asked the IA to show any quarter? The only thing ISPR has done is describe their side of the story, was there a single statement that depicted that PA is asking from mercy from the Indian side. This thought process of 'egoistic superiority' has taken a huge toll on the minds of the average. Nor have we asked for nor do we expect to receive any quarter from the Indian side, so take this thinking and shove it up your a** cause no one here is scared off you and nor do we expect any special treatment.

Please learn to read carefully. I'm not referring to your martial race army, I'm referring to the posters here who almost all of them for a second do not believe the PA official stand that PA did not kill the two Indian soldiers a few days back. but now they believe the PA story fully because its convenient for ''whatever psychological condition explains that''. Thats moot, apparently.

As to your abusive language, well it reflects badly on the forum and yourself too. Yesterday a mod was using abusive language. No skin off my back. Haven't seen anyone lose their cool on the other busy thread though, the quetta one.
You should read the surrent document, if i remember correctly it explicitly states that the Indian Army will take personal charge of Pakistani troops and would provide the necessary provisions for their accomodations which they indeed did and i commend them for it. This is the reason why PA surrendered, if they hadn't than they were willing to fight till the last man because they knew that it was going to be death anyways under MB. Both USSR and USA forced India to accept this clause, and the IA was also forthcoming about it because she did not want to continue the hostilities. And as far as IG showing the middle finger to US, lets be realistic here for one second. The US had almost 15 carrier attack groups in 1970's, each carrier group containing more fire power than the entire Indian Army combined, do you honestly think if it came to blows who would have won? The US Navy could have destroyed your entire fleet, fire a couple of missiles at your C&C and there was nothing IG could do about it. The only nation that could have helped you was USSR, but i have my doubts if they would as they were getting ready to blast China out of the face of the Earth in 1971.

I exactly know of the blood thirst at the time, and that is why i am telling you that PA would never have surrendered if the IA refused to take them into custody.

They couldn't, they signed a document and than if India would have allowed a massacre, you had the entire world watching at you. And indeed i do give them credit for providing very comfy facilities, my phopha who was a POW told me that in some cases they were provided better rations than their Indian counterparts. IA officers would extend their counterpart full professional courtesy, invite them to dinner and balls etc. But sorry to say, those days are long gone. There is hardly any comradarie that exists among the soldiers near the LOC anymore.

Well than you should read the thread again, i moderated a lot of the comments from your Indian brethren which were outright disgusting against the martyred soldier.

The soldier in this case was wearing a uniform so that should distinguish him but either way, it does not matter what the tangents are. You are perfectly right in stating that IA was well with in her rights to shoot first and ask questions later, after all the PA Jawan was on the wrong side of the border and not the other way around.

We will never know the real truth unless their is an investigation, we can only make educated guesses.

I know it has, it has been an unwritten rule for the past 60 years to return strayed soldiers with full professional courtesies. I know for sure that there was one incident in 2006 where a small platoon lead by 2nd Lt was lost and ended up on the Indian side of the border. The IA took them to their local camps, served them tea, biscuits and brought whatever sweets they had, they did not even disarm them. What i fear is that this action has set a very bad precedant because you can be damn sure that PA won't be that forgiving when they get in their hands on a strayed IA Jawan, but i pray to God they are because no point in killing a bread winner for petty revenge.

Are you seriousaly going to lie straight to my face? Those investigations were conducted when this whole hoopla was uncovered by the Indian media, it left the IA red faced. Whether the IA lies to their political masters or not, it does not matter. Lets stop it with this attitude of 'Doodh say Dhula Huwa', IA has had her hand in the glove of some pretty nasty things just like PA. They are not angels as you are making them out to be.

Your right on most counts notorious except the first one and i am too tired to type on it. Maybe later.
Really? I wasn't aware christians were being killed "hundreds at a time". Why don't you post some links to prove your statement. A few Christians were killed in Kandhamal riots in 2007 which were perhaps the only anti christian riots in India's history and were perpetrated by some lawless tribal villagers. 5 states in India are christian majority states and several of our top politicians like the head of our ruling party - Sonia Gandhi and our defence minister are Christian. Meanwhile , Christians , Hindus and Sikhs in Pakistan have been almost wiped out in a systematic ethnic cleansing campaign. Minorities in Pakistan today are less than 1%. So yeah, India and Pakistan are not on the same boat and never were. There's a reason why your country is called " Islamic Republic of Pakistan" and ours is not called "Hindu republic of India" .

Ok, you can take the so called 'secularism' up somewhere. That doesn't hide the fact. Just because you have a few 'muslims' or 'christians' in senior roles, doesn't show that the country is secular in nature. The political and media b.s. should be left aside. We are talking about humans here.
1) The Indian police and army watched the destruction of mosques and churches. I've posted a LOT on these issues. Go read my previous posts or read below.
2) The Christians and Muslim killings are a norm. Get with the program. You can't hide or justify killings of others and avoid the blame. Everyone's shi*t stinks and yours too
3) The POPE had to call the Indian prime minister asking him to immediately act on weeks of violence against Christians last year. As no military or state perconnel were trying to control the riots.
4) You guys killed hundreds of Sikhs inside your own India. Your army published a memo in 2000 telling everyone that the people with turbans (the Sikhs) were all terrorists or inclined to commit that, so keep an eye on them
5) I have a few good friends from India, mostly Christians, Sikhs and Muslims. I get this stuff first hand. So PLEASE, I may have never been to India or Pakistan.....but I know EXACTLY what you or someone living there would know.
6) Kashmir.....killings, rapes, murders, extra judicial killing by the mighty Indian Army......may I keep going?

Here, see, read and listen for your own sanity's sake. It doesn't hurt to admit you guys also have a terrorist problem and there are hindu fractions involved. The world knows it, you and I know it and it's the truth. India isn't exactly the 'heaven' on the planet earth as you guys claim it to be. Being patriot is one thing, being stupid and blind patriot.....is being amateur.

[Sky] India's Christians Persecuted 2008.10.19 - YouTube

Christians Killed in India - YouTube

The reality for Christians in India - YouTube

Brutal Torture and Bloodshed- The Reality of India.flv - YouTube

Hindus killing muslims and christiuans in india - YouTube

Cruel Indian Army Killing Muslims Islam Kashmir - YouTube
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