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Unusual/unique/undiscovered medical conditions

Jan 16, 2013
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What’s my problem? Some people suffer from unusual medical conditions. Sometimes the condition could be so unusual that it could even be a unique phenomenon. Doctors don’t really understand such disease and hence use a universal blanket term to make the ‘diagnoses’. Doctors are skeptical of the fact that what they are dealing with may be outside the realm of hitherto knowledge. This causes agony to patient. What should such patients do? Matters become worse if it is a neurological defect affecting mind because they are subtle and intangible. The damage is just enough to ruin one’s life but not enough for others to be able to notice it. For instance imagine the scenario if Dyslexia and Prosopagnosia (Face blindness) were undiscovered type of diseases. If at all (and that’s a big if) doctors are convinced of reality (of the case being something uncommon), they still try to refute the truth by making some excuse. I provided strong evidences to suggest that all of their diagnoses are wrong yet they kind of refuse to address my valid complaints.

So what do I want? I want to approach clinical researchers. I want to know the way to contact medical scientists. Don't tell me to take the route of asking the doctor. All attempts to make them see sense have failed.

Moreover scientists have something to gain. Brain and mind are a much unexplored areas and studying my case may unravel some mysteries.
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