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Unsettling video shows large al Qaeda meeting in Yemen

Dear I do not understand what you are writing or what this has to do with anything?! Read your first post in this thread again.

What has Palestine and some documentary to do with the topic?
Little bit go back to history, can you tell me something about 1926 Mecca agreement ?

I ask you question , you just change the words and asking me back....

I am not trolling. I honestly did not understand what you meant in the beginning and what this had to do with the topic of this thread.

I am not aware of any Makkah 1926 agreement but I am not a historian.
I am not trolling. I honestly did not understand what you meant in the beginning and what this had to do with the topic of this thread.

I am not aware of any Makkah 1926 agreement but I am not a historian.
Well, its very lengthy topic don't have time to cover . But without looking back to the pages of history you can not move forward. Just closing the argument by brave nationalist
" late President Ibrahim al-Hamdi in 1977 during a state visit to Taif in Saudi Arabia, “I am still in Yemeni territory. If you wish to discuss the issue, we can start with this point."
(your country Yemen is intentionally destroying by your own blood).
Well, its very lengthy topic don't have time to cover . But without looking back to the pages of history you can not move forward. Just closing the argument by brave nationalist
" late President Ibrahim al-Hamdi in 1977 during a state visit to Taif in Saudi Arabia, “I am still in Yemeni territory. If you wish to discuss the issue, we can start with this point."
(your country Yemen is intentionally destroying by your own blood).

@HAIDER I am of mixed origins. My mother is only partially Yemeni but also of European origins. My lineage is a Hijazi Arab lineage (Hashemite) and my country is KSA. But I know what you mean since I do identity partially with Yemen and have written a lot about the country here. In any case you are referring to some of the southern provinces of KSA. Well, they were always independent. A hybrid between Northern Yemen and Hijaz. Just ask the people. There are no tensions anymore. Borders have changed for centuries. Sheikdoms, Sultanates, Kingdoms, Caliphates, Emirates etc. Just read about the ancient history of Yemen. One millennium Semitic pagans. The other adopting Judaism. Then Christianity and then Islam.

What you need to understand today is that people now live in their countries of birth. If we just look at everything in terms of regions, dialect or ethnic group your country (Pakistan) would be divided into 5-6 countries, India to 100's, Afghanistan to 5-6 a parts, Iran as well and dozens of others. That's not how it works anymore.

People want stability especially people of the GCC who have never known anything BUT stability.
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Looks like Uncle Sam has been caught with his pants down. :D
@HAIDER I am of mixed origins. My mother is only partially Yemeni but also of European origins. My lineage is a Hijazi Arab lineage (Hashemite) and my country is KSA. But I know what you mean since I do identity partially with Yemen and have written a lot about the country here. In any case you are referring to some of the southern provinces of KSA. Well, they were always independent. A hybrid between Northern Yemen and Hijaz. Just ask the people. There are no tensions anymore. Borders have changed for centuries. Sheikdoms, Sultanates, Kingdoms, Caliphates, Emirates etc. Just read about the ancient history of Yemen. One millennium Semitic pagans. The other adopting Judaism. Then Christianity and then Islam.

What you need to understand today is that people now live in their countries of birth. If we just look at everything in terms of regions, dialect or ethnic group your country (Pakistan) would be divided into 5-6 countries, Indian to 100's, Afghanistan to 5-6 a parts, Iran as well and dozens of others. That's not how it works anymore.

People want stability especially people of the GCC who have never known anything BUT stability.
..........well good to know you are son of .بنو هاشم..Hope you carry the pride of بنو هاشم
..........well good to know you are son of .بنو هاشم..Hope you carry the pride of بنو هاشم

It has no importance. Really. We are all humans. Outside of the trolling on PDF I treat everybody equally and have more respect for people of humble origins than those that do not lack anything.

In any case please listen to this. People identifying with their tribes (family history) is one thing fighting over petty differences is another. When certain Arab issues are discussed many observers still approach it from a purely tribal perspective which is wrong, ignorant and outdated. Yemen is the most tribal country in the Arab world outside of Libya. Why? Because Yemen was always made up by dozens of ancient city states, different Imamates, Kingdoms, Emirates, Sheikdoms etc. Due to geographic differences, large geographic distances. For instance Yemenis unlike pretty much everyone else in the ME built their homes on TOP of the mountains not in the valleys. Why? To protect themselves from attacks of foreigners or rivals. What did that mean for the social fabric? Well that people became protective and differed despite being pretty much the same people.

Now poverty, social unrest etc. obviously is full for such sentiments. Why? Because without a strong social state you have all those problems EVERYWHERE. History is my witness.

Today the ME is dominated by central states. Not loose federations that are fighting for power. Yes, some countries, especially some GCC countries, still put an emphasis on tribal unity and that form of heritage but it's mostly only ceremonial. KSA is ruled by more people not from the House of Saud than the opposite. It's a necessary development since nepotism never worked anywhere.
I wonder if Yemen is about to get ''democracy'' shoved down its throat as well.....:coffee:
I wonder if Yemen is about to get ''democracy'' shoved down its throat as well.....:coffee:

Well, Iraq worked perfectly as we can see so I think that they would do better without American Freedom Fries.:sarcastic:

Eliminating AQAP and the Houthi's would be marvelous though. The drug smugglers too.
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