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UN report places the blame for Saudi attack on Iranians

Man, here you go again, following me around, derailing my thread, even when I don't reply to you...you can't help yourself. Did you notice I didn't reply to your posts in my topic. I don't want to converse with you! Can you get that? GO AWAY! Stop stalking me, you little creep.
I had to reply to you because you called the Persian Gulf just gulf. It was out of patriotism. Otherwise I'm not interested in your nonsense.

"GO AWAY! Stop stalking me, you little creep"?! Seriously? Now you sound like a girl or an effeminate man. lol

Anyway, don't reply again. Not interested. Next time use the correct term for that body of water. I think that wasn't covered in your CIA education, but we will learn more about you in future. I'll have you on the spot again once you show another sign that you're not Iranian.
China would veto and so would Russia. US has no cards left to play after they used their blame China card with the US bioweapon. :china:
China would veto and so would Russia. US has no cards left to play after they used their blame China card with the US bioweapon. :china:
The snapback mechanism is veto proof....in other words, any of the JCPOA participants (not the USA in this instance) can invoke the dispute mechanism, if the dispute cannot be resolved the snapback mechanism can put back the sanctions without a vote, no vote, no veto.

PS: when I found out about this, I emailed Javad Zarif, and expresses my disappointment that they let this one slip by.....this was obviously slipped in by the zionists or USA knowing they can use it to blow the whole sanction relief mechanism out of the water. I don't know how it was missed, I really don't want to blame Zarif, why on earth would anyone blow up an agreement that took 4 yrs to put together, if they didn't want to keep it...the Trump factor was missed by the whole world not just us. But here's hoping, he will be out by November, and they will have to pressure wash the White House to get the stench of (Kushner) Zionism out of it.
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The snapback mechanism is veto proof....in other words, any of the JCPOA participants (not the USA in this instance) can institute the dispute mechanism, if the dispute cannot be resolved the snapback mechanism can put back the sanctions without a vote, no vote, no veto.

However, that is the only thing they can do (use existing UN resolutions), Russia and China are not going to allow new UN resolutions against Iran. Especially after Huawei incident.

IEDs were blamed on Iran too. That was a false flag. They were from Hezbollah.

How the US lies into wars:

(7:00) Have US make mock-up Iranian speed boats to invent a fake incident...

Nearly like those mines on the tanker incident.
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