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UN report places the blame for Saudi attack on Iranians


Mar 22, 2017
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
United States

Look out...they're slowly setting the stage for UNSC vote. An FDD/AIPAC/Netanyahu ruse to kill what ever remains of the JCPOA, to make sure the next U.S. president cannot revive the deal. Last week it was the report from IAEA saying Iran has exceeded the nuclear material of the JCPOA......what the news then reported was that Iran has enough material on hand to build 2 bombs! Clever huh? Even the FDD bozos put up an Op-ed in the papers that said UN did it's job and now it's the world to take action against Iran.
And now this week we have the UN report on S.A. attack......they key point was that the weapons were of Iranian origin and that the transfer of weapons was inconsistent with UN resolution.....meaning: Iran is in breach again.

They're setting the stage to ambush us, I hope Mr. Zarif is not standing idle while these guys are working behind the scene to extend the Arms embargo indefinitely and ramp up pressure on us to pull out the NPT.

Also this is a good read.....some people are paying attention to what is going on on the ground.

"This is about smashing the JCPOA and ensuring that any future administration cannot put the pieces back together,” Davenport said. And she warned that future efforts to curb nuclear proliferation could be endangered if Washington decides to reimpose an arms embargo that helped bring Iran to the nuclear table in the first place."
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Fight fire with fire.

Time to start showing cards (ICBM, Nuclear etc.)

Wasn't there another "space launch" due this month or the next? Zolfaghar launcher I remmber?

Scare the world on the consequences of what will happen
Fight fire with fire.

Time to start showing cards (ICBM, Nuclear etc.)

Wasn't there another "space launch" due this month or the next? Zolfaghar launcher I remmber?

Scare the world on the consequences of what will happen

Completely agree. World only recognizes strength.

Time to unsheathe the knives one by one.
Fight fire with fire.

Time to start showing cards (ICBM, Nuclear etc.)

Wasn't there another "space launch" due this month or the next? Zolfaghar launcher I remmber?

Scare the world on the consequences of what will happen
I think the outcome will be worse than that....Iran will pull out of NPT. This is of course Israel's stratagem because they figure the U.S. will have to bomb Iran to contain it if they pull of the NPT. I doubt the Biden Administration will entertain such ideas but if Trump wins all bets are off.
Fight fire with fire.

Time to start showing cards (ICBM, Nuclear etc.)

Wasn't there another "space launch" due this month or the next? Zolfaghar launcher I remmber?

Scare the world on the consequences of what will happen
Demonstrating an ICBM capability looks like the most likely option for Iran. We have an advanced missile program that relies on our domestic capabilities. Iran's missile program is its strength. Also, we can always ask the North Koreans for a ToT of Hwasong-14. I think our cooperation with the North Koreans is solid. But it doesn't make much sense to have ICBMs when you can't equip them with nuclear warheads.

I think Iran's first real response after verbal threats will be to up the enrichment level to 20% under the pretext that we need it for the Tehran Research Reactor, providing medical isotopes to people with cancer (which is kind of true, because it will run out of fuel in a few years). At 20% enrichment, you've already done 90% of the job needed for acquiring HEU.

I don't expect much from the Rouhani administration. I think their first reaction will be just threats. Then their response will be completed in a number of steps and ultimatums like before. First, they will up the enrichment level to 20%. Then they will possibly restrict the access of the IAEA inspectors by stopping to implement the additional protocol of the NPT. Then they will declare to the agency that we will leave the NPT in 3 months if our demands are not met (which is required by the NPT). At the last step, they will pull out of the NPT.

And I personally think that both the Trump administration or a future Biden administration will pretty much follow the same policies regarding Iran.
Iran's Foreign Ministry issued a response to the UN report.....

The Iranian ministry also added that: "The Secretariat's report coincides with the US destructive plan which is reflected within the dangerous draft resolution that paves the way for extension of arms restrictions on Iran in an illegal way; and yet more surprisingly, the content of this report is used by the US two weeks prior to its official release."
It went on to say that the report was "prepared under direction" of the US and will be used in its efforts in the Security Council against Iran.
It "strongly" urged the UN chief "not to move in the pre-planned US scenario" to avert lifting of Iranian arms restrictions, and not to assist a "violating State in this illegal process" by circulation of the imposed reports.

interesting excerpt from the official response to the report: It seems Sec Gen Guterres has been bought and paid for.....SMH

Interestingly, the Secretariat’s report coincides with the US’ move to propose a dangerous draft resolution that paves the way for extension of arms restrictions on Iran in an illegal way; and yet more surprisingly, the content of this report is used by the US two weeks prior to its official release. The aforementioned fact creates the impression that the report has been prepared under direction of the United States and to be used in the efforts of that State in the Security Council against Iran.
I think the outcome will be worse than that....Iran will pull out of NPT. This is of course Israel's stratagem because they figure the U.S. will have to bomb Iran to contain it if they pull of the NPT. I doubt the Biden Administration will entertain such ideas but if Trump wins all bets are off.

I think Iran will pull out of NPT but not before they do a nuke test
Demonstrating an ICBM capability looks like the most likely option for Iran. We have an advanced missile program that relies on our domestic capabilities. Iran's missile program is its strength. Also, we can always ask the North Koreans for a ToT of Hwasong-14. I think our cooperation with the North Koreans is solid. But it doesn't make much sense to have ICBMs when you can't equip them with nuclear warheads.

I think Iran's first real response after verbal threats will be to up the enrichment level to 20% under the pretext that we need it for the Tehran Research Reactor, providing medical isotopes to people with cancer (which is kind of true, because it will run out of fuel in a few years). At 20% enrichment, you've already done 90% of the job needed for acquiring HEU.

I don't expect much from the Rouhani administration. I think their first reaction will be just threats. Then their response will be completed in a number of steps and ultimatums like before. First, they will up the enrichment level to 20%. Then they will possibly restrict the access of the IAEA inspectors by stopping to implement the additional protocol of the NPT. Then they will declare to the agency that we will leave the NPT in 3 months if our demands are not met (which is required by the NPT). At the last step, they will pull out of the NPT.

And I personally think that both the Trump administration or a future Biden administration will pretty much follow the same policies regarding Iran.

Fucking Rouhani....

He comes off as a weakling compared to the adversaries he faces, just my personally opinion really. I don't have anything against the man but damn has this JCPOA bullshit taken the piss as his entire administration was built around its success lol. Very, very unfortunate for him that his "magnum opus" is nothing but a lame-duck. I was originally on-board with the JCPOA as it did give Iran some sort of economic relief and helped with the economy (I'm assuming) but with hindsight being 20/20, damn was this one big shit-stick. Sucks to suck I guess.....

I wonder if Javad-Zarif will have much of a political career in Iran after Rouhani is gone, maybe, maybe not idk. Also I take it that Khamenei and his posse are quite displeased, if not unyieldingly livid with all that has gone on recently and aren't all that keen on negotiating with the U.S.A. in general. After Soleimani's unjust murder as well as bringing the two nations to the brink of war needlessly, the Iranian leadership must have had a new wakeup call on how to best move forward. Can't even begin to imagine what Khamenei was actually thinking/feeling these past several years.

Well, like with most things in this largely weird existence, we just gotta wait and see what happens. :yu:

I think Iran will pull out of NPT but not before they do a nuke test

Clearly Iran needs to do something other than abstain or be pragmatic when it comes to its nuclear energy program, no pussy-footing essentially. A hard decision needs too made, one that will take into account all the possible outcomes and one that places increased hardships on Iran if they indeed take that course of action. Resilience, patience and a strong-will is what's needed for Iran to gain the eventual upper-hand. Whether that comes in the form of nukes, better economy, increased regional strength via-different mediums etc, etc...As long as Iran "progresses" I can sleep better at night.

Evidently things aren't going to get better and I personally don't have much confidence in Biden or whomever else coming in and just "fixing" the near irreparable damage Trump's Zionist-led administration has caused.
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Fight fire with fire.

Time to start showing cards (ICBM, Nuclear etc.)

Wasn't there another "space launch" due this month or the next? Zolfaghar launcher I remmber?

Scare the world on the consequences of what will happen

Tbh idk if this is the right thing to do right now. Israel is after destabilizing the region. So Iran escalating first might be disadvantageous for them. Israel has been tasked to start a war that would somehow drag Iran into it. I think that if Iran decides to do anything, it should be done by the houthis or hezbollah.

Demonstrating an ICBM capability looks like the most likely option for Iran. We have an advanced missile program that relies on our domestic capabilities. Iran's missile program is its strength. Also, we can always ask the North Koreans for a ToT of Hwasong-14. I think our cooperation with the North Koreans is solid. But it doesn't make much sense to have ICBMs when you can't equip them with nuclear warheads.

I think Iran's first real response after verbal threats will be to up the enrichment level to 20% under the pretext that we need it for the Tehran Research Reactor, providing medical isotopes to people with cancer (which is kind of true, because it will run out of fuel in a few years). At 20% enrichment, you've already done 90% of the job needed for acquiring HEU.

I don't expect much from the Rouhani administration. I think their first reaction will be just threats. Then their response will be completed in a number of steps and ultimatums like before. First, they will up the enrichment level to 20%. Then they will possibly restrict the access of the IAEA inspectors by stopping to implement the additional protocol of the NPT. Then they will declare to the agency that we will leave the NPT in 3 months if our demands are not met (which is required by the NPT). At the last step, they will pull out of the NPT.

And I personally think that both the Trump administration or a future Biden administration will pretty much follow the same policies regarding Iran.
Iran has already showed it has ICBM capability with the last satellite launch. So either Iran launches one with a warhead or Iran has to show something else.
Fake claims of the lawless redneck gang posing as diplomats:

Iran rejects U.N. report that arms 'of Iranian origin' used in Saudi attacks

Iran’s Foreign Ministry said in a statement carried by state media that “Iran denies allegations by the U.N. Secretariat that appear to have been made under political pressure from the U.S. and Saudi regimes”.

Interestingly, the ... report comes at a time when the United States is working to draft a dangerous resolution to extend an arms embargo against Iran,” the statement said.

The rednecks are trying desperately:

Washington Ramps Up Efforts to Kill Iran Deal Ahead of October Arms Embargo Expiry

The redneck gang is not trying to hide it anymore:

An arm embargo should execute against US, because indirectly they killed and injured millions Yemeni Muslims by selling equipments to Suadia. Trump dog and Pompeo dog also need to be killed for sake of Yemeni people.
to make sure the next U.S. president cannot revive the deal
Even if they change the president today, and put a democrat in trumps place, there will be no change in US policies towards Iran. also, even if the military equipment sanctions are lifted, i don't think the US will just stand by and watch iran buy advanced equipment such as jets and warships.

Time to start showing cards (ICBM, Nuclear etc.)
I personally dont want to see the region blow up in nuclear arms race. though I think hypersonic gliders or maneuverable warhead for said ICBMs will be enough to detter the US. we need just enough of accuracy to target a giant reactor or factory... we can also use tens even hundreds of missiles for that purpose.

Fucking Rouhani....
He comes off as a weakling compared to the adversaries he faces

It is not just rouhani... he doesn't act alone. he is within a gigantic system of politicians and think tanks...
Fucking Rouhani....

He comes off as a weakling compared to the adversaries he faces, just my personally opinion really. I don't have anything against the man but damn has this JCPOA bullshit taken the piss as his entire administration was built around its success lol. Very, very unfortunate for him that his "magnum opus" is nothing but a lame-duck. I was originally on-board with the JCPOA as it did give Iran some sort of economic relief and helped with the economy (I'm assuming) but with hindsight being 20/20, damn was this one big shit-stick. Sucks to suck I guess.....

I wonder if Javad-Zarif will have much of a political career in Iran after Rouhani is gone, maybe, maybe not idk. Also I take it that Khamenei and his posse are quite displeased, if not unyieldingly livid with all that has gone on recently and aren't all that keen on negotiating with the U.S.A. in general. After Soleimani's unjust murder as well as bringing the two nations to the brink of war needlessly, the Iranian leadership must have had a new wakeup call on how to best move forward. Can't even begin to imagine what Khamenei was actually thinking/feeling these past several years.

Well, like with most things in this largely weird existence, we just gotta wait and see what happens. :yu:

Clearly Iran needs to do something other than abstain or be pragmatic when it comes to its nuclear energy program, no pussy-footing essentially. A hard decision needs too made, one that will take into account all the possible outcomes and one that places increased hardships on Iran if they indeed take that course of action. Resilience, patience and a strong-will is what's needed for Iran to gain the eventual upper-hand. Whether that comes in the form of nukes, better economy, increased regional strength via-different mediums etc, etc...As long as Iran "progresses" I can sleep better at night.

Evidently things aren't going to get better and I personally don't have much confidence in Biden or whomever else coming in and just "fixing" the near irreparable damage Trump's Zionist-led administration has caused.

Honestly, I am very critical of the JCPOA but recently I have learned facts about the Iranian nuclear program that has made me think that maybe, I emphasize maybe, we have already experimented with nuclear warheads under the pretext of civilian uses. Vyacheslav Danilenko, a Ukrainian nuclear weapons expert who used to work at the Chelyabinsk nuclear facility during the Soviet Union, supposedly help Iran with the hydrodynamics of nuclear implosion even though he denies those claims and insists that he helped Iran with civilian applications only, like nanodiamonds. We have been experimenting with plutonium reprocessing, neutron initiators and exploding bridge wire detonators since late 1990s. Although the majority of these claims have been refuted by Iran as "the US trying to frame Iran", some of these claims like the plutonium reprocessing and Danilenko's presence in Iran have been verified independently.

I really hope that the JCPOA was a well-calculated tactical move even though all public evidences point to the opposite. Our civilian nuclear program seems to be at a dead end now. It doesn't make much sense to keep it running for commercial or civilian purposes. Our current enrichment capacity is not enough to provide even the fuel for the current Bushehr nuclear reactor for just one year. So, if there's no big strategy for it, it's just a waste of money and resources because of the severe monitoring measures on Iran. I'm hopeful that there's more to Iran's nuclear program than one can know.

Tbh idk if this is the right thing to do right now. Israel is after destabilizing the region. So Iran escalating first might be disadvantageous for them. Israel has been tasked to start a war that would somehow drag Iran into it. I think that if Iran decides to do anything, it should be done by the houthis or hezbollah.

Iran has already showed it has ICBM capability with the last satellite launch. So either Iran launches one with a warhead or Iran has to show something else.

I don't know about that. I mean it's true that Iran has mastered multi-stage ballistic missiles but how far our missiles can go is not clear yet. And also an ICBM has to go through a reentry phase as well. And still, launching an ICBM without an unconventional warhead that can affect a large area doesn't make any sense. Meanwhile, the North Korean missile Hwasong-14 uses a RD-250 engine that is claimed to be too sophisticated to be reverse engineered without challenges and difficulties.
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Even if they change the president today, and put a democrat in trumps place, there will be no change in US policies towards Iran. also, even if the military equipment sanctions are lifted, i don't think the US will just stand by and watch iran buy advanced equipment such as jets and warships.
The US shouldn't be able to extend the deal. And even if they do, I am sure that Russia and China wouldn't care and still sell stuff to Iran. But the actual thing the US is scared of isnt Iran buying equipment. It's actually Iran selling it's own equipment to others. The US doesnt have that much infor about how capable Iranian arms really are, and some Iranian equipments have actually proved to being very useful and cheap. So the US doesnt want more trouble, and also the US doesnt want the Iranian economy to improve by them selling equipment to others.

I personally dont want to see the region blow up in nuclear arms race. though I think hypersonic gliders or maneuverable warhead for said ICBMs will be enough to detter the US. we need just enough of accuracy to target a giant reactor or factory... we can also use tens even hundreds of missiles for that purpose.
Iran is well known for being able to mass produce such equipment, although they have officially stated that their max range is 2000km, but we all know that iran is way more capable than that. They never show anything until its at least 5 or 6 years old and from the current equipment we have seen from Iran, we can safely say that Iran probably has some ICBM or IRBM missiles, so they should be able to achieve such tasks by targeting special locations.

It is not just rouhani... he doesn't act alone. he is within a gigantic system of politicians and think tanks...
Rouhani has the most power in the corrupt system he has made in Iran and is controlling it. When the top people are captured, others under him can easily be stopped and captured.

I don't know about that. I mean it's true that Iran has mastered multi-stage ballistic missiles but how far our missiles can go is not clear yet. And also an ICBM has to go through a reentry phase as well. And still, launching an ICBM without an unconventional warhead that can affect a large area doesn't make any sense. Meanwhile, the North Korean missile Hwasong-14 uses a RD-250 engine that is claimed to be too sophisticated to be reverse engineered without challenges and difficulties.
Well sometimes upscaling some parts does work and increase the range of the platform. Anyway Iran has proved to have the capability to use multi staged missiles, and I am sure they will test the platform as an ICBM if they ever need it. It's still too soon to unveil such a thing, but I can say we will see it in the near future. Also a nuclear warhead isnt always needed, having an ICBM with multiple reentry vehicles would actually make more sense, as it gives Iran the capability to take out the targets it wants without having much civilian casualties. But Iran should still get nuclear warheads because this world isnt fair and every super power has one, so Iran has to get its own nukes to be able to defend itself against the others who have it.
Well sometimes upscaling some parts does work and increase the range of the platform. Anyway Iran has proved to have the capability to use multi staged missiles, and I am sure they will test the platform as an ICBM if they ever need it. It's still too soon to unveil such a thing, but I can say we will see it in the near future. Also a nuclear warhead isnt always needed, having an ICBM with multiple reentry vehicles would actually make more sense, as it gives Iran the capability to take out the targets it wants without having much civilian casualties. But Iran should still get nuclear warheads because this world isnt fair and every super power has one, so Iran has to get its own nukes to be able to defend itself against the others who have it.

The CEP of an ICBM will be in the range of kilometers. Putting a conventional warhead on an ICBM makes no sense as it will be of little tactical and strategic value due to its inaccuracy and high cost. And building a reentry vehicle for an ICBM is the challenging part. Your projectile may have to reenter the atmosphere at a speed of +7,000 m/s (~26,000 km/h) at an angle of 23 degrees from the horizon. So, Iran should master the aerodynamics of hypersonic systems as well.

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