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Umayyad invasion of Sindh and the arrival of Islam

Plenty of times.

Muslims are not like you people, we are honest about everything and we are always open to debate and discuss.

Well I must commend you. You are not representative of the majority of your countrymen, but I do hope they will follow your lead.

Now let me ask you, how many people in India are talking about the genocide of girls?

We definitely have no problem discussing the issue on prime time TV. We condemn such crimes without reservation.
Here is the relevant excerpt -

She was misled by Pakistanis.

Sikhs sometimes did kill their women, but it was only to save them from being raped by the murderous mobs who had gathered outside their houses with weapons. And having killed their women, the Sikh men also fought to the death.

Judging from what happened to Fatima Bibi, their actions were very justified.

This clip describes the situation -

How Sikhs saved their women from Muslim Mobs during Partition of 1947 - YouTube

Judging by that video, the Sikhs might have put 2 and 2 together and killed her, the soldiers were probably speaking with knowledge.
Again misquoting islamic text.

Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W.W) said that those who don't pray in mosques i want to burn their houses.

He didn't said people of the houses.

It is pretty clear -

The Prophet added, "Certainly I decided to order the Mu'adh-dhin (call-maker) to pronounce Iqama and order a man to lead the prayer and then take a fire flame to burn all those who had not left their houses so far for the prayer along with their houses."

Anyway, I don't want to get into a religious debate. It was just an example of the sort of things that need to be discussed freely.
Well I must commend you. You are not representative of the majority of your countrymen, but I do hope they will follow your lead.

We definitely have no problem discussing the issue on prime time TV. We condemn such crimes without reservation.

really? and how do you know I don't represent the average Muslim? did your swami tell you that?
Do you have stats to back it up or are you pulling $hit our of your @ss ?
Seriously bro, so much blind hate cannot be good for you. Relax a little and enjoy life. Stop worrying so much about Muslims

It is pretty clear -

Anyway, I don't want to get into a religious debate. It was just an example of the sort of things that need to be discussed freely.

See that's the problem with your type. You are big on flair, which your fellow simpletons eat up, but when pressed you quickly show your complete and utter lack of knowledge.

Lets start with the basics. do you even know what a hadith is? do you know who Imam Bukhari was? Do you know how he complied the hadith?

As for your ridiculous statements about open discussion, I will once again post a forum link to people discussing the hadith.

Weak Hadith In Sahih Bukhari? - Page 2

Clear evidence that people openly discuss Islam.
But I don't really expect you to change your mind in lou of the evidence.
Small minded people tend not to work that way.

so you admit that your religion also had converts.

well there is another one of your arguments that has been proven to be rubbish
by you, no less. :lol:
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there are many muslims who convert back. and you know sikhs dont even ask them to. we dont believe in converting. if somone feels sikhism is true religion. he is sikh. no need to coerce or lure them into it
there are many muslims who convert back. and you know sikhs dont even ask them to. we dont believe in converting. if somone feels sikhism is true religion. he is sikh. no need to coerce or lure them into it

You said previously that your religion does not convert, then you post a video of people converting.
Do you not understand the hilarious irony of all this?
you, yourself are tuning this into a joke.
And don't worry, we are all laughing :rofl:

kuldip manak...born as muhammed latif. nobody converted him. he choose to be a sikh.


his son yudhvir manak.. could have been some muhammed too.
there are many muslims who convert back. and you know sikhs dont even ask them to. we dont believe in converting. if somone feels sikhism is true religion. he is sikh. no need to coerce or lure them into it

There are many many more Sikhs that convert to Islam, my sister in law is a Sikh girl.


kuldip manak...born as muhammed latif. nobody converted him. he choose to be a sikh.


his son yudhvir manak.. could have been some muhammed too.

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but the fact of the matter is that they are still converts.
Unless you are ready to take back your claim that your religion does not convert, all you are doing is showing your hypocrisy.

The problem you have made for yourself is that you want to hate Muslims. You think you found a way to hate us by saying "Muslims are bad b/c they convert people and we are good because we don't"

But right after you made that argument, you started posting videos and pictures of people have indeed converted to your religion. So now your good vs bad paradigm does not work because both religions have converts.
And all that happens is that you come across looking very silly, and I get a lot of entertainment :angel:
Lot of sh*t flying around in this thread and that to on religion the opium of masses.
I feel more peaceful as an atheist than as a person following some religion.
Islam did spread in India because of sufi saints who preached peaceful coexistence with Hindus.It is only radicals in both country who like to peddle there own theory. Pakistanis are taught that they ruled the weak Hindus but these revisionist forget that before Brits turned the whole of Pakistan and parts of India was under Sikh empire and powerful Maratha empire in south.

They also forget that Mughals would employ Hindu Rajput's and even Maratha's had a large contigent of Muslim among it forces.

Indian history revisionist will say that all the conversion took place by force when infact most of it was done by the Sufi's who preached tolerance among masses.

I personally detest for the level of hatred that religion has created if there is really a God then he is not God but the Devil himself who makes man to kill himself in the name of religion. I can understand writing this post will have no impact on you folks, but kindly understand this there is no belief greater than humanity.
Respect each other's belief only time will tell if people will burn in hell or die senselessly for a figment of human imagination.
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