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Why are you posting threads about the Armenian issue without doing any research and if you don't know anything about it? Why not post another topic about Turks?

Why are you posting anti-KSA posts on issues that you do not know about or have not researched? Remember who started it. You cannot blame me. Just like you cannot blame me for replying to the insult by your 46 year old compatriot that started the insults in this thread against me for no reason.
I do know about those topics and I actually posted credible evidence and the one source you did not take as credible has not been countered with a source proving its invalidity. I posted those threads in response to your rants. now answer my question instead of attacking.
I do know about those topics now answer my question instead of attacking.

Ok good. You already got an answer by me. I am no expert about the Armenian Genocide and have not read about it or talked about it here on this forum or in real life until I made that thread as an answer to your anti-KSA trolling in the ME section. Which you started.

Did I not already tell that I am not an expert and that I am interested in seeing the other sides version of history? I wrote that less than 30 minutes ago?!
You should apologize for posting false information and request that the mods remove that thread.
You should apologize for posting false information and request that the mods remove that thread.

What? First of all what is false and what is not false is not up for you or me to decide but historians. Lastly I am not going to apologize for anything since that was just a troll thread and reply to the trolling you started by posting anti-KSA threads in the ME section.

I can do an apology if you apologize for your anti-KSA threads and tell your compatriots not to troll in sections that contain Arab news and for your compatriots falsely calling Arab for traitors for being against an non-existing Caliphate by then who was de facto ruled by a bunch of nationalists (Young Turks movement) that discriminated against most of the Ottoman population which was non-Turkish. Despite that only about 2-3 tribes in Hijaz revolted while many Arabs in Hijaz were against the uprising and all while many Arabs fought for the Ottomans and gave their life's. Despite the obvious injustice most of their people suffered from in those late years of the Ottomans and before where the regions were neglected. But obviously this is not about Islam for you but just nationalism hence the "traitor" comment. Maybe not you but most Turkish users here. That debate started our current debate and those comments from Turkish users aimed at Arabs were unmotivated and uncalled for knowing how the Turks got the Caliphate 400 years previously after nearly 1000 years of Arab rule of the Caliphate.

I also suspect that you made that controversial thread about Madinah to stir up anti-Arab sentiments. But that is just a thought one can get. Of course I will never know and nobody else outside yourself unless you told something.

If you do that I can easily apologize and we can forget this past 1 week. If not we simply will have to avoid each other since all of our discussions will be based on that discussion I am talking about.
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What you talking about? Drunk? The amount of weirdos you see on the internet and in real life is probably the highest in Russia of all places. All you to do is make a few google searches and see the goodies for yourself. No disrespect. Lastly what has Islam to do with this? You follow Christianity yourself probably, at least most of your population does. That's an religion that also appeared in the ME among Semitic people.

You know very well that you were humiliated during the Cold War and erupted due to you not standing a chance against the Western world and its powerhouse. In fact give China a few more years and they are going to take your place as the main rival of the West. You will by then just side with them.

Russia has so many problems. Corruption, poverty, lack of quality products produced indigenously aside from partially the military sector, a declining population etc.

The most funny thing is that the Russian elite is more Western than the Westerners themselves. Just look at your rulers personal life and where some of his family life despite him being the ruler of Russia.

I know that you like to compare yourself to USA but Russia comparing itself with USA is frankly laughable.

"lack of quality products produced indigenously",

Pretty rich coming from a Saudi !!!!
I can only speak for my self and I don't tell the other members what to do and what not to do. Those threads that I opened were in response to you trolling in that thread about Fakhri Pasha who defended medinah from those who rebelled against the ottoman government which was recognized by the Muslim world as the caliphate. In the end you should still do the honorable thing and either apologize for posting information from invalid sources and you should admit that the sources are incorrect and request that the webmaster takes down the thread.
We will burn eventually if the russians are left unchecked.If you don't want to go head on like in the Ukraine a harsh answer has to be given via indirect routes.

new reality you will have to balance between eu and russia , the americans will sell you for a penny be sure on that
I can only speak for my self and I don't tell the other members what to do and what not to do. Those threads that I opened were in response to you trolling in that thread about Fakhri Pasha who defended medinah from those who rebelled against the ottoman government which was recognized by the Muslim world as the caliphate. In the end you should still do the honorable thing and either apologize for posting information from invalid sources or you should admit that the sources are incorrect and request that the webmaster takes down the thread.

The Ottoman Empire at that time was about to collapse. The Caliph had no power. Turkey was ruled by a bunch of nationalists. Young Turks Movement. For the locals the Ottomans by then were seen as nothing more than oppressors hence the majority rebelled like in many other places before that. Muslim as non-Muslim.

By your logic the Turks should had taken the Caliphate from the Arabs after nearly 1000 years of Arab rule of the Caliphate from the beginning. Yet the Turks did that. Despite the Abbasids being recognized worldwide as the Caliphs. Back then force was used. You took the Caliphate by force and you lost it due to force. You have to accept that. Also the many reasons for the Ottoman collapse has nothing to do with Arabs.

Once again who are you to say what is false and what is not? Are you an historian? Did you just solve the Armenian question?

I gave you the conditions for the apology. Either you accept it or not.

Why don't you write to the Webmaster yourself?
Okay I will tell the webmaster that the poster of the Armenian thread after conducting research has learned that the information is false and that h requests that it be taken down.
And we already discussed the historical issues you stated in the previous thread. And no the Armenian issue is not solved politically however the facts have been presented and they prove Armenian claims to be false.
1) Orkhon Valley Cultural Landscape

That's obviously nature. Nobody can claim that as people.


You're dumb. You don't even understand what you post. Here, link for you from your beloved wikipedia. For, I'm afraid you can't understand more complex texts LOL


And before piling sh.t on others, look at the mirror idiot. Your KSA has 2 unesco sites, one of them isn't even arab LOL
You're dumb. You don't even understand what you post. Here, link for you from your beloved wikipedia. For, I'm afraid you can't understand more complex texts LOL


And before piling sh.t on others, look at the mirror idiot. Your KSA has 2 unesco sites, one of them isn't even arab LOL

All of them are Arabs clown. Nabateans were Arab and Semitic people. The two in KSA are more impressive anyway especially Madain Saleh a huge and over 2000 year old complex. Turkic equals Semitic.

Nothing what I posted is factually wrong. I took the information from the English Wikipedia page.

Anyway that is Mongolia which is NOT Turkic so you cannot claim them as yours. Hence there is no point in going into details.

In any case in 3 out of the 6 Turkic states only 4-5 World UNESCO Heritage Sites can be claimed by Turks. Arabs built more World UNESCO Heritage sites in Spain, LOL.
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