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Ukraine has lost almost its entire Navy, 54 out of 67 ships are belong to us

Agreed on one thing that sometimes Turks do get out of hand on other threads, however, way way less than the Iranians. Secondly, there is no such thing as Ummah, there never was.

I am not biased I am stating truth you hate it or like it accept the facts...and keep the mullah talk away you are also a good poster I expect you to understand...the turk members fight and fight like iranian and arab members and mostly never get into sane discussions if I can only show you their posts in turkish section you won't be replying to me like that....Last thing again turkish is in mess they should sort out their problems first before taking on a heavy weight champion of even accusing them russians. You can remind me all the logic which means most of the powers did commit excess which you mentioned but the turkish members project themselves the most clear clean and innocent who can fix issues by standing up to russians..no so macho. Who needs to be taken care of time will tell but I assure you times for muslims states is going to be bad in next 15-20 years including Pak and Turkey. I think the muslim ummah of today are with such psyche that the west also says we don't deserve to exist so will russians say that for us...nothing wrong with what they say either.
Selective morality at play here.

West saw fit to carve Kosovo out of Serbia and so Russia took that as a sign that it would dismember both Georgia and Ukraine.

Arrogant West thought only they could play the game and not anyone else.:lol:

Good post...

You see these people fingerpoint at others and than when you remind them of their ill deeds and bad doing they would thank each posts and throw stupid posts at us without logic crying oh but don't remind or bring us west turkey and blah blah oh we are so powa phul...they carry out commit genocides and than bash others like russia.

It is useless to discuss with these people they simply do not qualify for such topics.
Bull crap, you guys are in NATO for American protection. Russian conventional force can easily over run your country if they want to.
Believe it or not, we have the conventional power and logistical means to keep russians stuck in mountainous passes of causcaus, they can never accomplish air superiority, those extremely manuaverable sukhois are no use, we have JHMC systems. Black sea fleet consists of ships around 40 years of age we have a stronger fleet.

We can't march anywhere further than Georgia but we can actually maintain a stalemate for a prolonged time and suffer less casualities. Turkish army reaches a manpower of around 2.5 million troops in 72 hours mobilization time. We ain't no pushovers.

last but not least, people who want to discuss about moralities of the situation should find themselves a philosophy forum. I don't give a shit about morality. And I'm not going to reply such posts.
Believe it or not, we have the conventional power and logistical means to keep russians stuck in mountainous passes of causcaus, they can never accomplish air superiority, those extremely manuaverable sukhois are no use, we have JHMC systems. Black sea fleet consists of ships around 40 years of age we have a stronger fleet.

We can't march anywhere further than Georgia but we can actually maintain a stalemate for a prolonged time and suffer less casualities. Turkish army reaches a manpower of around 2.5 million troops in 72 hours mobilization time. We ain't no pushovers.

last but not least, people who want to discuss about moralities of the situation should find themselves a philosophy forum. I don't give a shit about morality. And I'm not going to reply such posts.

Russia tactical ballistic missiles will vaporise your air force on the ground.

It is funny to see that Turks think they are any challenge to the 2nd most powerful country in the world.

Time to stop being so nationalistic and face reality.
I don't hate west or turkey but yes I dislike certain policies of western governments. Constantinople was not part of turkey it was taken by war by Ottoman empire what justification do you have for snatching it...so don't come complaining about russians when you did alot during ottoman empire wars.

Istanbul fell in 1453 genius...560 years ago.Nice comparison you got there..."think tank".
Westerners care more for Eastern European countries than they do for Turkey.

At least Eastern Europeans are seen as racially/culturally compatible but Turks are seen as complete aliens.

There is a reason that Turkey has not been allowed into the EU but poorer countries like Romania and Bulgaria have been.
I think its silly to bring in imperialism of the past. Today, international boundaries should not be redrawn based on military might. This is not about Russia, I like Russia, this is about what precedent is set.

Many posters, out of their hatred of the west, seem to be cheerleading russia and china using military might against small nations. It would be nice to see their reactions when they are at the receiving end of the same. The bengali poster who hates the west but stays in the west, he'll go bananas if india carved out a part of BD to protect the Hindus of Indian ethnicity in BD.

Culture was not an issue when Turkey was granted NATO membership. The European members could veto Turkey's entry to NATO. They chose not to. However, when it came to EU membership they are making issues out of Cyprus.

The fact is, Turkey serves a purpose in NATO, which is more beneficial to Western Europe than it is to Turkey. Finland is not part of NATO, the Russians have not gobbled it up.
Russia tactical ballistic missiles will vaporise your air force on the ground.

It is funny to see that Turks think they are any challenge to the 2nd most powerful country in the world.

Time to stop being so nationalistic and face reality.
As I've said, we rely on NATO nuclear umbrella. If Russians try that shit, it'll trigger a nuclear war with all of NATO. Fine by me, we go down, they go down. We have B61 Nuclear bombs in İncirlik base just waiting for it.

I was talking about conventional power balance, if you can't understand the difference, you have no place here.
Finland is not part of NATO, the Russians have not gobbled it up.
Finland has nothing that Russia wants, meanwhile having a foothold in mediterranean is a centuries long Russian wet dream. Soviet union's pressure for control in bosphorus was what forced us to join NATO in the first place.
Istanbul fell in 1453 genius...560 years ago.Nice comparison you got there..."think tank".
Leave the fool alone, he'll just pollute the forum even more by answering you.
Selective morality at play here.

West saw fit to carve Kosovo out of Serbia and so Russia took that as a sign that it would dismember both Georgia and Ukraine.

Arrogant West thought only they could play the game and not anyone else.:lol:

Are you logically that weak? Without going into Kosovo war, and the comparison with an act of annexation of an undisputed territory, you are actually offering that as a defence of this act (and I'm sure similar bullying by China, since you are a chinese cheerleader), and thinking you are making a merit based argument?

If the citeria is getting away with stuff, then I'd like to see that happen to BD one day, hopefully at our hands :)
As I've said, we rely on NATO nuclear umbrella. If Russians try that shit, it'll trigger a nuclear war with all of NATO. Fine by me, we go down, they go down. We have B61 Nuclear bombs in İncirlik base just waiting for it.

I was talking about conventional power balance, if you can't understand the difference, you have no place here.

Finland has nothing that Russia wants, meanwhile having a foothold in mediterranean is a centuries long Russian wet dream. Soviet union's pressure for control in bosphorus was what forced us to join NATO in the first place.

Leave the fool alone, he'll just pollute the forum even more by answering you.

The fact remains Turkey is not a walkover but not exactly a culturally Judeo-Christian European nation. As I remember France was throwing all kinds of objection about Turkeys entry to EU.

If they don't want you in the EU, why would they risk their nations getting Nuked because of an attack on you ? If you believe Western European folks will defend you, perhaps you would be interested in a bridge in Brooklyn up for sale !!
The fact remains Turkey is not a walkover but not exactly a culturally Judeo-Christian European nation. As I remember France was throwing all kinds of objection about Turkeys entry to EU.

If they don't want you in the EU, why would they risk their nations getting Nuked because of an attack on you ? If you believe Western European folks will defend you, perhaps you would be interested in a bridge in Brooklyn up for sale !!
Well, we have a government that bans twitter, this doesn't exactly give us a strong argument. Government will change, but we'll enter European Union eventually, so we'll spread our influence to the west.

In case we get attacked all NATO nations are obliged to join the war. NATO articles force them to. Declaring war on a NATO member means declaring war on all of NATO. As for nuclear umbrella, all we need is american consent for us to use B61s located at İncirlik airbase... This leaves us pretty much immune to nuclear wars. If Russians want their country to become a nuclear wasteland, fine by me.
Well, we have a government that bans twitter, this doesn't exactly give us a strong argument. Government will change, but we'll enter European Union eventually, so we'll spread our influence to the west.

In case we get attacked all NATO nations are obliged to join the war. NATO articles force them to. Declaring war on a NATO member means declaring war on all of NATO. As for nuclear umbrella, all we need is american consent for us to use B61s located at İncirlik airbase... This leaves us pretty much immune to nuclear wars. If Russians want their country to become a nuclear wasteland, fine by me.

Dude those nuclear bombs will never make it past the best air defences in the world.

Russian retaliation will mean that Turkey will take it's place in history like Carthage.

Stop making us all laugh with amazement at your lack of ability to analyse the situation.
Dude those nuclear bombs will never make it past the best air defences in the world.

Russian retaliation will mean that Turkey will take it's place in history like Carthage.

Stop making us all laugh with amazement at your lack of ability to analyse the situation.
You don't have half a brain to understand but I'll try anyway. A nuclear bomb shot in the sky is WORSE than a nuclear bomb that explodes on the ground, it enlarges the blast radius. There's no air defence system on the world that can protect Russia from B61s.

Now if you'll excuse me, I've stuff to take care of.
You don't have half a brain to understand but I'll try anyway. A nuclear bomb shot in the sky is WORSE than a nuclear bomb that explodes on the ground, it enlarges the blast radius.

I was using nuclear bomb to mean the carrier aircraft.

Su-30/35, Mig-31 and S-400 will swat your downgraded US f-16s clean from the sky.

Russian retaliation will make sure Turkey goes into history permanently.

Funny seeing so many Turks think they can take on a country as powerful as Russia.

Even the combined EU is scared of Russia that it asks the US for backup.
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