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Russian troops in the final stages of readiness add to concerns for Ukraine - War could breakout at any-point in the coming days

Why you think all russian neighbors want run away from them? Russia is not attractive. Opressive, poor, depressive hellhole. Thats why they run to NATO.

There’s a Russian here trying to convince the mouth breathers that Russias 25-30% decline in GDP over the last decade is somehow a good thing. Talk about delusional…
There’s a Russian here trying to convince the mouth breathers that Russias 25-30% decline in GDP over the last decade is somehow a good thing. Talk about delusional…

Ever saw Chernobyl? Its how they roll.
There’s a Russian here trying to convince the mouth breathers that Russias 25-30% decline in GDP over the last decade is somehow a good thing. Talk about delusional…
Moron. Russian GDP had grown by 20% over past decade. I see its impossible to insert any knowedge into your brain. You are one of those low educated American village rednecks with inferiority complexes running around trying to convince everyone that you are some sort of exceptional who belongs to superior American race. And then someone say "hey, im not impressed", just slap you and laugh about your crumbling "supapawa" that you brag about, you start repeating mantras trying to convince yourself in existence of delusional reality to stop your buthurt. The funny thing that morons who run your government, sit in congress and propagandists working in every US media outlet act exactly the same way as low iq American internet trolls.

Ever saw Chernobyl? Its how they roll.
Chernobyl is in Ukraine. 3 most depressed hellholes of former USSR are Ukraine, Georgia and Moldova. All 3 are controlled by corrupt Western puppet regimes and oligarchs with all their money stored in Western bank accounts. They run exactly where their Western masters order them. While their population run to Russia to feed themselves.

BTW EU also have 3 most poor and depressed hellholes - Romania, Bulgaria and Greece. Ukrainians and Greeks are now fiercely competing with each other for @ss cleaning job of 90 years old folks in rich EU countries.
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Why you think all russian neighbors want run away from them? Russia is not attractive. Opressive, poor, depressive hellhole. Thats why they run to NATO.
As someone who really lived in Russia for one year I can guarantee that Russia is not a poor, oppressive bla bla hellhole all that is western propaganda.
Russian neighbors aren't running away from them it's the west probably who is turning them against Russia. Just look at the anti Russia sentiment backed by the US in Ukraine and that nazi azov battalion.
Why would I run away from my own culture, history or language that doesn't makes sense. Religion can be a reason just like what happened between India and Pakistan but religion is certainly not a reason between Ukrainian and Russian Orthodox christians. Not a cultural or language issue. It's just the pro western regime implanted in Ukraine which is causing all the problem.
Moron. Russian GDP had grown by 20% over past decade. I see its impossible to insert any knowedge into your brain. You are one of those low educated American village rednecks with inferiority complexes running around trying to convince everyone that you are some sort of exceptional who belongs to superior American race. And then someone say "hey, im not impressed", just slap you and laugh about your crumbling "supapawa" that you brag about, you start repeating mantras trying to convince yourself in existence of delusional reality to stop your buthurt. The funny thing that morons who run your government, sit in congress and propagandists working in every US media outlet act exactly the same way as low iq American internet trolls.

Chernobyl is in Ukraine. 3 most depressed hellholes of former USSR are Ukraine, Georgia and Moldova. All 3 are controlled by corrupt Western puppet regimes and oligarchs with all their money stored in Western bank accounts. They run exactly where their Western masters order them. While their population run to Russia to feed themselves.

BTW EU also have 3 most poor and depressed hellholes - Romania, Bulgaria and Greece. Ukrainians and Greeks are now fiercely competing with each other for @ss cleaning job of 90 years old folks in rich EU countries.

oh please

Russia tried everything and called UKs bluff

Russia thought it could secretly build up and take Eastern Ukraine just like they did Crimea

Guess what ? RAF RC-135 Joint Rivet dedicated electronic surveillance has been tracking every Russian move building up a live picture on the Eastern Front

at start US didnt even want to enter the war, but UK intelligence was shared and US then as usual walked in half way through

UK openly during daylight hours supplied weapons to Ukraine no other country showed this kind of guts

the result is? UK has stared down the Russian Bear and the Russian Bear has stood down

Huge congratulations to UK and big embarrassment for Russia

now Ukraine will get NATO membership
As someone who really lived in Russia for one year I can guarantee that Russia is not a poor, oppressive bla bla hellhole all that is western propaganda.
Russian neighbors aren't running away from them it's the west probably who is turning them against Russia. Just look at the anti Russia sentiment backed by the US in Ukraine and that nazi azov battalion.
Why would I run away from my own culture, history or language that doesn't makes sense. Religion can be a reason just like what happened between India and Pakistan but religion is certainly not a reason between Ukrainian and Russian Orthodox christians. Not a cultural or language issue. It's just the pro western regime implanted in Ukraine which is causing all the problem.

They virtually had to build a fucking wall so their people stop running away from that shithole amigo.

Rich west...poverty stricken east...that made the east collapse in 1990 and rightfully so.

It took Germany almost 30 years and hundreds of billions of euro to bring eastern Germany on their standards...and eastern germany was richest part of warsam pact.

Poland, Baltics all suffered under USSR tyranny and seeked security.

Ukraine is same. They see the rich EU...and then shithole Russia...with no room to develop.

As i said, when your ciuntry is so shit that you have to build a wall to stop people running away...that says something.
They virtually had to build a fucking wall so their people stop running away from that shithole amigo.

Rich west...poverty stricken east...that made the east collapse in 1990 and rightfully so.

It took Germany almost 30 years and hundreds of billions of euro to bring eastern Germany on their standards...and eastern germany was richest part of warsam pact.

Poland, Baltics all suffered under USSR tyranny and seeked security.

Ukraine is same. They see the rich EU...and then shithole Russia...with no room to develop.

As i said, when your ciuntry is so shit that you have to build a wall to stop people running away...that says something.

Yes, Ukraine saw rich EU. They thought if they join EU and NATO they would live like in Switzerland or Germany. They chose this way and their country turned into the most poor shithole in Europe.

They did not know that the West, EU and its vassals consist of prosperous countries and shitholes. And they did not know, that all places for prosperous are taken, only shitholes are left.

Now millions of Ukrainians have to run to Russia from their country, turned into shithole by West. And some of them lucky enough to work in most developed city in the world - Moscow, light years ahead of anything EU has. These people duped by Western propaganda never thought that this will be the sad outcome of Ukraine's journey to the West.
Yes, Ukraine saw rich EU. They thought if they join EU and NATO they would live like in Switzerland or Germany. They chose this way and their country turned into the most poor shithole in Europe.

They did not know that the West, EU and its vassals consist of prosperous countries and shitholes. And they did not know, that all places for prosperous are taken, only shitholes are left.

Now millions of Ukrainians have to run to Russia from their country, turned into shithole by West. And some of them lucky enough to work in most developed city in the world - Moscow, light years ahead of anything EU has. These people duped by Western propaganda never thought that this will be the sad outcome of Ukraine's journey to the West.

Dude your problem is...i know moscow...i know russia...its a nigeria with snow. A pure shithole. Infact no EU country even poor romania is on such a low,development level as russia.
Moron. Russian GDP had grown by 20% over past decade. I see its impossible to insert any knowedge into your brain. You are one of those low educated American village rednecks with inferiority complexes running around trying to convince everyone that you are some sort of exceptional who belongs to superior American race. And then someone say "hey, im not impressed", just slap you and laugh about your crumbling "supapawa" that you brag about, you start repeating mantras trying to convince yourself in existence of delusional reality to stop your buthurt. The funny thing that morons who run your government, sit in congress and propagandists working in every US media outlet act exactly the same way as low iq American internet trolls.

Chernobyl is in Ukraine. 3 most depressed hellholes of former USSR are Ukraine, Georgia and Moldova. All 3 are controlled by corrupt Western puppet regimes and oligarchs with all their money stored in Western bank accounts. They run exactly where their Western masters order them. While their population run to Russia to feed themselves.

BTW EU also have 3 most poor and depressed hellholes - Romania, Bulgaria and Greece. Ukrainians and Greeks are now fiercely competing with each other for @ss cleaning job of 90 years old folks in rich EU countries.

Russias economy has declined from over $2T a decade ago to $1.5T now. Nominal GDP is measured in US dollars. While the US economy has grown over $7T since then. In fact, the US grew more in 2021 than the entire Russian economy. Let it sink in. The Russian economy is a complete dump. You can’t compete with the American economy. Our economy is based on innovation and advancement, while Russias is based on backwardness.
Dude your problem is...i know moscow...i know russia...its a nigeria with snow. A pure shithole. Infact no EU country even poor romania is on such a low,development level as russia.
No, dude, your problem is you have shit for brains. Sure, not all cities in Russia as developed as Moscow, which is recognized by UN as most developed city in the world, but in comparison to Moscow region (pop. 25 mil) Greece looks like a shithole. Same as any Greek city compared to any Russian 1mil+ city.
Russias economy has declined from over $2T a decade ago to $1.5T now. Nominal GDP is measured in US dollars. While the US economy has grown over $7T since then. In fact, the US grew more in 2021 than the entire Russian economy. Let it sink in. The Russian economy is a complete dump. You can’t compete with the American economy. Our economy is based on innovation and advancement, while Russias is based on backwardness.

Yeah, its impossible to teach you anything. Last time.
Economy measured in GDP. GDP growth and change in Nominal GDP are two different things, uneducated tool.
Russian economy grown by 20%, that means economical output has risen by 20%, despite the fact that Nominal GDP in US dollars declined.

US economy is based on backward infrastructure and now its behind Russia. All the world was laughing about Biden and that collapsed bridge. Most Americans dont have access even to 100 mbit internet. Millions of homeless people and numbers are rising fast. Tens of million of peope dont even have basic education and numbers are rising also.
Yeah, its impossible to teach you anything. Last time.
Economy measured in GDP. GDP growth and change in Nominal GDP are two different things, uneducated tool.
Russian economy grown by 20%, that means economical output has risen by 20%, despite the fact that Nominal GDP in US dollars declined.

US economy is based on backward infrastructure and now its behind Russia. All the world was laughing about Biden and that collapsed bridge. Most Americans dont have access even to 100 mbit internet. Millions of homeless people and numbers are rising fast. Tens of million of peope dont even have basic education and numbers are rising also.

Russia and China both have huge reserves of forces I admit that

but they are all conscripts and poorly paid who will defect to the attacking nations given half a chance

this is why both these nations are repeatedly humiliated in the intentional stage

they cant even outdo tiny island of UK, UK sent a entire Carrier Strike Group to South China Sea in summer of 2021 no Chinese warship came out

Type 45 was in the Black Sea within throwing distance of Crimea mightly Russia could do nothing

then Russia put 150,000 troops on border with Ukraine every European backed out but UK stood stall

and then Russia bike out and was humiliated
Yeah, its impossible to teach you anything. Last time.
Economy measured in GDP. GDP growth and change in Nominal GDP are two different things, uneducated tool.
Russian economy grown by 20%, that means economical output has risen by 20%, despite the fact that Nominal GDP in US dollars declined.

US economy is based on backward infrastructure and now its behind Russia. All the world was laughing about Biden and that collapsed bridge. Most Americans dont have access even to 100 mbit internet. Millions of homeless people and numbers are rising fast. Tens of million of peope dont even have basic education and numbers are rising also.

No, your economy has not grown. It’s declined significantly over the last decade and every respectable economist would agree with me. Russians would much rather live and prosper in the US. You don’t see Americans rushing to live in Russia.

Russia didn’t have a single private unicorn company in 2021, while the US had 300. You know why? Because the US is the source of innovation and advancement. Capital flows to innovative companies. Russia didn’t have a single one. That says it all.

The gap will only widen over time. Russia can’t compete.
There’s a Russian here trying to convince the mouth breathers that Russias 25-30% decline in GDP over the last decade is somehow a good thing. Talk about delusional…
but US debt to GDP ratio is over 100% while Russia's is about 18%, so that means in terms of financial integrity of both systems, US is relatively more broke than RUssia, because it lives off a credit card to survive, like many of its citizens, stop spreading false propaganda on PDF pls. you DUCKED from that other thread you started after facts made it too hot for you to survive there.
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