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Russian troops in the final stages of readiness add to concerns for Ukraine - War could breakout at any-point in the coming days

No, your economy has not grown. It’s declined significantly over the last decade and every respectable economist would agree with me. Russians would much rather live and prosper in the US. You don’t see Americans rushing to live in Russia.

Russia didn’t have a single private unicorn company in 2021, while the US had 300. You know why? Because the US is the source of innovation and advancement. Capital flows to innovative companies. Russia didn’t have a single one. That says it all.

The gap will only widen over time. Russia can’t compete.

Annual GDP growth in Russia by year. Educate yourself.


As for unicorns - you print trillions of USD per year. You have the biggest in the world stock market which is a colossal bubble. As i said many times you dont understand the difference between printing money, inflating prices and growth of economy. Russian financial market is relatively small. Russian economy measured in USD is undervalued by 4 times compared to US. Market capitalization of Russian companies undervalued by up to 10-15 times comparing to US analogs mostly due to political reasons and high CB rate (so you need high dividend/ share price ratio). So combining ruble to USD undervaluation and stock market undervaluation that would be 40-60 times total undervaluation of market capitalization for similar companies. Russian economy has different financial model and almost all high-tech companies are government owned conglomerates. This is the reason there are no unicorns currently. Russian financial market is not yet developed enough for such companies. But that has nothing to do with economical growth.

You can have most number of unicorns but that wont stop your economy from stagnating. Because of accelerating inflation you lost the ability to print more money. The stagnation will start when Fed stops printing money. When your stock market bubble collapse you will even lose most of your unicorns. Rising fuel prices will slow down your economy further. The debt and unsustainable trade deficit will burn you down. The gap will only narrow with time.
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a barking dog never bites as the saying goes

Russia is pulling back and withdrawing

They said they want assurance that Ukraine won’t join NATO they never got it

And now they are withdrawing after UK stood its ground

Embarrassing for Russia
The one claiming Russia is gonna invade were the Anglotards, and the one claiming Russia is withdrawing from Russia is also from you guys. Its like self masturbating to your own picture and ejaculating on your own picture. Lolol
No, dude, your problem is you have shit for brains. Sure, not all cities in Russia as developed as Moscow, which is recognized by UN as most developed city in the world, but in comparison to Moscow region (pop. 25 mil) Greece looks like a shithole. Same as any Greek city compared to any Russian 1mil+ city.

You are actually wrong. I was in a train from st petersburg to moscow. Sapsan was its name...build in Germany btw. Once you leave St Petersburg you go for hours through absolute nomans land. Poor,people who live in wooden barracks and slum like woord huts. You see tins of old people who care barely survive from what little they get.

Greece has a far higher GDP and HDI than Russia. Almost twice as high....

Maybe concentrate on feeding your poor,first, try to build an economy.
Annual GDP growth in Russia by year. Educate yourself.


As for unicorns - you print trillions of USD per year. You have the biggest in the world stock market which is a colossal bubble. As i said many times you dont understand the difference between printing money, inflating prices and growth of economy. Russian financial market is relatively small. Russian economy measured in USD is undervalued by 4 times compared to US. Market capitalization of Russian companies undervalued by up to 10-15 times comparing to US analogs mostly due to political reasons and high CB rate (so you need high dividend/ share price ratio). So combining ruble to USD undervaluation and stock market undervaluation that would be 40-60 times total undervaluation of market capitalization for similar companies. Russian economy has different financial model and almost all high-tech companies are government owned conglomerates. This is the reason there are no unicorns currently. Russian financial market is not yet developed enough for such companies. But that has nothing to do with economical growth.

You can have most number of unicorns but that wont stop your economy from stagnating. Because of accelerating inflation you lost the ability to print more money. The stagnation will start when Fed stops printing money. When your stock market bubble collapse you will even lose most of your unicorns. Rising fuel prices will slow down your economy further. The debt and unsustainable trade deficit will burn you down. The gap will only narrow with time.

No the gap won’t narrow. It will continue to widen. All I see are excuses as to why Russia can’t compete economically with the US.

US GDP- $24T
Russia GDP- $1.5T

You don’t have the money to compete with the US. You don’t innovate. You don’t create anything the world wants. Russia is way behind. Its why so many Russians leave for the US.
The Jerusalem Post
The Jerusalem Post

Russia to attack Ukraine on Wednesday - Ukranian President​

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© (photo credit: STRINGER/ REUTERS)
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"February 16 will be the day of attack" on Ukraine by Russia, said a post on Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky's Facebook page accompanying a video address to his country on Monday night.

The Ukrainian president's post said that Wednesday, the day that the Ukrainian government was "told" would be the day of a Russian attack, would become a "day of unity."
"The decree has already been signed," continued the statement. "This afternoon we will hang national flags, put on blue-yellow ribbons and show the world our unity."
"We have an amazing army," Zelensky wrote in the post. "Our guys have a unique combat experience and modern weapons. It is already many times stronger than the army eight years ago."
Ladies and gentlemen
Today is 16th Feb 2022. As per Ukrainian Govt today is the day of 🤝 as Russian will Attack.
Please fasten your seat belts and grab your pop corn 🍿. Everything is set and as per scheduled. If there is no problem with Internet connection and electricity Then Russian Attack is just to start.
BUT if there is a problem with Internet speed or there is not Enough Viewers Then this Attack will postpone and WEST will Announce a New date.
😎😎 Regards
Dude your problem is...i know moscow...i know russia...its a nigeria with snow. A pure shithole. Infact no EU country even poor romania is on such a low,development level as russia.
Spot the idiotic slave of west again.
I hope your master enjoyed the rim job.
Spot the idiotic slave of west again.
I hope your master enjoyed the rim job.

Pure ignorance on your side. We are a free nation and not slaves. We make our decission to join an alliance, be it NATO or EU. We are members of allied nations with shared interests. We stand united and do our share in this alliances. Without NATO and EU, we would be much poorer and would even need nuclear weapons to protect ourself.

We are not a slave of the west. We are the West.
Pure ignorance on your side. We are a free nation and not slaves. We make our decission to join an alliance, be it NATO or EU. We are members of allied nations with shared interests. We stand united and do our share in this alliances. Without NATO and EU, we would be much poorer and would even need nuclear weapons to protect ourself.

We are not a slave of the west. We are the West.
And other European nations who are not part of EU or NATO any less than the west??
There’s a Russian here trying to convince the mouth breathers that Russias 25-30% decline in GDP over the last decade is somehow a good thing. Talk about delusional…
I think you should recheck your facts mate. Ignorance is bliss.
And other European nations who are not part of EU or NATO any less than the west??

Yes, Ukraine shows that perfectly. Constant under threat from Russia. Switzerland is within protection since its sourounded by NATO. Greece without EU or NATO would be poorer and have no security. We would need nuclear weapons. We have over 70 years peace because NATO and EU. Something unknown to our ancestors who constantly had to endure wars.

Its better to stand united than standing alone.

Im a young guy. I can fly first class south america with Lufthansa. Something my grandparents in my age could never imagine.
Yes, Ukraine shows that perfectly. Constant under threat from Russia. Switzerland is within protection since its sourounded by NATO. Greece without EU or NATO would be poorer and have no security. We would need nuclear weapons. We have over 70 years peace because NATO and EU. Something unknown to our ancestors who constantly had to endure wars.

Its better to stand united than standing alone.

Im a young guy. I can fly first class south america with Lufthansa. Something my grandparents in my age could never imagine.
Yes, Ukraine shows that perfectly. Constant under threat from Russia. Switzerland is within protection since its sourounded by NATO. Greece without EU or NATO would be poorer and have no security. We would need nuclear weapons. We have over 70 years peace because NATO and EU. Something unknown to our ancestors who constantly had to endure wars.

Its better to stand united than standing alone.

Im a young guy. I can fly first class south america with Lufthansa. Something my grandparents in my age could never imagine.
Russia has no desire to capture Greece, Switzerland or any other so called western nation where it has no cultural , historical or religious ties. Hence Ukraine cannot be compared with EU and NATO members.
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