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Russian troops in the final stages of readiness add to concerns for Ukraine - War could breakout at any-point in the coming days

If Russia invades Ukraine stands no chance.... Ukraine should join NATO to prove me wrong.
Why is American media in particular and Western media in general beating war drums ? What are they distracting our attention from?

As per this speech, the gist of Ukraine issue is that Russia will never let a strategically important piece of real estate (Ukraine) become a NATO base/ally.
Russia asks West to let the status quo continue, keep the conflict frozen by staying away from Ukraine. Or else to prevent that, Russia will wreck Ukraine. Just so that West cannot have it in their pocket.

They want this:


Not this, which puts NATO & Russia eye ball to eye ball against each other:

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As per this speech, the gist of Ukraine issue is that Russia will never let a strategically important piece of real estate (Ukraine) become a NATO base/ally.
Russia asks West to let the status quo continue, keep the conflict frozen by staying away from Ukraine. Or else to prevent that, Russia will wreck Ukraine. Just so that West cannot have it in their pocket.

They want this:

View attachment 815535

Not this, which puts NATO & Russia eye ball to eye ball against each other:

View attachment 815536

Wrong, they want Ukraine, then Poland, Baltics, Scandinavia ect. If you give a facist dictator something it will go on and on. Like Hitler in 1938. This is not about security.

Beside that, Ukraine is a free nation, deciding its fate. Russia has no attractive power and only bases its influence on agression.
The Jerusalem Post
The Jerusalem Post

Russia to attack Ukraine on Wednesday - Ukranian President​

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© (photo credit: STRINGER/ REUTERS)

"February 16 will be the day of attack" on Ukraine by Russia, said a post on Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky's Facebook page accompanying a video address to his country on Monday night.

The Ukrainian president's post said that Wednesday, the day that the Ukrainian government was "told" would be the day of a Russian attack, would become a "day of unity."
"The decree has already been signed," continued the statement. "This afternoon we will hang national flags, put on blue-yellow ribbons and show the world our unity."
"We have an amazing army," Zelensky wrote in the post. "Our guys have a unique combat experience and modern weapons. It is already many times stronger than the army eight years ago."
a barking dog never bites as the saying goes

Russia is pulling back and withdrawing

They said they want assurance that Ukraine won’t join NATO they never got it

And now they are withdrawing after UK stood its ground

Embarrassing for Russia
Why is American media in particular and Western media in general beating war drums ? What are they distracting our attention from?

Its not about beating war drums, its the simple fact that the force the Russians have amassed is simply too big to be dismissed. This force is strong enough to carry out massive encirclements across the Ukraine border, and destroy any counterattack the Ukrainians might be able to muster up with their reserves. These Russian battle groups are too lethal. Didn't you read Milley's statement, under the existing balance of power the Russians take Kiev in 72 hours. This means, the DOD must have done their assessment and if this is the conclusion they are landing at, that tells you the kind of force the Russians have mustered up.

a barking dog never bites as the saying goes

Russia is pulling back and withdrawing

They said they want assurance that Ukraine won’t join NATO they never got it

And now they are withdrawing after UK stood its ground

Embarrassing for Russia

We will see when the Russians withdraw, for now they are the strongest entity in the region. Also you're way overestimating UK's role and its military power. EU and UK are just paper tigers. They loose to the Russians in practically every scenario. They are only relevant because of the protection provided by the Might of the US Military. In fact, US is the only entity that has the experience, discipline and most importantly the firepower to destroy Russian Armored Brigades.
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a barking dog never bites as the saying goes

Russia is pulling back and withdrawing

They said they want assurance that Ukraine won’t join NATO they never got it

And now they are withdrawing after UK stood its ground

Embarrassing for Russia

The barking dog here is the UK who just week ago warned Russia of potential military steps if Russia dares to invade Ukraine.

And just 3 days ago when their American masters claimed that Russia is going to attack next week they ran away from Ukraine with lightspeed, pulled all UK troops from Ukraine that they send there just two weeks ago and bragged so much about it :lol:, closed down UK embassy in Kiev and even pulled UK flag from it :lol: What a disgusting bunch of worthless cowards :lol:

Russia said thousand times that we dont need any more land from Ukraine except Crimea which we took without any obstacle and about what UK still cant stop crying and moaning :lol:
a barking dog never bites as the saying goes

Russia is pulling back and withdrawing

They said they want assurance that Ukraine won’t join NATO they never got it

And now they are withdrawing after UK stood its ground

Embarrassing for Russia

Actually the embarrassment is on America and Britain, the two loud mouths who have been claiming an invasion of Ukraine "any day now" or "highly likely."

Liars will be what they always are, liars! Be it Bush & Blair about Iraq's WMD, or be it Biden & Boris about Ukraine invasion. Being the loudest and going off on a nonstop rant, doesn't change what is inherently a trait of America and Britain, being a LIAR!!
There can be two potential causes of war.

1- Ukraine starting a military op in Donbass region. This is highly unlikely as this would be an invitation for Russia. Even then I dont think Russia would intervene directly but with enhanced support to proxy warfare in that region with possible addition of nofly zone by sam sites and long range fighter air cover. If Ukraine starts the fire then western support would be limited as well .
Simply the possiblity of attack against a land which is not recognized yet by Russia won't be a cause of invasion. That could start many wars around the world as well taking this example. Additionally Russian minorities could be seen as potential threat by eastern european countries. Economic consequences would be damaging for all parties except maybe Usa selling more weapons to nato members and Russian gas oligarchs with increasing gas prices with war and as a measure against sanctions.

2-Ukraine decision for joining Nato: If they are allowed then there is high risk of conflict with Nato. But this is unlikely from nato side which also does not want conflict with a nuclear power like Russia. But this possiblity is not an enough excuse for an invasion. Unless otherwise Putin wants other potential baltic countries run for nato membership which cannot be dealt with at the same time by Russia. Biden would be glad as well taking more members to nato. If Ukraine is directed to alternative security pacts for future like a potential Eu army then this would be a blow to Nato as well. A security pact more friendly with Russia would emerge and take pieces from the ever growing pie of current Nato.
Wrong, they want Ukraine, then Poland, Baltics, Scandinavia ect. If you give a facist dictator something it will go on and on. Like Hitler in 1938. This is not about security.

Beside that, Ukraine is a free nation, deciding its fate. Russia has no attractive power and only bases its influence on agression.
What you said actually applies to the west and NATO. Look how far they deviated from the Minsk agreement. It's their dream one day to made a base in Moscow or St Petersburg. One after one in almost every Ex Soviet state they are establishing military bases and surrounding Russia with missiles and defense systems. Their reaction would be just like putin if he establish military bases in Cuba,mexica or Hawaii.
Since Greece is part of NATO you will never be rational because you have already pledged loyalty to your masters.
a barking dog never bites as the saying goes

Russia is pulling back and withdrawing

They said they want assurance that Ukraine won’t join NATO they never got it

And now they are withdrawing after UK stood its ground

Embarrassing for Russia

The only dog that was barking was UK and US who withdrew 1st. Just to let you know Russian's haven't withdrawn anything it was a joint military exercise with Belarus that was completed and Russians called back forces most likely to deploy on the border. So really nothing has changed on the ground and read @notorious_eagle post.
What you said actually applies to the west and NATO. Look how far they deviated from the Minsk agreement. It's their dream one day to made a base in Moscow or St Petersburg. One after one in almost every Ex Soviet state they are establishing military bases and surrounding Russia with missiles and defense systems. Their reaction would be just like putin if he establish military bases in Cuba,mexica or Hawaii.
Since Greece is part of NATO you will never be rational because you have already pledged loyalty to your masters.

Why you think all russian neighbors want run away from them? Russia is not attractive. Opressive, poor, depressive hellhole. Thats why they run to NATO.
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