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Ukraine has lost almost its entire Navy, 54 out of 67 ships are belong to us

no one is talking about EU, Legionaire was talking about nato assistance. If the western nations don't help Turkey in case of war it would damage nato's image, they would lose Turkey (which is actually one of the most progressive nation within nato while European nations slow down) forever and it would encourage other non-nato nations to go on adventures.
whether Nato is prepared to accept this damage is up to them

don't worry, brother. Turkey has been getting slowly independent from excessive western influences since the last 10 years or so. And i hope this trend will continue in the military, economically and politically field. But in this case Turkey is not with the west just to please them, but it's the right thing to do so, at least from our perspective. i respect your view too.

Turkey is consider part of NATO military alliance that as far as the E.U willing to partner with.
NATO would never help us in a serious situation. We should look to developing our defense industry, becoming more energy independent, and we should not stick our nose into everyone's business at this point. 10 years from now okay but we are not ready yet.
Blimey... so Ukraine was already at Russia's mercy.. & some brain-dead Ukrainian leaders wanted to flirt with the west without freeing themselves from the clutches of Russia? Bad thinking...

Those Brain dead leaders also allowed 40 tons of gold to be flown back to U.S for safe keeping :lol: , and not to mention those dumb asses is allowing the E.U to tax the bank SAVINGS of Ukrainians... blatant theft...

My friend in Ukraine says that even the Ukrainian Army is divided and if push comes to shove half of them would happily join Russian army
Duh, this is called an alliance, we cover American asses on more occasions than you can imagine. We can hold our own, only thing we completely rely on NATO is the nuclear umbrella. You need to spend some time reading Turkish section of the forum, you've no idea what capabilities we have.

@Luftwaffe dude, I can't even read all your bullshit. Too god damn boring and empty. Can't you just go play with someone else?

Bull crap, you guys are in NATO for American protection. Russian conventional force can easily over run your country if they want to.
E.U don't consider Turk as a member because culture, religion, political and military expansion of Turkey, E.U won't allow a Muslim nation to dictate E.U political landscape. Turkey still a muslim nations and E.U mostly are Christian, eternal enemy between religious belief won't bridge the difference and join hand.

Erdogan figured that one out.

The reality is as far as real NATO is concerned, Eastern European members and Turkey are just cannon fodders. A buffer zone to get the Russians bogged down and to station ABMs.
Bull crap, you guys are in NATO for American protection. Russian conventional force can easily over run your country if they want to.

My friend you are wasting time trying to discuss with them they'll never listen to you they are good to fight on forums only rational discussion is beyond their minds.

Russians were saving time and money after soviet union collapse now they are back and in much better position. 60% EU gets gas from russia they EU are trying to be macho but if russians stop the gas, EU industries will collapse..in my view EU fate is going to be terrible if they continue to listen to US and on their command makes every move. I have said it before russians are not shy nation they are sitting on 8000 nukes with powerful conventional forces and weapons. While this NATO/US keeps on invading nations including turkey cooperates with them on various levels and then they point at russians for the internal matter...epic hypocrisy!
NATO would never help us in a serious situation. We should look to developing our defense industry, becoming more energy independent, and we should not stick our nose into everyone's business at this point. 10 years from now okay but we are not ready yet.

A logical Turkish member at last.

War between Turkey and Russia will not involve anyone else.

Even the UK does not fully trust the US and therefore has it's own nuclear deterrent.

Countries like Japan rely on US conventional power(mainly Navy) to defend them as they know deep down that the US would rather damage it's image than fight to the death against China/Russia for them.

Turkey needs to find an exit from the dying West and make it's own way in the world. With close to 100 million people and a developed economy hopefully by 2030, all it needs is a credible nuclear deterrent and it will be able to more than hold it's own against Russia. Right now, Russia will destroy Turkey and not think twice if the Turks are foolish enough to step on Russia's key interests.
I feel so...so very bad for Ukraine that this is the kind of sons it was blessed with !

Political Disagreements aside but where is your pride at being a Ukrainian ?
Pride was gone, when neo-Nazis took power after coup in Kiev. No man of honor, no real officer will not shoot in brotherly Russian soldier under order of descendants of Nazi lackeys - Galicians.
Erdogan figured that one out.

The reality is as far as real NATO is concerned, Eastern European members and Turkey are just cannon fodders. A buffer zone to get the Russians bogged down and to station ABMs.

Westerners care more for Eastern European countries than they do for Turkey.

At least Eastern Europeans are seen as racially/culturally compatible but Turks are seen as complete aliens.

There is a reason that Turkey has not been allowed into the EU but poorer countries like Romania and Bulgaria have been.
NATO would never help us in a serious situation. We should look to developing our defense industry, becoming more energy independent, and we should not stick our nose into everyone's business at this point. 10 years from now okay but we are not ready yet.

Well said.

If anyone thinks that Western Europe and US will risk nuclear death over Paris, London or New York in order to save Turkey, they are deluding themselves.

In a pinch, NATO will come up with some lame *** excuse not to get involved.

Western Europeans don't even want to allow Turks into the EU. You think they will put Paris and Berlin under the nuclear cross-hairs for Turkey?
Dude. By your logic, what right did the Brits, French, Spaniards have for snatching all of continental United States? You are one very very very biased person against the Turks, that's a fact, no need to hide it. Be who you are, no shame in it. Look at me, I'm biassed against all Arabs / religious bigots / Ghazwa-e-Hind fools / Talibitches / Salafists / Deobandiz, I don't differentiate between good ones and bad ones, frankly I don't care for their existence, they are vermin that need to be taken care of. That's who I am. Nothing wrong with that.

Don't be hypocrite. Be a man and accept who you are. I consider you a good poster, no matter what your views are, even if they are against my core beliefs.

I don't hate west or turkey but yes I dislike certain policies of western governments. Constantinople was not part of turkey it was taken by war by Ottoman empire what justification do you have for snatching it...so don't come complaining about russians when you did alot during ottoman empire wars.
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I think its silly to bring in imperialism of the past. Today, international boundaries should not be redrawn based on military might. This is not about Russia, I like Russia, this is about what precedent is set.

Many posters, out of their hatred of the west, seem to be cheerleading russia and china using military might against small nations. It would be nice to see their reactions when they are at the receiving end of the same. The bengali poster who hates the west but stays in the west, he'll go bananas if india carved out a part of BD to protect the Hindus of Indian ethnicity in BD.
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I think its silly to bring in imperialism of the past. Today, international boundaries should not be redrawn based on military might. This is not about Russia, I like Russia, this is about what precedent is set.

Many posters, out of their hatred of the west, seem to be cheerleading russia and china using military might against small nations. It would be nice to see their reactions when they are at the receiving end of the same. The bengali poster who hates the west but stays in the west, he'll go bananas if india carved out a part of BD to protect the Hindus of Indian ethnicity in BD.

Selective morality at play here.

West saw fit to carve Kosovo out of Serbia and so Russia took that as a sign that it would dismember both Georgia and Ukraine.

Arrogant West thought only they could play the game and not anyone else.:lol:
Dude. By your logic, what right did the Brits, Yanks, Spaniards have for snatching all of continental United States? You are one very very very biased person against the Turks, that's a fact, no need to hide it. Be who you are, no shame in it. Look at me, I'm biassed against all Arabs / religious bigots / Ghazwa-e-Hind fools / Talibitches / Salafists / Deobandiz, I don't differentiate between good ones and a bad ones, frankly I don't care for their existence, they are vermin that need to be taken care of. That's who I am. Nothing wrong with that.

Don't be hypocrite. Be a man and accept who you are. I consider you a good poster, no matter what your views are, even if they are against my core beliefs.

I am not biased I am stating truth you hate it or like it accept the facts...and keep the mullah talk away you are also a good poster I expect you to understand...the turk members fight and fight like iranian and arab members and mostly never get into sane discussions if I can only show you their posts in turkish section you won't be replying to me like that....Last thing again turkish is in mess they should sort out their problems first before taking on a heavy weight champion of even accusing them russians. You can remind me all the logic which means most of the powers did commit excess which you mentioned but the turkish members project themselves the most clear clean and innocent who can fix issues by standing up to russians..no so macho. Who needs to be taken care of time will tell but I assure you times for muslims states is going to be bad in next 15-20 years including Pak and Turkey. I think the muslim ummah of today are with such psyche that the west also says we don't deserve to exist so will russians say that for us...nothing wrong with what they say either.

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