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UK Sikh girls' exploitation by Pakistani youths worries Akal Takht

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Well I blame Sikhs for this issue. They hate on other Indian ethnic groups and anyone from the South due to their dark color. Their women begin thinking other Indians are inferior, thus gravitate towards Pakistani's. So, you reap what you sow.

BS article, no such as thing a love jihad. Another islamophobe article by hindu/sikhs. Indian punjabi girls (pretty ones at least) are Pakistanis by default. And hence they will rather marry pakistani punjabi then other ethnic Indian if there is no other choice left.

Pakistanis guys who go for Indian punjabi girls do not care about religion to begin with, otherwise they will not even look at them. They convince indian punjabi girls to become muslim by name for family reasons. I also have seen Pakistani girls converting boys to marry them. Hell i have seen Pakistani punjabi muslim girl here marrying Spanish guy after converting him. Both met at university.

Thats just how it works when it comes to jews and muslims. Both these people convert other half even if by just name before marrying.

IMO there are two types of woman, one who convert to Islam and then look to marry muslim men. Other is love story, in that case she will just become muslim by name for guy family. But will not change lifestyle, they will be living separately anyway.
BS article, no such as thing a love jihad. Another islamophobe article by hindu/sikhs. Indian punjabi girls (pretty ones at least) are Pakistanis by default. And hence they will rather marry pakistani punjabi then other ethnic Indian if there is no other choice left.

Pakistanis guys who go for Indian punjabi girls do not care about religion to begin with, otherwise they will not even look at them. They convince indian punjabi girls to become muslim by name for family reasons. I also have seen Pakistani girls converting boys to marry them. Hell i have seen Pakistani punjabi muslim girl here marrying Spanish guy after converting him. Both met at university.

Thats just how it works when it comes to jews and muslims. Both these people convert other half even if by just name before marrying.

and Pakistanis are Hindus by default. :angry:
call the pahadi boys in India, they are the most handsome guys in India , perfect build, perfect stamina, wheatish white, all cool. They can counter all this, but they are not interested :P any one except pahadi chicks :D not even punjabi chicks lol

Pahari Indian and perfect build + handsome :lol:
This is sick and disgusting. I think the Indian media is out of news so they are making terrible lies to fill up the hearts of Non-Muslims against Islam and Muslims.
This is sick and disgusting. I think the Indian media is out of news so they are making terrible lies to fill up the hearts of Non-Muslims against Islam and Muslims.
Do read about sex grooming groups of British Asians in UK before ranting off
Its something to do with the religious clerics (not all, but a good portion of them).

if this is what clerics teach and he finds plently of followers, non-muslims have every right to blame islam. They have seen this version of islam on many occasions.

i don't care what quran, gita, bible says, its the people actions that speaks lot. and so far...it has been nothing but disappointment.
hell...there are "educated" muslims on pdf who are behaving like pathetic individuals they must be in real life.
if this is what clerics teach and he finds plently of followers, non-muslims have every right to blame islam. They have seen this version of islam for on many occasions.

i don't care what quran, gita, bible says, its the people actions that says lot. and so far...it has been nothing but disappointment.
hell...there are "educated" muslims on pdf who are behaving like pathetic individuals they must be in real life.
That is a wrong approach. It isn't the religion because i'm sure there are millions of Muslims out there (including myself) who haven't exploited little girls or indulged in anything of that sort.

You should ask yourself the question though, why don't Pakistanis exploit Arab girls in the Gulf countries?? Is it because they know they would get deported, beheaded, or locked up for life in filthy prison cells??

Why is it that Pakistanis (not all of them) and other third world immigrants commit such crimes in Western countries?? Perhaps its because of the Liberalism within West that has turned Western societies soft on third world criminals where such people could get away with crimes due to being ethnic/racial "minorities" and also due to the fear on part of the Westerners for being labeled "racist" for pointing out that Pakistani/Muslims are sexually exploiting young White and indian girls.

The Westerners are too soft on foreign blooded criminals due to the politically correct atmosphere prevalent in the West brought about by so called "progressive" and "liberal" intellectuals. Only draconian laws can tame such perverted animals, nothing else.

I guess that was not a sarcasm?
A serious question, is conversion a big thing in Islam? Does clerics give importance to that and preach about? Is it true that holy Kuran has something about conversion? That if a Muslim convert someone, goes to heaven?
The best way to convert someone is to be a good example yourself.
I blame the girls and their families for this state of affairs. They should take more care in educating their daughters on what is right and what is not.

It's surprising that an 18 year old is unaware of the trap. Are they illiterate and incapable of rational thought and actions?


How about the muslim families start training their sons as well---.

The most disgusting references of perversity by young and middle aged muslim men are coming out of England----the 'grooming' of young girls for sexual acts---.

These young muslims are a breed of mentally sick people---they need to be hanged.

That is a wrong approach. It isn't the religion because i'm sure there are millions of Muslims out there (including myself) who haven't exploited little girls or indulged in anything of that sort.

You should ask yourself the question though, why don't Pakistanis exploit Arab girls in the Gulf countries?? Is it because they know they would get deported, beheaded, or locked up for life in filthy prison cells??

Why is it that Pakistanis (not all of them) and other third world immigrants commit such crimes in Western countries?? Perhaps its because of the Liberalism within West that has turned Western societies soft on third world criminals where such people could get away with crimes due to being ethnic/racial "minorities" and also due to the fear on part of the Westerners for being labeled "racist" for pointing out that Pakistani/Muslims are sexually exploiting young White and indian girls.

The Westerners are too soft on foreign blooded criminals due to the politically correct atmosphere prevalent in the West brought about by so called "progressive" and "liberal" intellectuals. Only draconian laws can tame such perverted animals, nothing else.

The best way to convert someone is to be a good example yourself.


Setting aside how liberal the west is or how soft itsl aws are---the bottomline is that this act is being performed by those who in an instant turn to talk about the holiness of their religion.

The Pakistani communities in England are completely responsible of these actions of their young men---because they knew about what was happening and did not step in stop this perversity---.

Pakistani community as a whole needs to be put too shame in britain and condemned for that.
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Setting aside how liberal the west is or how soft itsl aws are---the bottomline is that this act is being performed by those who in an instant turn to talk about the holiness of their religion.

The Pakistani communities in England are completely responsible of these actions of their young men---because they knew about what was happening and did not step in stop this perversity---.

Pakistani community as a whole needs to be put too shame in britain and condemned for that.
No doubt! I 100% agree with you. However, my point was that a criminal will only flex his muscles within a society that allows him to.

Do Pakistanis within Arab countries commit such crimes?? No, its very rare in fact because the Arabs are strict in punishment.

The problem in the West is Liberalism and political correctness. If a White man says "its these Pakistani youth who are sexually exploiting our White girls" he will automatically be labeled a "Racist", a "Right Winger", "Islamophobe" etc..

Fear Of Racism Prevented Social Workers From Saving 1400 Children From The Hands Of Asian Sex Exploiters- The Guardian

The fact is that the British Nationalist Party members had brought up this issue of Asian exploitation of White girls WAY BEFORE it hit the news, but the mainstream media dismissed it as "right wing neo-Nazi racist propaganda".

Again i'll reiterate my previous point:

Why is it that Pakistanis (not all of them) and other third world immigrants commit such crimes in Western countries?? Perhaps its because of the Liberalism within West that has turned Western societies soft on third world criminals where such people could get away with crimes due to being ethnic/racial "minorities" and also due to the fear on part of the Westerners for being labeled "racist" for pointing out that Pakistani/Muslims are sexually exploiting young White and indian girls.

The Westerners are too soft on foreign blooded criminals due to the politically correct atmosphere prevalent in the West brought about by so called "progressive" and "liberal" intellectuals. Only draconian laws can tame such perverted animals, nothing else.
Who cares,,,,,they are british citizens sikhs or hindus.
Least of our concern

Who cares,,,,,they are british citizens sikhs or hindus.
Least of our concern
No doubt! I 100% agree with you. However, my point was that a criminal will only flex his muscles within a society that allows him to.

Do Pakistanis within Arab countries commit such crimes?? No, its very rare in fact because the Arabs are strict in punishment.

The problem in the West is Liberalism and political correctness. If a White man says "its these Pakistani youth who are sexually exploiting our White girls" he will automatically be labeled a "Racist", a "Right Winger", "Islamophobe" etc..

Fear Of Racism Prevented Social Workers From Saving 1400 Children From The Hands Of Asian Sex Exploiters- The Guardian

The fact is that the British Nationalist Party members had brought up this issue of Asian exploitation of White girls WAY BEFORE it hit the news, but the mainstream media dismissed it as "right wing neo-Nazi racist propaganda".

Again i'll reiterate my previous point:

Why is it that Pakistanis (not all of them) and other third world immigrants commit such crimes in Western countries?? Perhaps its because of the Liberalism within West that has turned Western societies soft on third world criminals where such people could get away with crimes due to being ethnic/racial "minorities" and also due to the fear on part of the Westerners for being labeled "racist" for pointing out that Pakistani/Muslims are sexually exploiting young White and indian girls.

The Westerners are too soft on foreign blooded criminals due to the politically correct atmosphere prevalent in the West brought about by so called "progressive" and "liberal" intellectuals. Only draconian laws can tame such perverted animals, nothing else.

Funny thing is, I never heard a Pakistani/Muslim labelling white people racist. It is mostly the white liberals who call others racist.
I support and appreciate the fact that westerners want equality regardless of race but they should not make "reverse-racism" either. People should not be able to get away with crimes like this, regardless of their race/ethnicity.
My cousin helps Sikh girls in south of England who are caught in this web by Pakistani youth. He works with Sikh organisation like shera punjab to rescue girls for last decade now.

He confirms the Sikh organisation has already been approached by the British national party or English defense league to tackle this explotation combining resources.

He has confirmed many bnp members are x military and police abd totally fed up of the soft political stance in this dirty criminal activity of grooming girls be it any race.

Pakistani men are blamed. Up and down the UK it is well known among all UK people.

When you combine this with Pakistani youth involved in jihadist terror links in mid east it has created s real mistrust abd hatred of their entire community culture abd religion.

Muslim sex groomers
Muslim jihadists

Papers are full of then daily in uk
Rotherham Child Abuse Inquiry: Over 1,400 Children Raped and Trafficked by Men of 'Pakistani-Heritage'

More than 1,400 children were sexually exploited in Rotherham, South Yorkshire, over a period of 16 years, a report has concluded.

An independent investigation has found evidence of "appalling" exploitation between 1997 and 2013, involving children as young as 11.

The victims identified in the report include both girls and a small number of boys, and almost all the perpetrators were of Pakistani heritage.

While some of the cases were historic, it was highlighted that the abuse "continues to this day".

The inquiry, carried out by Professor Alexis Jay, examined how Rotherham Council's children's services department dealt with cases involving child exploitation.

She stated there was a "collective failure" by both the police and the local council to stop the abuse. In the summary of her findings, she said the state had failed to protect "some of the most vulnerable children in the borough".

The report found councillors and council officials were told about the abuse in 2004 and 2005 "in the most explicit terms", but it highlighted evidence of a "macho, sexist and bullying culture" within the council, which stopped it providing an effective response.

Jay said there was evidence that senior people in the council and police wanted to "play down" the "ethnic dimensions" of the sexual exploitation, for fear of being labelled as racist.

"It is hard to describe the appalling nature of the abuse that the victims suffered," she said.

"They were raped by multiple perpetrators, trafficked to other towns and cities in the north of England, abducted, beaten and intimidated.

"There were examples of children who had been doused in petrol and threatened with being set alight, threatened with guns, made witness to brutally violent rapes and threatened they would be next if they told anyone.

"Girls as young as 11 were raped by large numbers of male perpetrators."

Jay added that the people of Rotherham "would be appalled" at the findings. Rotherham has an estimated population of around 258,000 and is approximately six miles from Sheffield city centre.

In the 2011 Census, the ethnic minority population of Rotherham was around 8%, the largest of which was the Pakistani and Kashmiri community.

In just over a third of cases, victims were previously known to services in the town because of child protection and neglect.

The report, commissioned by Rotherham Council in 2013, followed the jailing of five men from Rotherham for sexual offences against girls in 2010.

Umar Razaq, 24, Razwan Razaq, 30, Zafran Ramzan, 21, Adil Hussain, 20, and Mohsin Khan, 21, were found guilty of a string of sexually related offences against the girls, one aged 12, two aged 13 and one aged 16.


(Clockwise from top left) Mohsin Khan, 21, Razwan Razaq, 30, Adil Hussain, 20, Zafran Ramzan, 21, and Umar Razaq, 24)

Rotherham Child Abuse Inquiry: Over 1,400 Children Raped and Trafficked by Men of 'Pakistani-Heritage'
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