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UK Sikh girls' exploitation by Pakistani youths worries Akal Takht

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Its something to do with the religious clerics (not all, but a good portion of them).
I guess that was not a sarcasm?
A serious question, is conversion a big thing in Islam? Does clerics give importance to that and preach about? Is it true that holy Kuran has something about conversion? That if a Muslim convert someone, goes to heaven?
Nothing to see here.

As per the article
"There were 2,868 female victims of the 'love jihad' in Kerala from 2006 to 2009."
That's close to 700 girls every year. Approx 2 every day, if this is true, was everybody asleep in Kerala in this duration?

Your comment is pathetic and disgusting----. It is like blaming the victims of rape and molestation.

thank you sir for responding. No girl/woman 'deserves' rape or abuse
Some how such articles would make any girl apprehensive about marrying a muslim guy...a genuine muslim guy.

@Ravi Nair
This topic might interest you.

Nothing to say except Britain F'ed up with their immigration policy. In the United Sates, New Zealand, Australia Pakistanis are actually a contributing minority with intelligent people.

The GP my father uses is for example a Pakistani.

Obviously majority of Pakistanis are not involved with this. But first, the government of U.K. f'ed up because a lot of these folk comes from backward areas within Pakistan.

Second of all the British left, in all their glorious hypocrisy, sacrificed the girls from British, white working class at the altar of of political correctness.

When I looked at the Guardian yesterday, the poster there were seething with anger towards Guardian, who were more interested in safeguarding the feelings of Muslims and Pakistanis than they were the victims.

Yeah, all Pakistani youngsters are inspired by Imran Khan, Waseem Akram and Shoaib Malik. :sarcastic:

I hardly think Imran Khan was involved in the underage girls for sex.

Nor do I think the sexual slavery of girls is any laughing matter. If Rotherham is any indication.
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Many act Indian or non Muslim to attract girls...the Kerala jihadi's for e.g. do not reveal their religion or their background.
Rotherham Report :cough: :cough:
Some how such articles would make any girl apprehensive about marrying a muslim guy...a genuine muslim guy.

@Ravi Nair
This topic might interest you.

That would be unfortunate not only because the article, including the Rotterdam Report, is sweepingly generalizing but also because British-Pakistanis are made out to be the prime perpetrators here when it is not so.

The Office of the Children’s Commissioner | Inquiry into Child Sexual Exploitation In Gangs and Groups | Interim report on pages 104 & 105 states as follows:
Data on the ethnicity of perpetrators are considerably less reliable than that supplied on age or gender.During site visits and in interviews with children and young people there were occasions when references to the ethnicity of perpetrators changed during the course of the discussion. Ethnicity and nationality were sometimes confused. Unless a perpetrator had actually been arrested, it was difficult to be sure whether or not their ethnicity had been correctly identified. In addition, professionals adopted a range of methods for capturing data on ethnicity, and often used broad headings such as ‘Asian’ or ‘White’ to capture individuals.
As stated earlier, children were not always able to provide accurate accounts of the ethnicity of all of their abusers. Given that only 3% of call for evidence submissions could provide full perpetrator data, and that 68% of submissions did not provide any perpetrator data, the chart below must be viewed with caution as the picture is incomplete. Based on the call for evidence submissions, the ethnicity of identified perpetrators was reported as follows

Of the 26% of submissions provided information on a total of 1514 perpetrators, although for 21% of these cases the ethnicity of the perpetrator was not provided. Where the ethnicity of perpetrators was provided, 545 were recorded as ‘White’, 415 were recorded as ‘Asian’, and 244 were recorded as ‘Black’. B

Of those 415 Asians 35 were identified as Pakistanis, 6 as Indians, 5 as Bangladeshis, 1 as South-East-Asian, 1 Vietnamese, 1 as Sri Lankan & 366 as Undisclosed !

No self-respecting Pakistani will ever oppose you if one were to place all these 35 Pakistanis in front of the firing squad & as despicable as their crime is the way their filthy actions are used to pass sweeping statements about the British-Pakistani Community as a whole that is about a million & a half strong, is simply nauseating !
Few months ago SGPC had also issued warning about exploitation of sikh girls by muslims in Arab countries.
On topic I think these girls & their parents are equally responsible for their condition . I mean how can be people so brainless. It is duty of parents to put some limitations on their girls like muslim families for their own good.
Few months ago SGPC had also issued warning about exploitation of sikh girls by muslims in Arab countries.
Arab countries???
There's hardly a sizeable population of sikhs in ME.

Juggernautjatt said:
On topic I think these girls & their parents are equally responsible for their condition . I mean how can be people so brainless. It is duty of parents to put some limitations on their girls like muslim families for their own good.
I think it should not be about restricting the gals but doing a background search about the guy in detail before the gal is married off to the guy, like in the arranged marriages.
@Chak Bamu

Look...muslims striking again. Where do they learn this from? You can continue to bury your head like an ostrich. I say this again: There is serisoly something wrong with either Islam teachings or its teachers!

don't bother to give me your stupid excuses again.

Not Really - It depends more on that individual as to how he interprets these teachings - It's up to the Muslim youth only as to what he wants to be - Someone like Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam or someone like that Owaisi ranting all around!
Arab countries???
There's hardly a sizeable population of sikhs in ME.
There are about 30,000 sikhs in middle east. Few months back there were news in some Punjabi newspapers about exploitation of some sikh girls from UAE & UK by love jihadis & later selling them for prostitution middle eastern countries. Some of the girls were saved by Dubai based sikh NGOs.

I think it should not be about restricting the gals but doing a background search about the guy in detail before the gal is married off to the guy, like in the arranged marriages.
Most of victims are between 13 to 16 & it is not a marriageable age.Infact at this age girls need protection & restriction. And according to article some of the girls went to pakistan with their husbands it means they were aware that their husbands are pakistani. The question is why they selected pakistan than divorce?
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There is NO love Jihad

What you have is girls from various communities falling for Muslim boys the majority of the time the feelings from the Muslim Boy match those of the girl i.e love and affection.

However culture, faith, tradition then begin to dicate actions

Its all good having a non-muslim GF, but how do you then go onto the process of marriage/relationship/family and community approval

So Muslim Boy who was perfectly willing and happy to run around with white/hindu/sikh girl when it was at university or out of sight of parents/community suddenly has to try to make his relationship legit in the eyes of his parents & community and this is where the push for conversion may come in.

It would be very difficult for a muslim family to accept a hindu daughter in law who continues to worship hindu deities etc or a white daughter in law who continues to dress/act western (those short mini skirts may have attracted the young man in the first place but as we all know wont be appreciated in the family living room) but if she were muslim then maybe the boy could swing it (or so the thinking would go), in addition family/parents begin to pressure boy to make daughter in law acceptable if she dosent fit in

The love jihad concept of where a muslim boy goes out, uses his charms to "trap" a non muslim girl and then convert her for some sort of religious gain is non-existant excepts in the minds of fools

Some relationships work & some dont,
Sometimes the girl will convert to islam and they will live happily
Sometimes the girl will remain non muslim and they will live happily
Sometimes the girl will convert and regardless relationship will fail etc
hi guys... anyone here have a lover?? i think no. you cannot even think that your lover (he/she) will be harsh on him/her after marriage. in most case the lovers are very kindly to each other and tolerate any mistakes by the lover. that is not the case after marriage. this is the reason why most love marriages end up in divorce.. so someone here says the parents should educate their daughters on love jihad is not practical idea. it is same as saying to your children that don't love anyone and marry the one parents chooses.
If the Akal Takht is saying this, it must be of some seriousness.
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