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UK Sikh girls' exploitation by Pakistani youths worries Akal Takht

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It does not prove he is better looking.
According to Pakistanis and some North-Indians, lighter skin means being handsome or beautiful.Fortunately I don't think in that same manner.
North Indians up/biharis/paharis are not handsome, learn what handsome mean. It also does not have to do with skin tone.
So have you personally met more than 500 million people? Since you are classifying them as ugly by deafult. By the way what do you mean by Dravidian? Cuz the people you mentioned don't consider them to be Dravidians.

What do you think about the real and much more darker dravidians in South Indian?
Brother when i say dravidian i mean 99% of Indian population. Handsome types you see in bollywood are only found among punjabi upper castes who make 1% of population. Remembrr UP/biharis are dravidians who speak indic language.
Anyway seem like you are good hindu, so i will stop bothering you.
I am not a good Hindu. Since I support BJP. I agree with you that Bollywood is racist and bigoted. They will never accept dark talented actors from South. But they have no problems in bringing in Pakistani actors who can't even act. What do you mean by punjabi upper castes? Bro you have wrong info about caste-system. It has nothing to do with skin color. The fair skinned Punjabis from North-west India were considered to be low caste and un-touchable since ancient times. The fair skinned gypsies of Europe who happen to be from Punjab happened to be from so called lower-caste. Even jats were considered to be from lower caste. Why were the blonde green eyed Europeans considered to be mlecchas and shudras by Hindu scholars if lighter skin means higher caste?

By calling 99% of Indian population ugly just because of their skin color or fake-caste system, you have proved what I said earlier.
Man!! seriously, all indians in PDF needs to get them selves a mental treatment from a good psychiatrist. Because Each and every thread they makes are filled with hatred toward Pakistan. These Indians should rise them selves up from this filthy mentality and should stop being racist.
Brother don't take me wrong. Yes its shamefull they bring **** actors over Indians. When we say upper caste in Punjab it mean non-dalit punjabis. Punjabi dalits are not indigenous but Indians from other states going by how they look. Gypsy are from dom/dalit background and now are fair skinned because of mixing with europeans.
Because last time i checked jats in Indian punjab humiliate so called brahmins.
Brahmin in punjab mean weak and pathetic being, no one want to associate with them. We have Sudhan biraderi here who are believed to be Moyhal brahmins but now hide their identity. Brahmins in punjab mean kammi type people, but they are not dalits.
I have a friend from scheduled tribe who has hazel eyes. I have another fair skinned dalit friend who has light green eyes. The skin tone caste system you are talking about is fake and created by the British to support their aryan invasion theory. How come dark-skinned Gods like Rama and Krishna are/were considered to be good-looking and loved.

Coming to your earlier post. Do you mean to say only Pakistans and 1% of Indian population in the sub-continent are good-looking because of their fair skin?

So let me ask you a question. If your upper-caste Muslim sister wanted to marry a dark-skinned Dravidian Muslim from India, would you oppose it?
I have a friend from scheduled tribe who has hazel eyes. I have another fair skinned dalit friend who has light green eyes. The skin tone caste system you are talking about is fake and created by the British to support their aryan invasion theory. How come dark-skinned Gods like Rama and Krishna are/were considered to be good-looking and loved.

Coming to your earlier post. Do you mean to say only Pakistans and 1% of Indian population in the sub-continent are good-looking because of their fair skin?

So let me ask you a question. If your upper-caste Muslim sister wanted to marry a dark-skinned Dravidian Muslim from India, would you oppose it?

Listen i never talked about light eyes or anything. Light eyes can be found even among Africans. See this picture from my village, one in middle is jat and other two dalits/mussalis.

While this south indian brahmin will be considered chuhra in our village.



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Listen i never talked about light eyes or anything. Light eyes can be found even among Africans. See this picture from my village, one in middle is jat and other two dalits/mussalis.
While this south indian brahmims will be considered chuhra in our village.
LOL! Bro you are prejudiced. You think Skin color should determine status of a person in a society and their attractiveness. Again some Indians too still think in the same way. But you shouldn't Hindu caste system to justify it. Krishna means dark or Black. He was considered as a cute and handsome god who stole hearts of the ladies.

You are a Muslim why do you believe in such concepts anyway?
LOL! Bro you are prejudiced. You think Skin color should determine status of a person in a society and their attractiveness. Again some Indians too still think in the same way. But you shouldn't Hindu caste system to justify it. Krishna means dark or Black. He was considered as a cute and handsome god who stole hearts of the ladies.

You are a Muslim why do you believe in such concepts anyway?

I was hindu once, this comes naturarly to me.
This is commendable if any muslim or pakistani does so its wrong.
Besides I don't understand what kind of muslims do so must b some low life thugs as a true muslim knows islam doesn't allow us to marry in any other religion except Christians and Jews. All godless religions like hindus parsis bhudists sikhs are banned.
SRK SAIF ALI all are committing adultery everytime they consume their marriage and so are the rest of the muslims who marries a girl or boy from a godless/manmade religion
When you combine this with Pakistani youth involved in jihadist terror links in mid east it has created s real mistrust abd hatred of their entire community culture abd religion.

Hardly any British Pakistani youth have gone to the Middle East to fight. The only case that we know of so far has been Hamza Pervaiz, yes, you won't find that in the media, but we know.

The vast majority are of Arab, Bengali and Somali extraction.

This is commendable if any muslim or pakistani does so its wrong.
Besides I don't understand what kind of muslims do so must b some low life thugs as a true muslim knows islam doesn't allow us to marry in any other religion except Christians and Jews. All godless religions like hindus parsis bhudists sikhs are banned.
SRK SAIF ALI all are committing adultery everytime they consume their marriage and so are the rest of the muslims who marries a girl or boy from a godless/manmade religion

all religions are man made including islam. is mohammad not human?

there is no god. come out of your illusions
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