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UK Sikh girls' exploitation by Pakistani youths worries Akal Takht

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Ok bro! You are the handsome Punjabi aryan and I am the ugly Dravidian Indian Hindu :)

Brother this shit was started by ugly nepali midget scrembowl who is now hiding. I don't know why you intervened since you seem to be good hindu.
Brother this shit was started by ugly nepali midget scrembowl who is now hiding. I don't know why you intervened since you seem to be good hindu.
Are you @oye_natta by any chance :D ? Why did you get offended when he said that Pakistani girls find pahadi guys attractive?
If Sikhs gave their women enough love and respect their wouldn't be an issue !
Are you @oye_natta by any chance :D ? Why did you get offended when he said that Pakistani girls find pahadi guys attractive?

Look at sikh girls, even they don't find any kind of Indian attractive let alone midget mongol mixed paharis. Forget about Pakistani girls. Scream is deluded indiviual, he keep inventing internet girl friend in Sargodha, Lahore, Islamabad and now even Kashmiri. :-) Keep changing location in every few weeks.
British Muslims, British Pakistanis in particular, and a particular variety of those British Pakistanis in even more particular communities are a massive source of shame for all of us.

Lock em up and watch them closely, what they do in their lives is no responsibility or problem of mine.

@Chak Bamu

Look...muslims striking again. Where do they learn this from? You can continue to bury your head like an ostrich. I say this again: There is serisoly something wrong with either Islam teachings or its teachers!

don't bother to give me your stupid excuses again.

The amount of stupidity as a cause for the kind of response I'm about to give you (or am giving you right now)in itself is only equaled or beaten by the problem at hand itself.

I can look at any ancient text for a source of guidance and should I wish I could wittingly or unwittingly find 101 reasons to what is considered morally evil in most societies, even where the text is native to the said society itself.

Answer me this, with the above in mind, this isn't a stupid response, but the response I expect now from you will surely be either in agreement with me or utterly stupid, or again, it could be that you dodge this and go back on the kind of response you gave in the first place.

There has been ongoing love jihad against White young British girls too by these Pakistani monsters.

These are British born and bred. Not first generation migrants.
Man!! seriously, all indians in PDF needs to get them selves a mental treatment from a good psychiatrist. Because Each and every thread they makes are filled with hatred toward Pakistan. These Indians should rise them selves up from this filthy mentality and should stop being racist.

India is the only country where all sects of Muslims can follow their belief. We are not racists you are racists, because you hated Hindus you demanded a new land.
I blame the girls and their families for this state of affairs. They should take more care in educating their daughters on what is right and what is not.

It's surprising that an 18 year old is unaware of the trap. Are they illiterate and incapable of rational thought and actions?

It's not the girl's fault. Or the family's fault.

It's the fault of these low life pieces of shit, and their useless families. Families that have provided nothing to us, themselves or this nation, except benefit scroungers and baby making machines.

I know you don't expect such words, but it is nothing short of the truth for some.

Now, it is not the girl's fault because the society we live in here in England has little or no boundaries, young lads from one community move away, date and mingle with people from a whole other world, in schools here and in social life, children brought up here don't really do things based on their ethnic background, especially if they're young.

I guess that was not a sarcasm?
A serious question, is conversion a big thing in Islam? Does clerics give importance to that and preach about? Is it true that holy Kuran has something about conversion? That if a Muslim convert someone, goes to heaven?

Conversion is a complex issue, the idea and method is simple. The background is where most have debate. But nothing justifies the sort of thing we've recently started seeing.

Muslims were not like this until very recently, if this madness was a product of Islam as opposed to it's time, it would be there before, and not just have sprung up more recently.

i always laugh at these girls who try to act very modern and try to ignore the hidden agenda's of these brainwashed muslim youth .

muslims generally have a very medieval and backward mindset , they look at women as an object or some kind of property which they own .

Piss off. Who the bloody hell are you to speak for me?

No self-respecting Pakistani will ever oppose you if one were to place all these 35 Pakistanis in front of the firing squad & as despicable as their crime is the way their filthy actions are used to pass sweeping statements about the British-Pakistani Community as a whole that is about a million & a half strong, is simply nauseating !

I've never had the fortune of coming across such people, but if I ever do, by God I won't let them forget what I think of them.
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This is sick and disgusting. I think the Indian media is out of news so they are making terrible lies to fill up the hearts of Non-Muslims against Islam and Muslims.

No sir, this is happening to an extent. Whether or not the extent is accurately measured here, there are actual cases in the UK from the past too where grooming gangs have been set up by primarily Asian, primarily Muslim and in particular Pakistani youth who have enslaved, raped and brought many white and other girls into prostitution.
Look at sikh girls, even they don't find any kind of Indian attractive let alone midget mongol mixed paharis. Forget about Pakistani girls.
What about Sikh girls who marry Indian sikhs? How can you speak on behalf of sikh girls? You have a problem with mongoloids too. Dravidian and Mongloids are ugly. Any other race you dislike?

I have seen some pathans on internet claiming that they are the real aryans and punjabis are the wannabes. So it ould be good if you explain you're race theory in detail.
if this is what clerics teach and he finds plently of followers, non-muslims have every right to blame islam. They have seen this version of islam on many occasions.

i don't care what quran, gita, bible says, its the people actions that speaks lot. and so far...it has been nothing but disappointment.
hell...there are "educated" muslims on pdf who are behaving like pathetic individuals they must be in real life.

Ignorance can't be fought with more ignorance, your stupid comments I've read twice now and make me wonder whether you know someone or you have been personally affected by these crazy types somehow.

If so, it does not excuse your irrational and ignorant approach.

The Pakistani communities in England are completely responsible of these actions of their young men---because they knew about what was happening and did not step in stop this perversity---.

Pakistani community as a whole needs to be put too shame in britain and condemned for that.

I completely agree. British Pakistanis should be ashamed. Behaving like total animals and them having the audacity to use their religion and background as a cover. These communities haven't and probably will not be able to integrate into the rest of society unless some serious change in their pathetic mindset it brought about.

My cousin helps Sikh girls in south of England who are caught in this web by Pakistani youth. He works with Sikh organisation like shera punjab to rescue girls for last decade now.

He confirms the Sikh organisation has already been approached by the British national party or English defense league to tackle this explotation combining resources.

He has confirmed many bnp members are x military and police abd totally fed up of the soft political stance in this dirty criminal activity of grooming girls be it any race.

Approaching EDL and BNP like thugs to do something is just about the stupidest move the sikh community has made.
I'm sorry, but that's just plain retarded.
What about Sikh girls who marry Indian sikhs? How can you speak on behalf of sikh girls? You have a problem with mongoloids too. Dravidian and Mongloids are ugly. Any other race you dislike?

I have seen some pathans on internet claiming that they are the real aryans and punjabis are the wannabes. So it ould be good if you explain you're race theory in detail.

I don't know what are you on about. I never even talked about aryans but you had to bring it. And when i said Indians are ugly? I said they are cute types and not handsome types. Where is ugly in this?

No sir, this is happening to an extent. Whether or not the extent is accurately measured here, there are actual cases in the UK from the past too where grooming gangs have been set up by primarily Asian, primarily Muslim and in particular Pakistani youth who have enslaved, raped and brought many white and other girls into prostitution.

We have to accept the fact Pakistanis in UK are more involved in these shameful activities on average. Though there exist sikh/hindus as well who do this act but their average is less. Hindu/sikhs are more in to killing little baby girls which UK gov also hide. But people knows which community do that shameful act.
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Hardly any British Pakistani youth have gone to the Middle East to fight. The only case that we know of so far has been Hamza Pervaiz, yes, you won't find that in the media, but we know.

The vast majority are of Arab, Bengali and Somali extraction.


Sadly they don't need to, they can just join LeJ,LeT or TTP right at home.

Look at sikh girls, even they don't find any kind of Indian attractive let alone midget mongol mixed paharis. Forget about Pakistani girls. Scream is deluded indiviual, he keep inventing internet girl friend in Sargodha, Lahore, Islamabad and now even Kashmiri. :-) Keep changing location in every few weeks.

You seem to have a serious problem with southasian people,now added mongoloids..look man if thats u on the picture on ur avatar..ur nothing special.Ur eyes are mismatch...and u look half drug addict.There is a million guys in kolkata alone better than that.
As for ur constant racial insults at dravidians,they are some of the smartest people alone...dravidian scientists and mathematicians worldwide have more accomplishments than all of pakistan.I would have fuzzy brain einstein over male model any day.Dravidians also have their unique culture and brilliant architectural accomplishments and are a ornament to the indian nation.
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There is NO love Jihad

What you have is girls from various communities falling for Muslim boys the majority of the time the feelings from the Muslim Boy match those of the girl i.e love and affection.

However culture, faith, tradition then begin to dicate actions

Its all good having a non-muslim GF, but how do you then go onto the process of marriage/relationship/family and community approval

So Muslim Boy who was perfectly willing and happy to run around with white/hindu/sikh girl when it was at university or out of sight of parents/community suddenly has to try to make his relationship legit in the eyes of his parents & community and this is where the push for conversion may come in.

It would be very difficult for a muslim family to accept a hindu daughter in law who continues to worship hindu deities etc or a white daughter in law who continues to dress/act western (those short mini skirts may have attracted the young man in the first place but as we all know wont be appreciated in the family living room) but if she were muslim then maybe the boy could swing it (or so the thinking would go), in addition family/parents begin to pressure boy to make daughter in law acceptable if she dosent fit in

The love jihad concept of where a muslim boy goes out, uses his charms to "trap" a non muslim girl and then convert her for some sort of religious gain is non-existant excepts in the minds of fools

Some relationships work & some dont,
Sometimes the girl will convert to islam and they will live happily
Sometimes the girl will remain non muslim and they will live happily
Sometimes the girl will convert and regardless relationship will fail etc

Everyone knows this apparently except the Indians who make the most fuss about "love jihad", the fact is no religious Muslim is going around dating and such at all, only the more carefree Muslim boys will even bother with it so some kind of ulterior religious motive is laughable.
@Screambowl daddy must be from D block in Islamabad ? Meanwhile there are sectors in Islamabad not blocks..(too bloody retarded to know.. Just like in the seriki thread)... And yes ppl here do consider you sub human creatures,inferior n are racist towards your kind.
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