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Ülke Yönetimi

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Trump said to CNN : " You are faking news!,
Trump is not known as the most equipped man with diplomatic manners either. On the other hand, he controls a government which operates thousands of military bases around the world. We don't have the luxury to misbehave in international relationships.
Trump is not known as the most equipped man with diplomatic manners either. On the other hand, he controls a government which operates thousands of military bases around the world. We don't have the luxury to misbehave in international relationships.

Turkey has not the luxury to hide in caves like terrorists do.
We have the comfort of a strong leader and society staying behind him.
Turkey has not the luxury to hide in caves like terrorists do.
We have the comfort of a strong leader and society staying behind him.
We need a strong democracy and strong economy actually. History proves that authorianism brings quite the opposite.
We need a strong democracy and strong economy actually. History proves that authorianism brings quite the opposite.

Executive power should have authority on all around the country, or laws wouldn't be enforced to the citizens which will lead division in state.

Legislation Power should have authority on all around the country, or people will not listen their own-elected presentation in parliament which will lead anarchy.

Judgement Power should have authority on all around the country, or some other groups will fill the gap and try to force their own judge to the people which will end with civil war.

Summary: History proves that authoritarianism is a must, or else you will be eliminated from world politics and economics.
Executive power should have authority on all around the country, or laws wouldn't be enforced to the citizens which will lead division in state.

Legislation Power should have authority on all around the country, or people will not listen their own-elected presentation in parliament which will lead anarchy.

Judgement Power should have authority on all around the country, or some other groups will fill the gap and try to force their own judge to the people which will end with civil war.

Summary: History proves that authoritarianism is a must, or else you will be eliminated from world politics and economics.
Sure, just like how US and Europe got eliminated.

Wait, they didnt...
Sure, just like how US and Europe got eliminated.

Wait, they didnt...

Show me only one province or city in EU or US that does not under the complete authority of Executive, Legislation and Judgement powers?

Oh wait, there is none.
We need a strong democracy and strong economy actually. History proves that authorianism brings quite the opposite.
That is incorrect.

Look up the history of south Korea.

Their economy was smaller than that of north korea and far smaller than Turkey, and look at them now.

Their capitalist dictator (assassinated father of the very-recently-ousted President) has single-handedly grown the economy into a first world one from a third world shuttle in less than two decades.

And then look at Singapore, same story. A capitalist dictator increased GDP per capita from $500 to $90.000 in one generation.

Capitalist dictators create economic miracles as capitalism works and dictatorships are not evil by design.

Don't forget, Atatürk led to the biggest economic growth this country has ever seen under any era of any government up to this date, averaging a 7% yearly growth rate WHILE actually paying down the country's debt, AND while the country didn t have any infrastructure to create economic growth upon, to begin with!!

But of course dictatorships aren't supposed to be good either. They are essentially rules by decree/dictate, hence why it is called "dictatorship".

If the dictator is educated and intelligent, and the country's conditions are optimal for creating the necessary political incentives then the country will benefit from it.

Or else the country will suffer.
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Hollanda ve Almanya Türkiye ye savas acti.
Köpek ve atlarla basin mensuplarimiza saldiriyorlar.

SU AN ordayim ve emir bekliyoruz !
Bayan bakanimiz zirhli aracinda rehin ABDEST almasina bile izin verilmiyor !!
Bayan Bakanimiz derdest edildi.
Bunlarin Polis atlarini ve itlerini futbol hooliganlarin yaptigi gibi basebol sopalari ile indirelim mi ?

Bekliyoruz emir bekliyor Türk insanlari !

Hollanda Türklere karsi olaganüstü hal ilan edecekmis !!



Sayin MOD, hollanda bayrakli üyeleri lütfen engelle !



Your Democracy ? You are a pure stupid incompetent Police State

Turkish POLICE caught today in IZMIR BERLIN terrorist partner in Izmir

you killed the other AMRI and transported him to Italy !

We caught him alive and he will TALK

Allah belanizi versin !


@Selim I


Chief consultant and Spokeswoman of Turkish President Mrs. Saadet ORUC at A HABER now :

GERMANY is the main hostile nation.
They provoce also Greece against Turkey and are leader of anti TURKISH ACTIONS , also terrorist actions, around the globe against Turkey!

Hundreds of militant ÜLKÜCÜ travelling to NETHERLANDS just now !



Where are you fake Patriots and fake Kemalists ??

OUR Bodyguards of Minister arrested, ministers car armored will be carried to GERMANY ! Truck on the way
Female Minister is for some hours in the armored car. Car is locked !



Last UPDATE , Macedonian President just now :




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His Name : M.A.K

I just finished listening to Erdogan speak live in Kocaeli on A Haber. The man makes some excellent points. Kilicdaroglu needs to stop working for the Kandil and Western interests and BS'ing the Turkish public. Turkey's economic, social, technological and infrastructure accomplishments and progress of the last 15 years speaks for itself loud and clear and Turkey's patriotic masses no longer get fooled by the West's hired pens, the so-called "critics", calling Erdogan a dictator. To those who claim that I say, put a sock in it!

If you want to see a dictator, look at Netherlands' Wilders, France's Le Pen or America's Trump.

The era of Turkey getting crushed by the IMF and the West is over. It is time for Turkey to break its chains and move on to the bright future it rightfully deserves.
I for one will proudly vote EVET on April 16.

I am very disappointed that nobody from here supported the thread I opened (Europe Section) yesterday. It was a historical scandal that a Minister was blocked, sieged and her bodyguards arrested from Dutch Special Police. She was on the way to Turkish Territory ( Turkish Consulate).
What would have US Secret Service Agents have done ? In Sweden, France and UK Turkish Politicians can do PR for referandum. Boris Johnson today invited Turkish FM to UK and showed diplomatic solidarity. Dutch seems to have gotten to much Hormones in their milk and cheese that makes them mental insane. Turkey should stop military cooperation with Netherlands. Congratulations to Turkish CHP who wants serious sanctions against Netherlands.

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