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UAE Will Receive 'Bunker Busters'

No offence to you friend, but I am sure you guys (egypt+saudi) had the same amount of confident in the 70s when you attack Israel, but we all remember what happened then don't we? Just because its now 20 years in the future will not stop history repeating itself in some ways.

Trust me dude. People changed beyond what people can comprehend here. Seriously 20 years ago wearing jeans and T-shirts was a complete taboo watching TV is the greatest sin and everybody believed that BS now people make fun of people who come up and say that and call them crazy people.

And if history ought to repeat itself then in all due fairness when Europe was nothing but a Barbaric den OUR lands were the center of knowledge and science to the world why can't we repeat that??
Our Army is not the same as it was 20 years ago. In time you will see for yourself what I mean. GCC combined can take on any threat thrown at it

I don't know about Saudi Army now but what i do know is that they had to call in Pakistan to catch few terrorists in Makkah during 1970s. Maybe training with other armies can help them improve
I don't know about Saudi Army now but what i do know is that they had to call in Pakistan to catch few terrorists in Makkah during 1970s.

lol man in 1970s people who can "READ" in Saudi Arabia were about 10-15% and people were scared of cars because it was a "scary machine". Hell if you go 5 years in the past you will not recognize Saudi Arabia NOW anyways things are changing way too fast.
Trust me dude. People changed beyond what people can comprehend here. Seriously 20 years ago wearing jeans and T-shirts was a complete taboo watching TV is the greatest sin and everybody believed that BS now people make fun of people who come up and say that and call them crazy people.

And if history ought to repeat itself then in all due fairness when Europe was nothing but a Barbaric den OUR lands were the center of knowledge and science to the world why can't we repeat that??

The islamic golden age is starting to repeat it self in Iran, my wife (she is Iranian) talks my head off with all the Iranian contributions and so on, Is it not true that most of the scientific and mathes and so on contribution were made by the persians? i am not very knowledgeable about the contribution of saudi arabia to that, but you need to know that you will only repeat the islamic golden age if your people have the desire to do so.
The islamic golden age is starting to repeat it self in Iran, my wife (she is Iranian) talks my head off with all the Iranian contributions and so on, Is it not true that most of the scientific and mathes and so on contribution were made by the persians? i am not very knowledgeable about the contribution of saudi arabia to that, but you need to know that you will only repeat the islamic golden age if your people have the desire to do so.

In fact, Iranians have a lot of history and contributions and i am a great fan. But at the same time no offence, they sometimes over react their capabilities. I think majority of them have different views of Islam as a religion and because of this they put themselves into a position where all surrounding neighboured countries could hate them. The thing about Saudi Arabia is that since they are ruled under monarchy, it brings in a lot of trouble; more specifically to their contributions to science and knowledge. I really think that if they become democratic then their potential in this world could succeed greatly, possibly like what Prophet Mohammed brought in to society.
In fact, Iranians have a lot of history and contributions and i am a great fan. But at the same time no offence, they sometimes over react their capabilities. I think majority of them have different views of Islam as a religion and because of this they put themselves into a position where all surrounding neighboured countries could hate them. The thing about Saudi Arabia is that since they are ruled under monarchy, it brings in a lot of trouble; more specifically to their contributions to science and knowledge. I really think that if they become democratic then their potential in this world could succeed greatly.

Its funny most of persian you meet not only are they not religious, but they are atheist , My wife is an atheist. but anyway i am not an technology expert, but as far as science goes, i see they are making major achievements. their government is the one bluffing half the time.
You are right.I have seen Iranians in Canada and most of them are atheist. But I'm only concerned about the country in the East. Their government is extremely religious and at the same time it poses a threat for the community to influence on that path.
In fact, Iranians have a lot of history and contributions and i am a great fan. But at the same time no offence, they sometimes over react their capabilities. I think majority of them have different views of Islam as a religion and because of this they put themselves into a position where all surrounding neighboured countries could hate them. The thing about Saudi Arabia is that since they are ruled under monarchy, it brings in a lot of trouble; more specifically to their contributions to science and knowledge. I really think that if they become democratic then their potential in this world could succeed greatly, possibly like what Prophet Mohammed brought in to society.

And why is being ruled "under a monarchy" a hurdle??
You are right.I have seen Iranians in Canada and most of them are atheist. But I'm only concerned about the country in the East. Their government is extremely religious.

Yes but you need to understand it is always a countries government that gives a wrong portray of that country, there muslims in iran but there are also very high number of atheist, but if you follow some link it tells you all Iranians in Iran are religious where majority are Muslim and remaining Zoroastrian,Jews etc...so according to them there are no atheist in Iran.
The islamic golden age is starting to repeat it self in Iran, my wife (she is Iranian) talks my head off with all the Iranian contributions and so on, Is it not true that most of the scientific and mathes and so on contribution were made by the persians? i am not very knowledgeable about the contribution of saudi arabia to that, but you need to know that you will only repeat the islamic golden age if your people have the desire to do so.

During the Islamic Golden Age most of the contributions were made in two places. One is in Baghdad during the Abbasid rule and second and the one that Europe owes its scientific push from was in Al-Andalus or modern day Spain. Persians tend to over inflate themselves to demeans Arabs as "Barbaric stupid people by nature" they have a personal vendetta against us I guess for taking down Persia I guess.
During the Islamic Golden Age most of the contributions were made in two places. One is in Baghdad during the Abbasid rule and second and the one that Europe owes its scientific push from was in Al-Andalus or modern day Spain. Persians tend to over inflate themselves to demeans Arabs as "Barbaric stupid people by nature" they have a personal vendetta against us I guess for taking down Persia I guess.

So according to you, baghdad made more scientific and mathes contribution than persia? my friend that is one of the biggest lies i heard in ages, the Persian produced some of the greatest scientist in that part of the world and in the whole world such as Muḥammad ibn Mūsā al-Khwārizmī, and ibn sina and more.. I know there are problems between your country, but that is stupid, your all muslim and yet you kill each other because you follow different ways of islam. Also if you carry on this petty persia v arab by downgrading their history then they will carry on hating you. Persian are very sensetive about their history, you will find theyr are the most proud people you will possible see, there is not a single day i dont go without my wife talking to me about a certain great part of their history, but i have to admit i have grown fond of it, instead of fighting then you should respect them/
The islamic golden age is starting to repeat it self in Iran, my wife (she is Iranian) talks my head off with all the Iranian contributions and so on, Is it not true that most of the scientific and mathes and so on contribution were made by the persians? i am not very knowledgeable about the contribution of saudi arabia to that, but you need to know that you will only repeat the islamic golden age if your people have the desire to do so.

Most Islamic Scholars and scientists were Persians, though there were also a good ammount of Arab scholars and scientists as well.

List of Persian scientists and scholars - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Abdol-Hamid, founder of Arabic prose along with the fellow Persian Ibn Muqaffa.
* Abhari, mathematician.
* Abu Dawood, Islamic scholar.
* Abū Ḥanīfa, Islamic scholar.
* Abu Nasr e Mansur, mathematician.
* Abu Sa'id al-Darir al-Jurajani
* Abu Wafa Buzjani, mathematician.
* Azod al-Dowleh, prominent scientific patron
* Ahmad ibn Farrokh, physician.
* Ahmad Ibn Imad ul-din, physician and chemist.
* Ala'eddin, constructed the Counterweight Trebuchet for Kubilai. He was thus honoured in the official history of China's Yuan Dynasty. (p119)
* Alavi Shirazi, royal physician to India.
* Alhazen, or Ebne Heisam in Persian.
* Amuli, Muhammad ibn Mahmud, physician.
* Abū Ja'far al-Khāzin
* Ansari, Khwaja Abdullah, Islamic scholar.
* An Shihkao
* Aqa-Kermani, physician.
* Aqsara'i, physician.
* Arzani, Muqim, physician.
* Astarabadi, physician.
* Aufi, Muhammad, scientist and historian
* Avicenna (Ibn Sina), physician, philosopher
* Azophi, a.k.a. Abdorrahman Sufi, astronomer from Ray that invented the meridian ring.
* Ghiyāth al-Dīn Jamshīd ibn Masʾūd al-Kāshī,astronomer and mathematician.
* Abdollah Javadi-Amoli Philosoph shia

[edit] B

* Baghawi, Islamic scholar
* Bahai, Sheikhpoet, mathematician, and astronomer,engineer,designer,faghih(religious scientist),Architect
* Baladhuri, historian, d.892
* Bal'ami, historian
* Balkhi, a.k.a. Albumasar, mathematician
* Balkhi, Ibn Sahl, geographer and mathematician
* Balkhi, Ibn
* Banū Mūsā Brothers
* Barmak, Khaled, Bhuddist from Khorasan in the court of al-Mansur, initiated the Greek translation movement of the Abbasid House of Wisdom
* Bayhaqi, historian
* Behbahani, Vahid, theologian
* Ibn Bibi, historian of the Seljuks of Rum
* Biruni, astronomer and mathematician
* Bukhari, prominent Islamic scholar
* Bukhtishu, Persian Christian physician of Academy of Gundishapur
* Bukhtishu, Abdollah ibn, Christian physician in Persia
* Bukhtishu, Gabriel ibn, Christian physician
* Bukhtishu, Yuhanna, Christian physician
* Burzoe, a.k.a. Borzouyeh-i Tabib, physician of Academy of Gundishapur
* Birjandi astronomer and mathematician 16th century

[edit] D

* Dīnawarī, Abū Ḥanīfa, d.896, polymath
* Dinawaree, ibn Qutaybah, d.885, historian

[edit] E

* Esfarayeni, physician

[edit] F

* Farghani, d.880, a.k.a. Alfraganus, astronomer
* Farabi, d.950, (Al-Farabi, Pharabius), philosopher
* Farsi, d.1318, mathematician
* Fazari, Ibrahim, d.777, mathematician and astronomer
* Fazari, Mohammad, d.796, mathematician and astronomer
* Ferdowsi, d.1020, the famous poet
* Feyz Kashani, Mohsen, d.1680, theologian

[edit] G

* Geber; Jaber ibn Hayan, d.815, chemist. Known as Geber in English.
* Gardezi, Abu Said, d.1061, geographer and historian
* Ghazali (Algazel), d.1111, philosopher
* Gilani, Hakim, d.1069, royal physician
* Gorgani, Zayn al-Din Isma‘il ibn, d.1136, royal physician
* Gorgani, Abu Saeed, , astronomer and mathematician
* Gorgani, Rostam, physician
* Gorgani e Masihi, see Masihi Gorgani, d.999, Avicenn'a master

[edit] H

* Hakim Ghulam Imam, physician
* Hakim Muhammad Mehdi Naqi, physician
* Hakim Muhammad Sharif Khan, physician
* Hakim Nishaburi, Islamic scholar
* Hallaj, Mystic-philosopher
* Haly Abbas, prominent physician
* Hamadani, Ali, physician
* Hamadani, Mir Sayyid Ali, poet and philosopher
* Hanbal, Ahmad Ibn, Islamic scholar
* Harawi, Abolfadl, astronomer of Buyid dynasty
* Harawi, Muwaffak: See Al-Muwaffak, pharmacologist
* Harawi, Muhammad ibn Yusuf, physician
* Harawi, Ali, traveller
* Majid Hassanizadeh, Professor of Hydrogeolgoy, Expertise: theories of porous media (Utrecht University, The Netherlands).[1]
* Hasani, Qavameddin, physician
* Hessaby, Mahmoud, physician

[edit] I

* Ibn Abi Sadiq, "The Second Hippocrates", Avicenna's disciple
* Ibn Haytham, physicist
* Ibn Khaseb, physician
* Ibn Khordadbeh, geographer
* Ibn Rustah
* Ilaqi, Yusef, Avicenna's pupil
* Ilyas, Yusef ibn, physician
* Isfahani Abol-fath, mathematician
* Ibn Sina, (Avicenna), Philosopher and Physician
* Isfahani, Jalaleddin, physician
* Isfahani, Husayn, physician
* Istakhri, geographer, gives the earliest known account of windmills
* Iranshahri,philosopher,the teacher of Muhammad Zakaria Razi.

[edit] J

* Jābir ibn Hayyān, a polymath who is considered the father of chemistry. He emphasized systematic experimentation, and did much to free alchemy from superstition and turn it into a science.
* Ja'far ibn Muhammad Abu Ma'shar al-Balkhi
* Jaghmini, physician
* Jaldaki, physician
* Juvayni, historian
* Juwayni, philosopher
* Juzjani, Abu Ubaid, physician
* Jamasb, philosopher

[edit] K

* Karaji, mathematician
* Kashani (Kashi), mathematician
* Kashfi, Jafar, theologian
* Kazerouni, Masoud, physician
* Kermani, Iwad, physician
* Kermani, Shams-ud-Din, Islamic scholar
* Khademhosseini, Alireza, Pioneer in Biomedical and Bioengineering
* Khazeni, Abu Jafar, mathematician
* Khazeni, Abolfath, physicist
* Khayyám, Omar, poet, mathematician, and astronomer
* Khorasani, Sultan Ali, physician
* Khujandi, mathematician and astronomer
* Khwarizmi (aka Al-Khwarazmi) creator of algorithm and algebra, mathematician and astronomer
* Kushyar ibn Labban, mathematician, Nasavi's master
* Kuhi, Rostam, mathematician
* Kubra, Najmeddin

[edit] M

* Mahani, mathematician
* Muhammad al-Fazari
* Muhammad Baqir Yazdi In the 17th century, He gave the pair of amicable numbers 9,363,584 and 9,437,056.
* Majusi, Ibn Abbas, physician
* Marvazi, astronomer and mathematician
* Marvazi, Abu Taher, philosopher
* Masawaiyh or Masuya
* Mashallah ibn Athari, of Jewish origins, from Khorasan who designed the city of Baghdad based on Firouzabad
* Masihi Gorgani, Avicenna's master
* Mirza Ali Hakim, physician
* Miskawayh, philosopher
* Mostowfi Qazvini, geographer
* Mullasadra, philosopher
* Muqaffa, Ibn, founder of Arabic prose along with Abdol-Hamid.
* bin Musa, Hasan, astronomer
* bin Musa, Ahmad, astronomer
* bin Musa, Muhammad, astronomer
* Muwaffaq, Abu mansur, pharmacologist
* Muhammad ibn Muhammad Tabrizi,philosopher

[edit] N

* Nagawri, physician
* Nahavandi, Benjamin, Jewish scholar
* Nahavandi, Ahmad, astronomer
* Nakhshabi, physician
* Nasir Gebelli, computer scientist and video game developer
* Nasavi, mathematician
* Natili Tabari, physician
* Naubakht, Designer of the city of Baghdad
* Naubakht, Fadhl ibn
* Nawbakhty, Islamic scholar, philosopher
* Nawbakhti, Ruh, Islamic scholar
* Nayrizi, mathematician
* Naqshband, Baha ud-Din, philosopher
* Neishaburi, physician
* Neishaburi, prominent Islamic scholar
* Nizami Ganjavi, romantic poet
* Nurbakhshi, physician

[edit] P

* Paul the Persian, philosopher.

[edit] Q

* Qazi Zadeh, prominent mathematician
* Qazwini, Zakariya, physician
* Qumi, Qazi Sa’id, theologian
* Qumri, physician
* Qushayri, Abd al-Karīm ibn Hawāzin, d.1074, philosopher

[edit] R

* Razi, Amin, geographer
* Razi Amoli, Fakhreddin, philosopher
* Razi, Zakariya (Rhazes), chemist and physicist
* Razi, Najmeddin
* Rumi, Jalal ad-Din Muhammad
* Rashid-al-Din Hamadani, historian, physician and politician
* Muhammad ibn Zakariya al-Razi, Physician

[edit] S

* Sabzevari, Mulla Hadi, poet and philosopher
* Saghani Ostorlabi, astronomer
* Sahl, Fadl ibn
* Sahl, Shapur ibn, physician
* Salman the Persian, religion commentator, companion of Prophet Muhammad
* Samarqandi, Najibeddin, physician
* Samarqandi, Ashraf, mathematician, astronomer.
* Sarakhsi, Muhammad ibn Ahmad, Islamic scholar
* Seifzadeh, Hossein,S. Political Scientist, Iranian Studies,
* Shahrastani historian of religions
* Shahrazuri, philosopher and physician
* Shahrazuri,Ibn al-Salah, Islamic scholar
* Shaykh Tusi, famous Islamic scholar
* Shaykh Saduq, theologian
* Shirazi, Imad al-Din Mas'ud, physician
* Shirazi, Muhammad Hadi Khorasani, physician
* Shirazi, Qutbeddin, astronomer
* Shirazi, Mahmud ibn Ilyas, physician
* Shirazi, Najm al-Din Mahmud ibn Ilyas, physician
* Shirazi, Qurayshi, physician
* Shirazi, Sultan Waezin, theologian
* Sijzi, mathematician
* Sijzi, Mas'ud, physician
* Soleiman ibn Hasan, physician
* Abd al-Rahman al-Sufi: see Azophi
* Suhrawardi, Shahab al-Din, philosopher

[edit] T

* Tabarani, Abu al-Qasim, Islamic scholar
* Tabari Amoli, prominent historian
* Tabari, Natili Amoli: See Al-Natili
* Tabari, ibn Farrukhan, astrologer and architect
* Tabari, Abul Hasan, physician.
* Tabari, Ibn Sahl, Jewish convert physician. Master of Rhazes
* Tabrizi, Maqsud Ali, physician.
* Taftazani, theologian, linguist
* Tayfur, Ibn Abi Tahir, d.893, linguist
* Tāriq, Yaqub ibn
* Tirmidhi, Islamic scholar
* Tunakabuni, physician
* Tughra'i, physician
* Tusi, Nizam ol-Molk, the great vizier
* Tusi, Nasireddin, mathematician, philosopher
* Tusi, Sharafeddin, mathematician

[edit] U
[edit] V

* Amin al-Din Rashid al-Din Vatvat, scholar and physician.

[edit] W

* Waqidi, historian

[edit] Y

* Yaqūb ibn Tāriq
* Yumn, Nazif ibn

[edit] Z

* Zamakhshari, scholar and geographer.
* Zarrin dast, oculist.
* Zayn-e-Attar, physician
What a big list, if you care about your islam, you will forget your differences and bring back the golden age together.
And why is being ruled "under a monarchy" a hurdle??

First of all, the money that your country has is not bringing you to the point where you can actually compare yourself to the level of Spain. I take Spain as an example because i have lived in SA, and most of your people feel proud to be in the same category or more or less consider themselves to be the same people. They have monarchy but power is limited. I am not saying that the monarchy should be completely unrecognized in SA but rather i think they should not be having the complete power to control the whole country. Money is not everything. Your monarchy has not given enough rights to women and that cannot let you not bring every potential in science and knowledge. SA is as if its still in the medieval era. Discrimination, racism, etc.The world is changing now... and you too must come to that level. I have yet to see your monarchy being significant in anything really. Your country had so much. It was historically beautiful. including Makkah, which was so gorgeous back then and now what you do is destroying the old and building new dumb high rise towers. There is slavery in SA and until the monarchy is there, all these things will be included for the sake of your comfort. its totally unto you to decide but bringing contributions that royal family bro ought up is totally fiction.
individual freedom will bring back to the level where you standed centuries ago. I think i don't consider prophet mohammed as a monarch.--- he was democratic. if you liked how he changed your tribes then you should really be supportive of that. Monarchy never existed and no offence until king abdul Aziz married every single women from each tribe to win control of his power and had changed the whole dilemma, including Wahabism to Islam.
During the Islamic Golden Age most of the contributions were made in two places. One is in Baghdad during the Abbasid rule and second and the one that Europe owes its scientific push from was in Al-Andalus or modern day Spain. Persians tend to over inflate themselves to demeans Arabs as "Barbaric stupid people by nature" they have a personal vendetta against us I guess for taking down Persia I guess.

Well, the bolded part is kinda debatable. You see, most of the advances in science and technology the Arabs made during the Islamic rule over Spain and Southern France was based on and built upon what the Romans and Greeks had already invented, discovered, and left off, and in the same sense, during the renaissance the Europeans took over from where the Arabs left off.

---------- Post added at 03:00 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:58 AM ----------

What a big list, if you care about your islam, you will forget your differences and bring back the golden age together.

The differences can never be overcome, otherwise today you wouldn't see Muslims slaughtering each other. But why do you care?

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