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UAE All Radio Stations Supporting Only India

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But its not India's or Indians fault, Is it???

If above is true what's the reason for it, can u elobrate??

It's a fault of Indian culture on a whole. "Shouting things like "Dhoni ne Shoaib Akhtar ko dho dala" sound more like a taunt to Pakistanis than a celebration for Indians. It's done without realizing it, its driven from many years of harboring competitive rivalries with Pakistan. RJ's being non-professional commentators probably shouldn't be given that job. Kapil Dev is doing the commentary this time, so I'm guessing there would be some more professionalism.

But if you see, there will be a difference between Commentators you hear on TV and commentators we're describing.

Also I'm not being a buzz kill here. I would totally understand a little bit of fun banter, but definitely the UAE Indian RJs are going over board and have lost their finesse at striking a balance between their nationality and their professionalism.
OMG! Indian plot to conquer world by settling in each country of world. Soon we'll hold all oil stock of middle east.

bharatis already own. Similarly in PDF also 50% bharatis.
bharatis has over taken islamic repulic of pakistanis in pdf.
Good!! Very Good!! Starting of influence around the world..! Be it by anyway....;)
Okay, now you'll give me the technical crap about how it is the official word in Urdu etc. But we know that Pakistanis use it as a derogatory term for Indians, just like you consider "hindoo" and "dravidian" to be an insult to us (which is pathetic BTW). Oh and I read that English was the official language of this forum so why use Hindi/Urdu words?

Anyway it doesn't bother me so go ahead and do as you wish.


what a crap. i wonder why you feel offended over word Hindu when you are a Hindu.

and i wonder whats insulting in word Dravidian ??
whoever doesn't support UAE radio station's attitude, just put it on your ignore list!! problem sorted.. stop crying!!:D:D
Exactly what I was talking about... "Pakistanio ko tapao" seems to be deep rooted in the avg Indian's mindframe. It comes out naturally even without intent.

:P but they end up boiling themselves and come again with multiple ids :lol:
whoever doesn't support UAE radio station's attitude, just put on your ignore list!! problem sorted.. stop crying!!:D:D

well i guess UAE been overloaded with indians will cater to the population so no wonder if they have Indian RJs with emotional commentary
ARY has few channels in UAE, aren't they?

Asad Manzoor once launched an Urdu channel on 104.4 FM but it failed, and now 104.4 is the top English Channel I think its operated by Virgin
Asim :: Geez, its like literrally behnss ke agay been bajane wali baat. It's not influence, its a bad thing.

^^^^^Are you sure bhenss keh he aage ya pir kisi aur cheez keh aage been bajani ? :lol:
Exactly what I was talking about... "Pakistanio ko tapao" seems to be deep rooted in the avg Indian's mindframe. It comes out naturally even without intent.

Get ready for WAR 2.0

We don't exactly love you and I hope you've realised that by now. :D
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