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U.S. preps for possible cruise missile attack on Syrian gov't forces

Its time for regional power unite and resolve their internal issues. Respect eachother border , because everyone lives in glass house. Call all arab countries conference in Syria and try walk out with peaceful resolution.
@Yzd Khalifa ..where is my buddy Al hassani ?
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Not the " west " really. What is taking place in there will never be cleaned by a single country, even the US couldn't invade Iraq on its own back in the day, does that mean they lack experience?

LoLz :lol: you would better stay where you are because you have nothing but tar sands :lol:

Planning an invasion, the work of generals, the west has much more experience in this.
The truth is iran nd india callabarate not only in afghanistan but india made nd funded chabahar port in iran 2 counterweight gwadar port ontop of tht iran nd india r jointly destablising pakistan from afghanistan through their rented agents uzbek nd tajik terrorists nd fassaadis tht crossover from afghanistan into pakistan nd carryout attacks in pakistan by disguising as ttp. Ontop of tht iran has given india a consulate in zahidan in iranian balochistan which borders pakistan these iranians r also destablising pakistan nd pakistans balochistan hand in hand with india all the activities nd sabotage tht is done in pakistans balochistan r done by iranians nd indians hiding in iran nd it was iran which created bla so this is the true face of iran.

Thank God atleast one Pakistani woke up from coma..Iran must be considered an enemy of Pakistan.These rawafidh have NEVER backed us on any issue ,let that be Kashmir or as you mentioned afghanistan.2 days back there was a news flash that some iranians have been caught in karachi ,after that there was nothing about the news
I don't think US will intervene but France maybe.
I think Assad will launch VX and Sarine missiles from the first day of invasion. It is very important to neutralize all the nerve gas arsenal. VX is very persistent and dangerous as much as tactical nukes. There should be a ready strategy if Assad launches chemical (especially VX) at rebels or KSA or Turkey.
It is a strategic failures to say Assad will chicken out to use them.

If VX arsenal is not neutralized and eventually launched, the area will be worthless and arid for years and they have a large chem arsenal.
Planning an invasion, the work of generals, the west has much more experience in this.

You are now contradicting yourself like always. You once stated that the West is overqualified to carry the job, and I replied to you saying that even a superpower couldn't handle BOMBING Afghanistan and Iraq on its own.

Stunning... :lol:
You are now contradicting yourself like always. You once stated that the West is overqualified to carry the job, and I replied to you saying that even a superpower couldn't handle BOMBING Afghanistan and Iraq on its own.

Stunning... :lol:

When is that, I never use the word overqualified neither do I remember.
I don't really buy that any more. Saudi Arabia and other GCC states should increase oil prices to further squeeze the international community so that they smother Iran's nuclear program.

hahahah please do, because high oil price means Russia only gets richer.
Heval, Do you think After Assad has gone PYD-PKK would be harboured in Syria?
PYD quarreling with opposions in syria, PYD is quarreling with other Kurdsih parties in Syria, PYD is quarrelling with KRG, PYD is quarreling with Turkey....etc..many Kurds who fleed to KRG and Turkey said we were exposured to the same persecutions by PYD as the Assad regime ..
then, Whom PYD ally with now ?..only Assad regime and Iran...
Congrats..!! Piroz be Bratiya we !!

Kardash, it is too late to be optimist for peace ..it is no times of polyanna.. first, it was Erdogan told his very family freind Assads many times the same things as you currently say 3 years ago..yet, one one had cared about Erdo..
2 feet wont fit in a single shoe. Let GCCs doing a right business out of their 5 wrong businnesses...

the last chemo attack would be sign of end of the butcher of Demascuss..Either an military intervention will be carried out or arming FSA by heavy weapons will be started.

There will be no peace in any where that proxies of Iran are exist..Assad regime must be wiped out from root but minorty of Nussayri should be protected and not should go to a retaliation policy.....

PYD never once attacked Turkey. They never once attacked KRG or anyone else. They have been protecting their areas. Turkey, like always, is making an enemy out of everyone. PYD has said for two years now '' we are ready to negotiate with Turkey and KRG and Iraq, we are not your enemies. We will not fire at you''. Turkey has answered by keep harboring al nusra and ISIS terrorists that are massacring Kurds.

As I have told you a 100 times now, PYD is not allied to anyone. And you know as well as I that PYD has 70-80% of Kurdish backup in Rojava. All these allegations against PYD is a propaganda of Turkey because it was not able to fight against PYD on the field. Now it resorts to lying and propaganda. Turkey is well known for psychological terror.

And do not talk about persecution as a KERdogan supporter. That facist and racist leader was and still is persecuting Roboski villagers because it wants a clarification of their 36 innocent deaths. KERdogan is still persecuting people who want to know how their children were killed at Gezi. So stop right there ''heval''. U ji bere her tishti, ji xwere hebike mirov chawa bi kurdi difiqire. Tu mezinek, ji tera eyibe eyib.
hahahah please do, because high oil price means Russia only gets richer.

You can't afford to supply the while world-market really. Plus, $100 is more than enough, keeping you and the others in check 24/7

Wrong, It means more aggressive moves toward your Iranian buddies.

By next year, the prices will automatically go higher. Let them take it or leave it!
Today 10:22 AM #77
Yzd Khalifa,

I don't mind if the AmeriKunts put a few of those missiles onto Quebec. You know those who speak baguett.

The Frechess were famous putting their hand up and run, like many times in history.

The Frechee women threw themselves to the Nazi then the Yanks for chocolate bars and cheap lipsticks.
Today 10:22 AM #77
Yzd Khalifa,

I don't mind if the Americunts put a few of those missiles onto Quebec who speak baguett.
Watch out private Suadi govt sign a education treaty for 15,000 saudi student. A tough job for canadians. lolzz...taming them....
You can't afford to supply the while world-market really. Plus, $100 is more than enough, keeping you and the others in check 24/7

For every dollar the oil prices goes up, we get an extra 10 billion in cash, and it also makes our economy grow faster.

Like I said before by all means please do:omghaha:
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