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U.S. preps for possible cruise missile attack on Syrian gov't forces

@al-Hasani ...long time no see...hope everything fine...

I am all well my friend. How about you? Is everything fine in the States?

As fine as I can be when my region (the Muslim and Arab world) is in a complete mess. It takes a tool on you. Otherwise I was banned, away and between all this I had a re-exam in my field (chemical engineering). So all is fine, Alhamdulillah.

My heart goes out to our Syrian and Egyptian brothers and sisters though. Even stopped following the events back home and in Yemen.
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I am all well my friend. How about you? Is everything fine in the States?

As fine as I can be when my region (the Muslim and Arab world) is in a complete mess. It takes a tool on you. Otherwise I was banned, away and between all this I had a re-exam in my field (chemical engineering). So all is fine, Alhamdulillah.

My heart goes out to our Syrian and Egyptian brothers and sisters though. Even stopped following the events back home and in Yemen.
Good to hear the pain for the people, fully hopeful peace will prevail in the region very soon. Its natural phenomenon after huge destruction , an everlasting peace emerge , where everyone learn and try to correct their mistakes.
Good to hear the pain for the people, fully hopeful peace will prevail in the region very soon. Its natural phenomenon after huge destruction , an everlasting peace emerge , where everyone learn and try to correct their mistakes.

LOL. You must be from planet Mars!
Good to hear the pain for the people, fully hopeful peace will prevail in the region very soon. Its natural phenomenon after huge destruction , an everlasting peace emerge , where everyone learn and try to correct their mistakes.

It is hard when there are some obstacles for that which I see no sense to repeat. Some will probably not agree but the Arab street has spoken and they are rarely wrong. The Arab street supported the Arab Hizbollah or HizbAlShaytan (Party of Satan as most Arabs call them now) but they betrayed their people and helped the Child-Murderer in Syria to commit genocide against Syrian Arab Muslims. This will not be forgotten. They have ruined their reputation forever. They have no future in the region. It will get bloody unfortunately but they will lose their influence in Southern Lebanon or disappear altogether. There is no other option.

Oh, the international society are laughable including most of the Arab and Muslim leaders. Those clowns have looked at Syria for 2.5 years without doing anything to stop the crisis/war once and for all. Think about all those life's that could have been saved.

Oh, how little in common those leaders have with our eternal Muslim and Arab Islamic figures. To compare is even a disgrace.

At least I pray that they will safe their face and do something to liberate the Syrian people.
disgusting traitors who call themselves "Arabs" are happy that the west will bomb an Arab country... and will kill millions of Syrian in less than a week... yet they are happy their masters is coming in to save their losing @$$.... funniest thing is they call it "Syrian Revolution" :omghaha:

Wait, aren't you living in the US ? you're living in the same country that is going to bomb the sh!t out of your regime, why aren't you going to Syria and defend your losing regime ? instead of living among the people that gonna destroy it aka your enemies ? at least that gonna put an end to your lies and propaganda here on PDF, also how do you feel knowing that your tax money, your own money gonna be used to destroy the regime that you support ? Lol :lol:
Wait, aren't you living in the US ? you're living in the same country that is going to bomb the sh!t out of your regime, why aren't you going to Syria and defending your losing regime ? instead of living among the people that gonna destroy it aka your enemies ? how do you feel knowing that your tax money, your own money gonna be used to destroy the regime that you support ? Lol :lol:

7aibibi great to see you all well. Don't waste your time with that fake "Arab" nationalist. He is a die-hard Ba'athi. His family were probably the part of the Syrian society that helped Asshead senior (may he rot in hell) into power in the 1970's. Since then Syria has been a laughing stock of the Arab world. Losing wars, supporting Arab enemies, etc. The list is long. Now add genocide.

When I say Syria I obviously mean the rulers of it. Not the people. Although some are brainwashed by 40 years of fake Ba'athi "so-called" Arab nationalism. Those are the "Sunnis" who fight for the Child-Murderer. Nobody else.

Those Ba'athis (real ones) don't care about Islam let alone religion. Just read about Ba'athism as a ideology. Not exactly rocket science.

يجب علينا تجاهل جهلهم و حماية ما يجب حمايته. هم لسوء الحظ لا يعرفون الظروف الحقيقية و فقط يسمعون البروبوغندا الغربية

معظمهم ملحدون و خونة لهذا يكرهون الاسلام و العرب. هم و البروبوغندا خاصتهم يجب ان تكشف ,أخي. هذا هو الافضل للجميع. ان لا, , يجب علينا تجاهلهم و تجاهل كرههم

We also know his allegiance to a certain country in favor of us Arabs as a self-proclaimed Arab. A simple traitor.

This also goes for the usual non-Arab suspects here.

Anyway his kind will become extinct like the dinosaurs before them. We the great Arab Muslim people will make sure of that.
They have to neutralize these first.. Would they take that chance?


Only the first ship (Slava class) has the same firepower as burke but its electronics are all outdated because these are 70's and 80's technology they don't stand a chance against AEGIS. So in short these are simple metal elephants. And Russia will not risk their prestige being destroyed.
We are unfortunate creature to see annihilation of a sect ,.. Only God can save "Alwaites Shia" now..

Bad move America, Don't support Sunni Factions. The Power equilibrium must maintained. We must support Shias so that there will be balance of power in area..
U.S. Navy Positions Ships For Possible Strike Against Syrian Targets

Navy warships are positioned for a strike against Syria using long range Tomahawk Land Attack Missiles (TLAM). Such an attack could cause varying degrees of limited damage to the Assad regime’s ability to use more chemical weapons or continue effective operations against the opposition. It cannot eliminate the regime’s military or chemical weapons capabilities, however, nor cause more than a temporary degradation in regime operations. Such a strike will be ineffective unless it is part of a coherent, properly resourced effort towards achieving clearly-articulated U.S. strategic aims in Syria. Those aims should include helping the moderate and more secular elements of the opposition defeat both the Iranian-backed Assad regime and the al Qaeda-affiliated extremists who threaten to hijack the rebellion. Limited TLAM strikes alone will not
accomplish such aims.

The United States seems to be preparing to take direct military action in Syria. The U.S. Navy has repositioned several ships to the Eastern Mediterranean since the Assad regime used chemical weapons against civilian targets in and around Damascus. Although the use of chemical weapons against the civilian population is horrific, and every effort should be made to dissuade the Assad regime from using them again, recent comments from anonymous senior officials that a potential strike against Syria would be “punitive” are alarming.1A strike taken to punish leaders does not constitute a strategy or even a sound military objective.

Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs General Marty Dempsey have rightly raised questions about the utility of military action without a comprehensive, stated U.S. policy in Syria. General Dempsey clearly identified the strategic error of taking tactical action in the absence of comprehensive policy in his letter to Senator Levin, Chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, when he stated “Too often, these options are considered in isolation. It would be better if they were assessed and discussed in the context of an overall whole-of-government strategy for achieving our policy objectives in coordination with our allies and

We are unfortunate creature to see annihilation of a sect ,.. Only God can save "Alwaites Shia" now..

Bad move America, Don't support Sunni Factions. The Power equilibrium must maintained. We must support Shias so that there will be balance of power in area..

Who the hell are you to tell Obama what should America do and what shouldn't? :lol:
Who the hell are you to tell Obama what should America do and what shouldn't? :lol:

Apparently our Indian friends here have lost it and now they have found the holy grail and thus the evidence that shows that the rebels were responsible for the horrible massacre last week.
Now this meddling in the Arab world and taking decisions like they mattered in all of this in the first place.

Is something wrong with the forum today?:what:
To bad im not President... I would of attacked Syria and Iran in the same time by now, Afghanistan would of been a Military base, Iraq's oil would be ours. China and Russia wouldn't do jack **** other then threats and warnings.

I hope Obama grows some balls and take action already. With Syria and Iran gone our interest would roam freely in the region and Israel will be safe.
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