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They can un install and install a fresh one with bug fiXes.

The analysis is inaccurate as I have pointed out. The desert in the Shia provinces is marked as mixed while the desert in Anbar is all marked as Sunni. Second Kurds and Sunnis are not one group, they are politically different.


Once again. Thus you, you are better than hundreds analysts and experts of the former powerful ‘Secretary of State in the George H. W. Bush administration’, James Addison Baker III.

You are increasingly ridiculous.





The Shia provinces have larger population than an more resources.


This is completely false.



I dont think it will be soo easy and sadam was a pure dictator. an elected govt wont last very long is a shia majority country.

Says a the Saudi who knows nothing about Iraq. There are hundreds other statistics that clearly show that Shias are majority. You left all the other statistics out.

I could come up with my own study and post that Shia are 90% of Iraq. But these numbers don't mean anything when it comes to reality.

Anyways, protests have taken place in Babylon, Basrah, Baghdad, and a few other provinces warning against any amnesty or removing the de-Baathification and the terrorism law. These protests are in support of the government.

Al-Maliki is a tough nut to crack; to through him out one Muqtada Al-Sadr keeps the trump card in his hand. It is of full reckoning that Al-Sadr cannot move even an inch without Iran’s instruction. One should wait till the fall of Al-Assad then only the haze over murky Iraq would get clear.

One of member gave the example of Mamood of Ghaznavi and the implementation of Persian as an official language of his empire. Let me put my opinion in this discussion. In my view there was certain reason for non Arab Moslem rulers to choose Persian as an official language in that era.

1-Persian was the language of Islam for Non Arab ******* at that time
2-Persian was the first language whom Koran was translated in to
3-Most of the Islamic literature was translated or written in Persian at that time
4-The rise of Turks as a torch bearer and soldier of Islam was the late phenomenon, 13th century onward (later by Ottomans)

Refinement and adoption of Turkish as language of Islam began probably after conquest of Constantinople (later by the seat of Islamic Caliph)

Safavid created a rival empire against the Ottomans (Caliphs). They preferred different language, different culture and of course different language (Persian) to propagate and implement their version of Islam.

In my view present day Persian –Turkish rivalry, be it ethnic or linguistic is more of sectarian than anything else especially on this forum

There were empires not the Nation state at that time so there was no nationalism

Suffice to say that the leaders in that era were inclined towards the basics of the religion of Islam. Ethnic & linguistic identity was not important for them unlike the esteemed forumers here.

Thanks & Regards
pro government protests warning against removing the article 4 of the constitution, the de-baathification and the the general amnesty.


Protesters chant pro-Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki slogans during a demonstration in Basra, Iraq’s second-largest city, 340 miles (550 kilometers) southeast of Baghdad, Iraq, Tuesday, Jan 8, 2013. Demonstrators have taken to the streets in Iraq’s second largest city to back the government of Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, which has weathered over two weeks of angry protests. The poster in Arabic right, reads, "No Baathists after today." NABIL AL-JURANI — AP Photo


A protester sets fire to a poster of Izzat Ibrahim al-Douri, the highest ranking member of Saddam Hussein’s ousted regime still at large, next to national flag as protesters chant pro-Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki slogans during a demonstration in Basra, Iraq’s second-largest city, 340 miles (550 kilometers) southeast of Baghdad, Iraq, Tuesday, Jan 8, 2013. Demonstrators have taken to the streets in Iraq’s second largest city to back the government of Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, which has weathered over two weeks of angry protests. NABIL AL-J


Iraqis rally in support of Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki in the city of Karbala, southwest of Baghdad, January 8, 2013.

Protesters gather in support of Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki in the central Iraqi city of Diwaniyah, 160 kilometres (100 miles) south of Baghdad, on January 8, 2013.


Pro government demo in sallahidin province.

pro-governemnt demos in Najaf


Pro government demos in Muthanna province, Samawah city.
Ok let me put it this way;
A minority rule in Iraq is not an option. keep dreaming that it will ever return.

Iraq oil fields, The only one not in shia-majority territory is kirkuk. there is oil in kurdistan, but all the oil does not even equal to one Iraqi oil field in baghdad. Kirkuk field has reached its peak and is declining. There are more oil fields in the south that have not been invested and some unexplored yet. 80% of Iraq is still not explored. If Iraq splits there is going to be a kurdish-sunni war over kirkuk.
The oil fields are in south are just being developed and will triple in production in the next few years.

This is the land that Shia's controlled after the civil war about 5 years ago, Now the Iraqi army controls all the lands including the sunni provinces in the west

Diyala is a sunni majority but it was still controlled by the shias. The Iraqis army has a tight grip on Mosul right now. Notice this was even before Iraq has a proper army and most of the sunni population at the time supported sunni militias the army was still in control

Iraq War - 2009

it seems to me that this guy alshawi123 thinks there are no Sunni Iraqis on Pakistan Defence Forums, and thats the reason why he is posting here typical shia propaganda maps, trying to deceive non-Iraqis here about the truth on the ground. He is trying to paint a picture that the Iraqi Army being Shia is in full control of Sunni Areas. When recently the whole world saw how impotent maliki and his dogs are, and how they get the urge of running to take a leak, the moment even a single Sunni protest emerges anywhere in Iraq. Afterall, these shia of iraq were able to make an army all due to their american friends.

this shia from basrah has painted all the land up to Tal Afar in Mosul as shia dominated. Even the shia in Tal Afar will laugh at this map. Even the americans, after constantly bigging up the small shia group in tal afar, admitted at the end that it is impossible as tal afar is 80% Sunni!

alshawi123 has shown diyala has shia dominated, when diyala is 80% Sunni Arab, not including Sunni kurds and Sunni Turkoman, who make up another 10%. And he has craftily shown Babil as Shia dominated, suwayrah as shia dominated, kirkuk as shia dominated, and half of salahaddin, and even entire kurdish areas which are 100% Sunni.

he has also shown sunni areas in Basra as being shia dominated, and the entire desert area of the south, which is all Sunni dominated

Its all the dreamwork that the shia in canada are fed.

alshawi123, you say the Sunni in Iraq will be forced to flee. How about you bring your entire shia from nasriya, amara, basra, samawa to lets say Taji. Bring them up north. We are waiting for you.
Well before US occupation of Iraq did we ever hear any shia-sunni issue in Iraq? Were there any suicide bombings? Was Iraqi economy as fragile then as it is now ? Would any indian or brainwashed maniacs like @Solomon2 care to asnwer these questions?

Today Iraq is heading towards a breakup and if one logically look at all the developments starting from those WMD which never existed to the iraqi oil loot which spanned for almost a decade what do we see?

A stable muslim state was just ruined to cater for some hidden agenda of US and its jews bosses but unfortunately indians on this forum and people in general around the globe are unable to see this leave alone condemning it .

It was all planned to happen this way by people who has no value for human life but rest assure this fire will reach doors of all of us one day and its better if we are prepared in advance and the only way is to dont fall prey to these fake religious and ethnic divides.
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Well before US occupation of Iraq did we ever hear any shia-sunni issue in Iraq? Were there any suicide bombings? Was Iraqi economy as fragile then as it is now ? Would any indian or brainwashed maniacs like @<u><a href="http://www.defence.pk/forums/member.php?u=12445" target="_blank">Solomon2</a></u> care to asnwer these questions?

Today Iraq is heading towards a breakup and if one logically look at all the developments starting from those WMD which never existed to the iraqi oil loot which spanned for almost a decade what do we see?

A stable muslim state was just ruined to cater for some hidden agenda of US and its jews bosses but unfortunately indians on this forum and people in general around the globe are unable to see this leave alone condemning it .

It was all planned to happen this way by people who has no value for human life but rest assure this fire will reach doors of all of us one day and its better if we are prepared in advance and the only way is to dont fall prey to these fake religious and ethnic divides.

Before there was nationalism which has been replaced my islamism today, the sunni-shia tensions are up unlike in the past, if youd look at students in Iraqi universities none of them weared a veil, they were all influenced by the baath nationalist regime that is why there were little problems.

Today our Arab brothers are throwing a lot of fuel on the sunni shia fire for some reason, their hate for shia has been installed in them through all the years of brainwashing, it probably is all hate against Iran.

The others that keep crying about Sunnis being killed, the biggest armed organization of sunni Iraqis are with the army, now who is more reliable these sheikhs and tribesmen of Anbar that show their faces or some cunt wrapped in a bandana with no identity.
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it seems to me that this guy alshawi123 thinks there are no Sunni Iraqis on Pakistan Defence Forums, and thats the reason why he is posting here typical shia propaganda maps, trying to deceive non-Iraqis here about the truth on the ground. He is trying to paint a picture that the Iraqi Army being Shia is in full control of Sunni Areas. When recently the whole world saw how impotent maliki and his dogs are, and how they get the urge of running to take a leak, the moment even a single Sunni protest emerges anywhere in Iraq. Afterall, these shia of iraq were able to make an army all due to their american friends.

this shia from basrah has painted all the land up to Tal Afar in Mosul as shia dominated. Even the shia in Tal Afar will laugh at this map. Even the americans, after constantly bigging up the small shia group in tal afar, admitted at the end that it is impossible as tal afar is 80% Sunni!

alshawi123 has shown diyala has shia dominated, when diyala is 80% Sunni Arab, not including Sunni kurds and Sunni Turkoman, who make up another 10%. And he has craftily shown Babil as Shia dominated, suwayrah as shia dominated, kirkuk as shia dominated, and half of salahaddin, and even entire kurdish areas which are 100% Sunni.

he has also shown sunni areas in Basra as being shia dominated, and the entire desert area of the south, which is all Sunni dominated

Its all the dreamwork that the shia in canada are fed.

alshawi123, you say the Sunni in Iraq will be forced to flee. How about you bring your entire shia from nasriya, amara, basra, samawa to lets say Taji. Bring them up north. We are waiting for you.

Ye, "we will be waiting", you Pakistani ? since when are you part of this country..
Why am I even replying to all this bullshit.
Ye, "we will be waiting", you Pakistani ? since when are you part of this country..
Why am I even replying to all this bullshit.

I was gonna type a long reply but I realized he is from a country hundreds of miles away from Iraq.

The map is about military control and not population. Anyways the map is quite old and now the IRAQI forces (not Sunni, not Shia) control all of Iraq with the exception of the three Kurdish provinces.

Unfortunately some countries are trying to stir a civil war in Iraq, and when it happens they will sit and watch the country being destroyed just like what they did in Syria. Then they "support" the Sunnis by "praying" and crying for them.

Btw I don't usually like typing in such a manner, but the constant secterian remarks push me to type that way, anyways the comments is a few months.
I was gonna type a long reply but I realized he is from a country hundreds of miles away from Iraq.

The map is about military control and not population. Anyways the map is quite old and now the IRAQI forces (not Sunni, not Shia) control all of Iraq with the exception of the three Kurdish provinces.

Unfortunately some countries are trying to stir a civil war in Iraq, and when it happens they will sit and watch the country being destroyed just like what they did in Syria. Then they "support" the Sunnis by "praying" and crying for them.

Because we Arabs are left with pussys, the days of Gamal Abdul Nasser he used to send his own military to solve problems, today they send weapons and let countries burn for years, apart from that we got people that are iranophobic to an unhealthy degree.

Also I cannot understand how any country bordering Iraq would wish the country to descend into chaos considering the long border they share with us, it is a threat to them, not everything will go the same as in 2003.
He is going nowhere, he is an elected leader, unlike fat Arab sheikhs whom you are licking their ***.

Being mod has made you inactive in such threads . It would be better if you take part bro .

Good Luck .
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