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U.S. Cyberattack Hurt Iran’s Ability to Target Oil Tankers, Officials Say

Ad hominem

Please tell me [why] Iran failed to become a nuclear power? [how] Natanz nuclear facility was breached? [Why] Iran cannot do anything about Israeli strikes on its interests in Syria and even in Iraq? I can ask questions as well.

USA is far ahead of Iran in all aspects, your personal insecurities notwithstanding. Godhood is irrelevant here.
and again I say it again
stux net was important because it destroyed hardware not software . for software you restore a backup , no need to pull your hairs of , and again this database worth shit , the information in it is opensource and you don't need it at all . also we visited three tanker after the said attack and 2 of those three are still in our custody , how your mighty cent-com explain it.
and again I say it again
stux net was important because it destroyed hardware not software . for software you restore a backup , no need to pull your hairs of , and again this database worth shit , the information in it is opensource and you don't need it at all . also we visited three tanker after the said attack and 2 of those three are still in our custody , how your mighty cent-com explain it.
Something happened, but what happened will be made known in time. This news is mainstream so something happened. You can try to downplay it but something happened and a message was delivered. I have nothing more to say in this case, thank you.
Something happened, but what happened will be made known in time. This news is mainstream so something happened. You can try to downplay it but something happened and a message was delivered. I have nothing more to say in this case, thank you.
yes something happened and the news is mainstream because a showman tweet about it.
usa go all the way to ship missile from syria to exhibit in yemen but don't post video of one of its newest success do you knew what the truck remains me of
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This is why YOU (Iranians) are not taken seriously in any forum, your propaganda is not even funny anymore.

Do you realize that CENTCOM have a cybersecurity division? Its job is to thwart potential hacking attempts from any entity in the world. If a breach ever occurred, it is 100% that it was detected and plugged.

If Iran had the capability to breach American military networks at will, it would have crashed entire American security apparatus and rendered American military ineffective in a few hours. This nonsense might fool your fellow Iranians but independent obervers would laugh at your face or declare you a mental case. Kid, even the likes of Russia and China (both have credible cyberwarfare capabilities) does not have this level of capability in the field.

Do you understand how Natanz was breached? Natanz is not linked to WWW, and it was subjected to sabotage in 2014.

NSA does the dirty work, and its methods of intervention are are beyond the grasp of majority in the world. This is not like a nerd experimenting with a pirated hacking software at home.

Regardless, I pointed out an excellent example (i.e. Natanz nuclear facility incident in 2014) and simply cautioned that US is not a foe to be taken lightly. Don't jump up and down or pretend to be something you are not.

I really do not desire an argument or make a case for Americans, but whenever I glance in this section, I notice cringeworthy claims and cannot help but roll my eyes and say something.

Firstly I am from bahrain, if u didnt know. Secondly, the Stuxnet's first attack was in 2007 and not 2014, it was discovered in 2010 and was involved in several attacks till 2012.

And I dont understand when iran claims it has breached US networks, you come and say it's just propaganda and the US has a cyber warfare force, but then when the US does an attack, no even tries to think if iran had any means of defences or not. And there is more than enough evidence that shows iran breached CENTCOM, if you haven't read anything about it then u can go do ur research, but at the end, I dont care if you would call this propaganda or what, it's just the reality. And the same way u are claiming CENTCOM has a cyber warfare branch, which it has, i will say that Iran has an advanced cyber warfare branch as well that has high capabilities in both defending and attacking.

And you can keep rolling your eyes as much as you want and dont even think of answering again as u dont want an argument nor I care about what you will say anymore.
Firstly I am from bahrain, if u didnt know. Secondly, the Stuxnet's first attack was in 2007 and not 2014, it was discovered in 2010 and was involved in several attacks till 2012.

And I dont understand when iran claims it has breached US networks, you come and say it's just propaganda and the US has a cyber warfare force, but then when the US does an attack, no even tries to think if iran had any means of defences or not. And there is more than enough evidence that shows iran breached CENTCOM, if you haven't read anything about it then u can go do ur research, but at the end, I dont care if you would call this propaganda or what, it's just the reality. And the same way u are claiming CENTCOM has a cyber warfare branch, which it has, i will say that Iran has an advanced cyber warfare branch as well that has high capabilities in both defending and attacking.

And you can keep rolling your eyes as much as you want and dont even think of answering again as u dont want an argument nor I care about what you will say anymore.
You being in Bahrain change nothing because you might have links to Iran regardless.

I am approaching this matter from a 'logical + commonsense' standpoint, I am not doubting Iranian prowess in cyberwarfare but it does have solid limitations. It is not like Iran can breach every network in the world at any point in time and hack anything that moves - this sound like C grade movie shit.

Two important questions:-

1. Who is the architect of computing technologies on the whole? US or Iran?

2. Does Iran have an NSA equivalent?

CENTCOM is run on two secured networks namely SIPRNet and NIPRNet; both are not linked to WWW. These are not accessible to outsiders and feature multi-factor authentication for users like the use of personal access cards and intensive network monitoring. Secondly, even SIPRNet and NIPRNet are not interlinked. So how Iran breached one of these? Where is solid evidence of this breach?

I am simply pointing out the fact that Iran does not have the capability to breach American military networks at will (per your claim), this is not possible. Even relatively more resourceful Russia and China cannot pull this off.

You need to study "Operation Buckshot Yankee."

Cyberwarfare is NOT magic, try to understand.
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the same way US breaches to our AD systems and data centers. lol
This is not so simple.

NSA and CIA completely outclass others in technology and resources. They have cutting-edge multi-function satellites at their disposal to make their task of infiltration much easier for them. Other countries are terribly lacking in this domain.
All those who happen to be denial mode, should recall the Natanz nuclear facility disaster due to American cyberwarfare initiative.
Actually, far from the boastful claims of Americans and their cyber admirers (such as yourself), the stuxnet attacks affected only 1/10th of the centrifuges installed at Natanz at the time and had no impact on Iran's LEU production that year.

Report from "The Good ISIS":

Stuxnet did not lower the production of LEU during 2010. ... Nonetheless, there remain important questions about why Stuxnet destroyed only 1,000 centrifuges. One observation is that it may be harder to destroy centrifuges by use of cyber attacks than often believed.


To put things into perspective, at the time (2010) Iran had 9,000 centrifuges installed. Only two years later in 2012, Iran had 20,000 centrifuges installed. Thanks to the JCPOA, Iran is now allowed to operate 5,000 centrifuges at any one time.
This is not so simple.

NSA and CIA completely outclass others in technology and resources. They have cutting-edge multi-function satellites at their disposal to make their task of infiltration much easier for them. Other countries are terribly lacking in this domain.

You are once again talking about how great the US's power and technology is and how it has these cutting edge stuff that it can use.
Again I am telling you, we are in 2019, everything has changed, the current US and iran arent the same things they were 40 years ago, iran has improved alot that it can catch up to some of the leading countries in most fields, and that's not surprising at all. They just discover new stuff and learn.your knowledge level isnt constant for you not to be able to learn new stuff and improve unless if you dont want to understand and learn such stuff, which is what you are doing, just thinking that the US is the mega mind and no one else knows anything.
You being in Bahrain change nothing because you might have links to Iran regardless.

I am approaching this matter from a 'logical + commonsense' standpoint, I am not doubting Iranian prowess in cyberwarfare but it does have solid limitations. It is not like Iran can breach every network in the world at any point in time and hack anything that moves - this sound like C grade movie shit.

Two important questions:-

1. Who is the architect of computing technologies on the whole? US or Iran?

2. Does Iran have an NSA equivalent?

CENTCOM is run on two secured networks namely SIPRNet and NIPRNet; both are not linked to WWW. These are not accessible to outsiders and feature multi-factor authentication for users like the use of personal access cards and intensive network monitoring. Secondly, even SIPRNet and NIPRNet are not interlinked. So how Iran breached one of these? Where is solid evidence of this breach?

I am simply pointing out the fact that Iran does not have the capability to breach American military networks at will (per your claim), this is not possible. Even relatively more resourceful Russia and China cannot pull this off.

You need to study "Operation Buckshot Yankee."

Cyberwarfare is NOT magic, try to understand.
First who is USA, a bunch of migrants around the world, less then 1% native population.
The heart of modern computing is fuzzy logic, invented by Iranian-azeri...
In cyber warfare iran in top knoch, check the transformer movie, where usa pentagon calls for 3 teams from china,usa,iran to decode alien signal...if USA don't admire iran as a cyber king, they should have placed Israeli or indian or Japanese in that roll...
Check the operation clever document on irans cyber capability.
And u r talking nonsense tech demonstration and tools for NSA and CIA where a simple raspberry pie stole 50+ mb data from NASA..
It needs brain to operate those tools, random dickheads like CIA and NSA agent can't handle that much... rather ask those devs who made them to directly work for u..
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they also said that before the Global Hawk was shot down worth $180 million?
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