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U.S Airstrike in Syria targeting PMF near Imam Ali Base

This is exactly what happened last year prior to Gen. Qassem Soleimani assassination.

The U.S hit a PMU base near AL Boukamal and killed dozens of Iraqi Hizbollah fighters.

They didn't retaliate and after that, the US killed Gen. Qassem Soleimani because Iran and its allies chickened out on the air strike in syria.

Later, the commander of Iraqi Hizbollah said that he regrets not retaliating and if a severe hit was delivered to the US, it wouldn't dare assassinate Soleimani.

Lets see if they learned their lesson or if they are still dumb.

My guess, they are still morons and we will see another disaster like Gen. Qassem soleimani assassination.
No lesson was learned. Not after Soleimani, not after the assaniations of all our scientists, not after all the bombings and sabotage last year, and not after this either.
In its first military action, the Biden administration has ordered airstrikes against an Iran-backed militia in Syria, which Chinese experts believe is an obvious move by the US to target Iran and send a clear signal to the outside world that "America is back."

"At President Biden's direction, US military forces earlier this evening (Thursday) conducted airstrikes against infrastructure utilized by Iranian-backed militant groups in eastern Syria. These strikes were authorized in response to recent attacks against American and Coalition personnel in Iraq, and to ongoing threats to those personnel," Pentagon Press Secretary John Kirby said in a statement.

The attacks came days after militias launched rockets at US forces in Iraq as tensions between the US and Iran continue to simmer.

Yin Gang, a research fellow with the Institute of West-Asian and African Studies at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS), told the Global Times on Friday that although the attacks aimed at facilities in Syria, the target was Iran, and the move could be seen as the Democrat-led government's reverse of the Iran policies implemented by former president Donald Trump.

"During the Trump era, the US tended to use economic sanctions against Iran and did not politically engage with Iran. Nonetheless, the pro-establishment Democratic government wants to resume the Iran nuclear deal, but it is telling Iran not to take action in Syria, as they are two different issues," said Yin, adding that the Biden administration is not expected to let Iran succeed.

The Biden administration is trying to resurrect the 2015 Iran nuclear deal, which was scrapped by Trump, but the efforts reportedly met a cold response from Iran.

An anonymous expert on international relations told the Global Times Friday that unlike the Trump era, the US under Biden will not take a compromising stance toward Iran and Syria as well as Russia's presence in the Middle East.

With the airstrikes, the US hopes other Arab countries that are discontent with the Iranian and Syrian governments should instate clear policies and coordinate to push European countries to get involved in Middle Eastern affairs, the anonymous expert said.

The expert believes Biden, who favors multilateralism, will not fight alone but will unite US allies, especially Europeans, and it remains to be seen whether the US will bring more European, especially NATO countries, into the Middle East.

Biden made the first phone call to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on February 17. The White House later said they discussed, among other issues, the need for "continued close consultation" on Iran.

As Israel has always viewed Iran as a threat, Yin from CASS noted that it could not be excluded that the latest US airstrikes are a result of Netanyahu's lobbying.

Bwhaha American a**holes targeted an empty building in Al-Qaem. According to Saberin, this lame attempt was just a show from Biden admin. The operation was conducted in response to missile attack against American green zone in Iraq, this operation has no outcome for CENTCOM but only for internal consumptione.


The site was an abondoned Building in the eastern area of Syria.
Iran as a response can demand the evidence of attack in erbil (kurdish region in north Iraq actually the capital city of iraqi federative kurdish region that tried to gain independence several years ago and failed) and baghdad bases which ofcourse does not exist at all. Or it is just made up evidence to give pretext of attack which can easily be refuted - unproven . As I said previously both trump and biden are controlled by the zio establishment as a controlled leading party and controlled opposition. This is how they gain control in countries at the top of the pyramid so the people below will think they are saved by going to the opposition but actually it will be the same for them and same policies or new worser planned policies planned by the establishment will continiue.

If evidence is not satisfactory which I bet it is not , Iran can strengthen its bases in Syria by sending more air defence assets and also can offer more air defence assets to Iraq. That would limit usa position and they will be restricted back to the places where they control the land like north Iraqi kurdish region and north east Syrian region that they occupied in obama era.
The US will take a dump on your "air defences".At best, Iranian "air defences" will down another civilian airliner.
The US will take a dump on your "air defences".At best, Iranian "air defences" will down another civilian airliner.

There were agreements with Syria and Iran as I remember about transfer of arms. Transferring artillery rockets is useless since countries will not risk going to an all out warfare and wont allow anyone to use them. They will kill anyone and noone will be able to use those artillery rockets in retaliation because of host country blocking them to use. But transfering an air defence like Bawar 373 to Syria and later Iraq can be a more effective solution. It wont be a free run like putin closing off s300s when israeli aircraft comes for sure. Iraq is partially under Usa control so to not to hand the bawar 373 over to Usa in an emergency situation other sam equipment can be transferred to Iraq with less range and possibly jointly controlled with Iran to avoid data leak to Usa.

You can then try if you want to haha.

Karrar drones with the a2a equipment can be used against drones too as a cost effective solution.
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Actually, they can. They have a bigger population and economy than Iran. Not to mention their superior military technology which negates any unlikely numerical advantage anyway,
No they cannot. Public opinion is very much against wars
No they cannot. Public opinion is very much against wars
The thing is, they don't have any edge on us dear friend. They didn't Ask for public opinion when they invaded Afghanistan, Libya, Syraq etc. Iran by downing the global Hawk proved to be capable of downing every American flying bird even near international waters. They can't win the war, hence backing off.

Trump with all his terrorists couldn't advance an inch towards our positions.

Now Americans are throwing shit on each other accusing each of being soft with Iran. Matter is they are weak with no advantage over our might in the region.

And murders, lies, deceit continue under new american government.

Like I said before, doesn't matter if it's Trump, Biden or a monkey sitting in the White House, they are all prostitutes owned by their Zionist Masters.

Those who believe otherwise, are a bunch of brainwashed, mindless buffoons who ought to be deported to the neighboring galaxy.
No they cannot. Public opinion is very much against wars
I get what you're saying but they can easily brainwash their population like they did with Iraq and currently are with China. In fact, that recent survey showed that only Americans and Canadians thought Iran is the biggest threat to the world, while the majority of the world including Pakistan responded USA.
We are at a covert war with USA, nothing new here. Just two days ago, missiles hit their green zone in Iraq. The outcome depends on our will. Inshallah we are gonna drive them out of region, step by step.
thats 100% fact. Iran is hitting US locations in Iraq DAILY..i see the notifications on twitter....everyday someting explodes near US in IRaq, so when i heard of this attack, i thought its just part of the back and forth.
Don’t see Imam Ali base mentioned anywhere in that statement. Imam Ali isn’t the only base or control point on the border.

You are right, but is the main base subject to frequent attacks, I will update the post to mention (near Imam Ali Base)

Side note: Looks like a Israeli owned Cargo ship (British Flag) was likely struck by a sea mine in the Gulf of Oman. Doesn't seem like a coincidence to me.


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