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U.A.E. Pulls Most Forces From Yemen in Blow to Saudi War Effort

ur illogical statements can not work with me
it might work in some court
about me concerned about u.
dude relax just so happens that u couldn’t persue ur goals doesn’t matter
i swear me too wanted to be an army officer.but this is life.i went into business.
could’ve ended up being lawyer too.
btw about dumbfekery u said.
dude go update urself
nuff said.

that u couldn’t persue ur goals doesn’t matter
what is he talking about?
Let's agree for a second that the houthis are terrorists. At the end of the day, majority of the Yemeni population supports the houthi rebels. If we as a nation believe in the will of the people, then how do you justify fighting a group of rebels who have the biggest majority support in Yemen and among it's people.????

I am not going to argue with Iranians on a matter that doesn't concern them.
Yemen has always been a pain in the arse to control

Afterwards the country was spilt into two halves one a Pro Soviet state South Yemen and pro Western state North Yemen reunification would not occur until like 1990 after end of Cold War
Afterwards the country was spilt into two halves one a Pro Soviet state South Yemen and pro Western state North Yemen reunification would not occur until like 1990 after end of Cold War

Cold war sure has screwed a lot of countries thanks to the USA and the Soviets
No no no dear, please don't lie.

In fact I would refrain from it in the face of well documented facts. IRGC is completely involved in planning, carrying out and leading attacks against Syrian nationals.

What right do you have to question us Pakistanis for an offensive pact with GCC?

What kind of defence pact with Syria allows Iran to kill Syrian Nationals as in the local civilian population in their hundreds and thousands dear?

The graveyards back home of IRGC men in uniform burried their with Syrian citations in local news papers is testiment to it.

Denying documented facts and present false information on an international forum while asking to show a military pact from Pakistan while those you lie to defend have their hands covered in blood?

Quite shameful for anyone.
well do youhave an offensive pact or not ?
and the kind of defensive pact that don't allow a coalition of 91 countries nationals come and grab a country for cannibals and terrorrists .

And which Houthi commander told you this on hotline?

In complete neutrality and as a Muslim I ask you a simple question in the name of Allah:

Why take the risk to fly a kamikaze killer drone by Mecca in the first place?

That you even can read Saudi thoughts about propaganda and advantage of shooting down a hostle drone in the vicinity of Mecca Mukarrama is another revealing skill set.
because thats theshortest route to the bases and thats a route that KSA uses for it's killer planes to bomb poor people of yemen .
if its good for KSA F-15 its also good for yemen to use it

Its good for them that they didn't attack. Next time you are on hotline with Houthi commander thinking of flying another drone in the vicinity of Mecca or Madina, or "fly near" as ypu stated or enroute anywhere near, kindly stop your beloved from risking the wrath of Allah Subhanahu wa Taala!

Stay blessed.
next time you wanted to spread the propaganda of a broken coalition of failed be prepared to hear the truth . and that was not me on the hotline wit houthi commanders , it was the mainstrean media that published the info
Does the blame of this failure fall on Gen Raheel as well, he is my favourite ever Pakistani
Khafee bhai solution kiya hai Yemen ka?
After reading this, not the excerpt I posted, but the OP, you tell me:

Starving Yemen's drug problem
Some studies, cited by the United Nations, suggest that 60% of Yemen's farmland is given over to khat.

On a 2,500-mile (4,000km) drive around the Houthi-held north of the country, which is divided by civil war, it is very clear that khat (Catha Edulis) is the region's preferred crop.

Which is odd when one considers that the UN's World Food Programme estimates that it will have to feed 12 million Yemenis this year. Before the latest round of conflict blew up four years ago, the WFP fed a million.

Even khat dealers think that it's silly for a nation, which is dangerously short of food, to be growing an inedible narcotic.

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