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U.A.E. Pulls Most Forces From Yemen in Blow to Saudi War Effort

Because they are terrorists and terrorists don't care for strategic goals
like ttp in Pakistan attacked mosques what strategic purpose did they achieved by attacking mosques and churches

And this is worst decision
To attack specific mosques to target certain worshippers or to ignite general sectarian strife has a strategic purpose that multiple terrorist groups will engage in - no doubt on that - however why attack the one place that will turn ALL Muslims against your group? Even hard-core Iranians will not be able to sympathise with a missile attack on Mecca. I admit I know little on middle eastern politics or the history of the belligerents in the Yemeni war, but it still seems a bit odd in terms of motive.

Frankly speaking though, even without the missile attacks on Mecca, Pakistan were heading towards supporting ksa in Yemen with boots on the ground - and this is mainly because of the possible advantages that can be gained politically by providing that support. I.e. it is in pk's national interest to do so, even notwithstanding the missile attacks on Mecca.
Why Iranian IRGC is fighting in Syria or because they are terrorist that's why they are there if IRGC can fight in Syria Pak army can also fight in Yemen
And Saudi Arabia has always helped Pakistan and are providing jobs to Pakistanis
Iran IRGC is work as advisory role in Syria not fighting there (well there are small group that operate drones)
By the way we have defensive pact with Syria that's why we were there . I wonder if you guys have an offense pact with KSA as here is a is the aggressors not Houthis .

Any thoughts or information on WHY the houthis would target Mecca? I am not denying they did so, but why would they do something of zero strategic value that will only serve to polarise opinion against them? It's a bit of a di&% move in other words.
They didn't target mecca they target an air base and airfield far away but the missile had to fly near mecca to reach those bases and KSA taught it is good propaganda if they claim ansar-Allah targeted mecca

Because they are terrorists and terrorists don't care for strategic goals
like ttp in Pakistan attacked mosques what strategic purpose did they achieved by attacking mosques and churches
Because they didn't attack mecca .

Despite attacking these holy places Iranian muslims and some Pakistanis haven't turned against them and are not going to turn against them in future no matter what
They just simply didn't attack mecca
Iran IRGC is work as advisory role in Syria not fighting there (well there are small group that operate drones)
By the way we have defensive pact with Syria that's why we were there . I wonder if you guys have an offense pact with KSA as here is a is the aggressors not Houthis .

They didn't target mecca they target an air base and airfield far away but the missile had to fly near mecca to reach those bases and KSA taught it is good propaganda if they claim ansar-Allah targeted mecca

Because they didn't attack mecca .

They just simply didn't attack mecca
A very plausible explanation. However what a dumb thing to do to fly any missile towards or near Mecca. The houthis own stupidity will be their ultimate downfall. I had sympathy for them initially but as the weeks went by, it seems they have no real strategy or ability to win the war, just to sustain a low level insurgency without any end in sight. The problem is their main sponsor Iran has overstretched itself by being involved in multiple theatres against multiple powerful enemies. Iran has made a strategic blunder because of its mullahs being quite short sighted. The houthis need to realise that as Iran is being squeezed in a vice like grip, there is now no chance for them and they should seek reasonable terms for peace instead of prolonging this conflict.

If the houthis refuse to fall in line, there is a growing likelihood that pk will send troops, and get well paid for the service.
A very plausible explanation. However what a dumb thing to do to fly any missile towards or near Mecca. The houthis own stupidity will be their ultimate downfall. I had sympathy for them initially but as the weeks went by, it seems they have no real strategy or ability to win the war, just to sustain a low level insurgency without any end in sight. The problem is their main sponsor Iran has overstretched itself by being involved in multiple theatres against multiple powerful enemies. Iran has made a strategic blunder because of its mullahs being quite short sighted. The houthis need to realise that as Iran is being squeezed in a vice like grip, there is now no chance for them and they should seek reasonable terms for peace instead of prolonging this conflict.

If the houthis refuse to fall in line, there is a growing likelihood that pk will send troops, and get well paid for the service.

Any casualties in Makkah or Madinah, would have shown the Saudis in a bad light, that they are not capable of defending the holy cities.

What would be the human cost to achieve this, is something Iran and its proxies have never cared for. Terrorism in Pakistan is testament to that.
So it turns out 500 millions Arabs equipped with state of the art American and western technology are not man enough to defend ka'bah even from rag tag mercenaries let alone a proper military power like Israel and they want us second class Muslims(Bakistanis) to do their fighting. If this is the level of your incompetence then its about time you let some one else take the charge.Perhaps a joint Turk+Pakistani task force.
So is the nature of Guerrilla warfare.

The turks are not doing too well in Syria either, as a matter of fact, quite the opposite. Though I love my Turkish brethren and wish them all the success.

That Pakistan Army came out on top against guerilla mercenaries funded by India in TTP, in one of the worlds most hostile and rugged mountainous area, is an almost hitherto unknown anomaly, specially at such a large scale, that speaks volumes about "the war effort" of Pakistan Army as a professional fighting force.

"The war effort" is a combination of very specific skill set designed for specific scenario that involves besides professionally fighting "a just war" (that keeps the morale high) with a hidden foreign funded enemy (in this case); engaging with the local populous, wining their trust, providing them protection, ensuring their continued safety as well as economic prosperity. That once the area is cleansed with the terrorists, it remains free from their return.

If the local populace is hostile and considers the terrorists as their saviours than it becomes a long drawn out - kill or be killed - battle that carries a heavy civilians casualty toll and usually has all the ingredients to turn into a human catastrophe rather than about wining or losing.

The only way out is to cause enough damage to bring all sides to the negotiating table. Most conflicts end this way. The otjer option is to keep killing and trying to wipe out the opponent a la WWII.
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No field Marshal sir i dont have any expertise
unlike you i never commanded any army group,now man and go fight for your overlords in middle east dont drag in your pointless wars
its funny that people who probably have not even seen a real gun in their lives think they know more than career officers who spent half of their lives in military

why dont you do us favor and stick with selling jewelry?
why dont u do us a favor and go back again try passing these exams.
and besides i never bragged about guns.btw i can post like 25 pics of guns here which my family owns in pakistan all licenced my amu got many my nana got some.
my dada was a some chairman baldyat.
about my overloards.wht about i tell u they r better humans and better muslims then u can imagine.
about ur pointless wars.tell me exactly wht u mean by that so i would answer u specifically
good day
I think you are seriously confused. Pls update yourself.

Supported by Iran, the Houthis have been rampaging since 2014.

The Saudi support to the legitimate govt of Yemen, is a reaction to the Houthis. Not the other way around.

What makes you think it happened without consent?
Sir, The more I visit this forum, the more I realize that some people are here only to spread misinformation. Twist reality so much that it becomes a myth.

I feel sorry for Pakistanis, On one hand you have GCC that has supported Pakistan openheartedly, and on the other hand you have Iran who has been spreading mischief, but yet people are blind.
why dont u do us a favor and go back again try passing these exams.
and besides i never bragged about guns.btw i can post like 25 pics of guns here which my family owns in pakistan all licenced my amu got many my nana got some.
my dada was a some chairman baldyat.
about my overloards.wht about i tell u they r better humans and better muslims then u can imagine.
about ur pointless wars.tell me exactly wht u mean by that so i would answer u specifically
good day
that is even better,get off the internet and use those guns to serve your overlords
that is even better,get off the internet and use those guns to serve your overlords
really i got under ur skin or wht
wht about u finally pass ur exams do something with ur life then talk with someone like me who is employing 30 people from ur country
which btw if my overlords deny will just deny 30 families there monthly income
and i m just one of 4 million.
i guess u r frustrated with ur life and far from truth
u quoted IK go read his interview in alrajul magazine and bury ur head in sand somewhere
good day my friend
wht about u finally pass ur exams do something with ur life then talk with someone like me who is employing 30 people from ur country
thank you for taking out your time and showing concern about my life but i am happy to tell you that i am doing fine in life you dont need to worry about me.
And just so you know i did pass my exams with 3.91 CGPA and thats fine for me.
which btw if my overlords deny will just deny 30 families there monthly income
and i m just one of 4 million.
So just because they are employing our people in return for the services they provide we should put our army at their disposal? which level of dumbfuckry is that?
Iran IRGC is work as advisory role in Syria not fighting there (well there are small group that operate drones)
No no no dear, please don't lie.

In fact I would refrain from it in the face of well documented facts. IRGC is completely involved in planning, carrying out and leading attacks against Syrian nationals.

What right do you have to question us Pakistanis for an offensive pact with GCC?

What kind of defence pact with Syria allows Iran to kill Syrian Nationals as in the local civilian population in their hundreds and thousands dear?

The graveyards back home of IRGC men in uniform burried their with Syrian citations in local news papers is testiment to it.

Denying documented facts and present false information on an international forum while asking to show a military pact from Pakistan while those you lie to defend have their hands covered in blood?

Quite shameful for anyone.

They didn't target mecca they target an air base and airfield far away but the missile had to fly near mecca to reach those bases and KSA taught it is good propaganda if they claim ansar-Allah targeted mecca
And which Houthi commander told you this on hotline?

In complete neutrality and as a Muslim I ask you a simple question in the name of Allah:

Why take the risk to fly a kamikaze killer drone by Mecca in the first place?

That you even can read Saudi thoughts about propaganda and advantage of shooting down a hostle drone in the vicinity of Mecca Mukarrama is another revealing skill set.

They just simply didn't attack mecca
Its good for them that they didn't attack. Next time you are on hotline with Houthi commander thinking of flying another drone in the vicinity of Mecca or Madina, or "fly near" as ypu stated or enroute anywhere near, kindly stop your beloved from risking the wrath of Allah Subhanahu wa Taala!

Stay blessed.
thank you for taking out your time and showing concern about my life but i am happy to tell you that i am doing fine in life you dont need to worry about me.
And just so you know i did pass my exams with 3.91 CGPA and thats fine for me.

So just because they are employing our people in return for the services they provide we should put our army at their disposal? which level of dumbfuckry is that?
ur illogical statements can not work with me
it might work in some court
about me concerned about u.
dude relax just so happens that u couldn’t persue ur goals doesn’t matter
i swear me too wanted to be an army officer.but this is life.i went into business.
could’ve ended up being lawyer too.
btw about dumbfekery u said.
dude go update urself
nuff said.
You know there are khaki camo boots wearing maroon, green and blue berets on the ground alongside KSA and UAE, classified numbers of course, favors don't go unpaid.
Tael main matchis bhi phaekto hai, aur phir kehto ho, aag na lagao.

Shhh, you are killing the purpose of this thread. Let haters howl, don't slap them with ground realities.
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Tael main matchis bhi phaekto hai, aur phir kehto ho, aag na lagao.

Shhh, you are killing the purpose of this thread. Let haters howl, don't slap them with ground realities.
sir you are a very smart:-) guy
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