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U.A.E. Pulls Most Forces From Yemen in Blow to Saudi War Effort

If it is categorically verifiably true and not some war propaganda - which all nations indulge in unabashedly - then that would shift most Pakistanis further away from neutral, me included.
It is true.

Patriot Air Defense battery stationed in Mecca, intercepted three ballistic missiles approaching Mecca in total on separate occasions.

"On October 27, 2016, coalition air defenses intercepted a Burkan-1 SRBM heading towards Mecca. Another Burkan-1 was intercepted on July 27, 2017. Saudi state media reported that these missiles were aimed at the holy city of Mecca. Houthi-Saleh reports claim the first missile targeted King Abdul Aziz international airport in Jeddah, and the second targeted King Fahd air base. On May 20, 2019, Saudi Arabia claimed to intercept a Houthi-launched ballistic missile targeting Mecca. The Houthis denied conducting this attack." - CSIS


We had nothing against Iran---. Iran chose to be our enemy---.

Pakistani shia boys went to fight for Iran against Iraq in the 80's---these young pakistani idiots thought that was a Jihad---not knowing that it was a war for real estate---.

Pakistan sent train loads of ammunition and weapons to iran to fight that war---tens of trainloads of ammunition---and yet the Imam wanted to push his revolution from Iran into Pakistan---.

At one time the iranian foreign office officer stationed in pakistan threatened pakistan with 80000 pakistani shias equipped with AK47's will rise against the pak govt if the Imam gave the order---. Oh well---.
This does not surprise me at all.

This is how Iran pull strings in other muslim-majority countries.

Iran's militia politics at a glance.



Details in this link: http://www.thetower.org/article/mee...preads-its-empire-through-terrorist-militias/

And these people cry WOLF when others try to show them the mirror.
Pakistan can send 25,000 troops as peace keepers, not to be used in offensive Operations but to keep the peace/Law/Order and humanitarian aid .
Remember Beirut ?

Saudi Arabia and UAE are spending at this war but Pakistan will get paid for fighting in Yemen there's a difference
So you say let turn pakistan army into a mercenaries ? Very bad move.

Every soldier is a hired person army starts recruitment boys of age 17.5 to 23 apply they serve army or country and receive their monthly pay they would fight or work anywhere where they are ordered to and
It's good for Pakistan's economy and army's job is to serve Pakistan's interests
They get paid for their own country not for others ? There is a lot difference between these two.

You cannot answer a simple question.

How is Houthi ideologically different than TTP?

If you can't answer. You stoop to personal attacks.

@Dubious i was warned for personal attacks, will these go "unnoticed"?
You can answer one question .
Do you consider Pakistan government to be illegal like Hadi government?
They get paid for their own country not for others ? There is a lot difference between these two.

Their duty is to fight for the interests of Pakistan and fighting in Yemen is good for Pakistan like American soldiers are fighting all over the world for American interests
Supported by Iran, the Houthis have been rampaging since 2014.

The Saudi support to the legitimate govt of Yemen, is a reaction to the Houthis. Not the other way around.
Just answer one question ?
How a government who refuse to step down after its term is finished can be considered legitimate ?

Nope. Houthis taking over Yemen capital and its important port city is what prompted the Saudi ops. Not the other way around.

You clearly don't know what you're talking about.
What prompted Anwar-Allah rebellion ?

It is true.

Patriot Air Defense battery stationed in Mecca, intercepted three ballistic missiles approaching Mecca in total on separate occasions.

"On October 27, 2016, coalition air defenses intercepted a Burkan-1 SRBM heading towards Mecca. Another Burkan-1 was intercepted on July 27, 2017. Saudi state media reported that these missiles were aimed at the holy city of Mecca. Houthi-Saleh reports claim the first missile targeted King Abdul Aziz international airport in Jeddah, and the second targeted King Fahd air base. On May 20, 2019, Saudi Arabia claimed to intercept a Houthi-launched ballistic missile targeting Mecca. The Houthis denied conducting this attack." - CSIS
king Abdalaziz Airport or king Fan at Airbase .
Well are those places are considered holy land
Are there in mecca ?

Their duty is to fight for the interests of Pakistan and fighting in Yemen is good for Pakistan like American soldiers are fighting all over the world for American interests
By numbers show us they get sacrificed in Yemen benefit Pakistan.
Let's agree for a second that the houthis are terrorists. At the end of the day, majority of the Yemeni population supports the houthi rebels. If we as a nation believe in the will of the people, then how do you justify fighting a group of rebels who have the biggest majority support in Yemen and among it's people.????


There needs to be found a way to bring peace---.

The will of California is to make a separate nation---or Texas says ' we don't want to stay together---won't happen.

It is true.

Patriot Air Defense battery stationed in Mecca, intercepted three ballistic missiles approaching Mecca in total on separate occasions.

"On October 27, 2016, coalition air defenses intercepted a Burkan-1 SRBM heading towards Mecca. Another Burkan-1 was intercepted on July 27, 2017. Saudi state media reported that these missiles were aimed at the holy city of Mecca. Houthi-Saleh reports claim the first missile targeted King Abdul Aziz international airport in Jeddah, and the second targeted King Fahd air base. On May 20, 2019, Saudi Arabia claimed to intercept a Houthi-launched ballistic missile targeting Mecca. The Houthis denied conducting this attack." - CSIS

This does not surprise me at all.

This is how Iran pull strings in other muslim-majority countries.

Iran's militia politics at a glance.



Details in this link: http://www.thetower.org/article/mee...preads-its-empire-through-terrorist-militias/

And these people cry WOLF when others try to show them the mirror.


When GCC asked Pakistan for help and reply from pakistan was---' when mecca and medina are threatened---we will go then---".

And if some of you might remember that I wrote over here---. Modern day warfare is totally different than what militaries are trained to fight against---.

By the time Mecca / Median is struck---it would be too late for the Pak military to act. And I am being proven right one more time---.

If the Pak military had deployed right at the start of the conflict---things would have been under control---Houthis would not have received the scuds---and the holy places would not have been attacked---.
There is no concept of neutrality BS in this world. You must always take sides.

We should have went into Yemen and we should have thrown all our weight and support behind Saudis. What's the point of being friends when you don't help your friends when your friends need you the most.

Saudis have always always helped Pakistan for the last 70 years especially funding our nuclear program. They gave us oil for free when US put sanctions against us after nuclear tests. Giving oil on deferred payments recently otherwise IMF condition would have been even more stricter.

More than a million Pakistanis live in Saudi Arabia sending us remittances which our economy depends on.

But what did Pakistan get in return for playing this neutrality BS????
Ormara terrorist attacks, Gwadar terrorist attacks, Zainabioun terrorists fighting in Syria, Uzair Baloch doing terrorism in Karachi, Kulbhoshan Yadav doing terrorism inside Balochistan from Chabahar and many many more terrorist attacks/ activities inside Pakistan fully supported by our brotherly neighbor Iran.

When we said NO to our friends on Yemen issue, then they supported against us on FATF. And then we had the GALL to cry and say that Saudis betrayed us on FATF and UAE is going into Indian camp and other kind of nonsense BS.
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When GCC asked Pakistan for help and reply from pakistan was---' when mecca and medina are threatened---we will go then---".

And if some of you might remember that I wrote over here---. Modern day warfare is totally different than what militaries are trained to fight against---.

By the time Mecca / Median is struck---it would be too late for the Pak military to act. And I am being proven right one more time---.

If the Pak military had deployed right at the start of the conflict---things would have been under control---Houthis would not have received the scuds---and the holy places would not have been attacked---.
I hear you, my friend.

There is one problem though - Afghanistan.

Pakistan is preoccupied with matters of Afghanistan and safeguarding its own affected regions such as Balochistan and Waziristan. All of this while keeping India at bay.

Sending troops to Yemen is not an easy decision. Yemen is Afghanistan of the Middle East and Houthi are very capable fighters. Pakistan would have had to commit 50,000 troops to fighting in Yemen and this is assuming that KSA would be funding them and would dispatch a large force (100,000+) to complement Pakistani troops in Yemen. These boots on the ground would have made difference over time.

However, if GCC was expecting Pakistan to be the primary fighting force in Yemen then I strongly disagree with this arrangement. Pakistan cannot afford overseas power projection pressures on its own even with funding of GCC.
By numbers show us they get sacrificed in Yemen benefit Pakistan.

Why Iranian IRGC is fighting in Syria or because they are terrorist that's why they are there if IRGC can fight in Syria Pak army can also fight in Yemen
And Saudi Arabia has always helped Pakistan and are providing jobs to Pakistanis

And that is a shame---regardless of what their views are---.

They joined the military to obey the order---not a selective order---.

The military has spent millions on their training and they would want to disobey when the country would need them the most---.

Now---ask them---what would they do if the military ordered them to go to that conflict zone---. Would they comply---would the refuse---if forced----would they jump ship and go to the enemy's side---?
Military will not give any such orders
do u have any expertise in the matter
No field Marshal sir i dont have any expertise
unlike you i never commanded any army group,now man and go fight for your overlords in middle east dont drag in your pointless wars
its funny that people who probably have not even seen a real gun in their lives think they know more than career officers who spent half of their lives in military
or r u too 2 times issb failure like that other guy on some thread was blabbering
why dont you do us favor and stick with selling jewelry?
It is true.

Patriot Air Defense battery stationed in Mecca, intercepted three ballistic missiles approaching Mecca in total on separate occasions.

"On October 27, 2016, coalition air defenses intercepted a Burkan-1 SRBM heading towards Mecca. Another Burkan-1 was intercepted on July 27, 2017. Saudi state media reported that these missiles were aimed at the holy city of Mecca. Houthi-Saleh reports claim the first missile targeted King Abdul Aziz international airport in Jeddah, and the second targeted King Fahd air base. On May 20, 2019, Saudi Arabia claimed to intercept a Houthi-launched ballistic missile targeting Mecca. The Houthis denied conducting this attack." - CSIS

This does not surprise me at all.

This is how Iran pull strings in other muslim-majority countries.

Iran's militia politics at a glance.



Details in this link: http://www.thetower.org/article/mee...preads-its-empire-through-terrorist-militias/

And these people cry WOLF when others try to show them the mirror.

Any thoughts or information on WHY the houthis would target Mecca? I am not denying they did so, but why would they do something of zero strategic value that will only serve to polarise opinion against them? It's a bit of a di&% move in other words.
Any thoughts or information on WHY the houthis would target Mecca? I am not denying they did so, but why would they do something of zero strategic value that will only serve to polarise opinion against them? It's a bit of a di&% move in other words.

Because they are terrorists and terrorists don't care for strategic goals
like ttp in Pakistan attacked mosques what strategic purpose did they achieved by attacking mosques and churches

hope this will make things clear

And this is worst decision
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