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U.A.E. Pulls Most Forces From Yemen in Blow to Saudi War Effort

I think you are seriously confused. Pls update yourself.

Supported by Iran, the Houthis have been rampaging since 2014.

The Saudi support to the legitimate govt of Yemen, is a reaction to the Houthis. Not the other way around.

I wasn’t aware about it.:tup:

What makes you think it happened without consent?

I’m not accredited TOP SECRET level. :partay:

The news, the discussions we had on this forum made me think that.

And if it was made with our consent then PK GOV should have prepared/informed us. But yes talking about PK Gov... hmmm yes of course.
I wasn’t aware about it.:tup:

I’m not accredited TOP SECRET level. :partay:

The news, the discussions we had on this forum made me think that.

And if it was made with our consent then PK GOV should have prepared/informed us. But yes talking about PK Gov... hmmm yes of course.
Gen RS travelled with a high level team. In this visit, all the details were discussed.
@MastanKhan The opportunity is back. What say you? Will anyone take notice? Do write something my good man, people in important circles read your posts.

MK's idea is basically to use this crisis (and the Iran crisis) to build a new, Saudi /GCC funded army / airforce / navy and to become, ultimately, a regional security guarantor. And at the same time, make it impossible for IN to cut our supply lines, while cutting off theirs. A brilliant plan, if only we had the brains and guts to implement this.

that would make iran your enemy........also push the russians more towards iran
When are put in charge without consent, can someone expect being full master ?


Being out in that position---we were also in the best position to make a deal to our advantage---.

Just to look at the embarrassment that it caused them---they would have paid thru their nose to make us happy---.

They thought we were more intelligent---but we being pakistanis---we proved that we will remain stupid forever---.

I cannot tell you how important a bargaining position we were placed in by NO effort on our part---.

Technically---we could have milked them dry---.

@Khafee --- I believe that we were put in that position intentionally---if we balked---they would tell us to name our price---and the car salesman would say---okay---if you give us this this and that---we are with you---.

I think that is how it happened---when all their great dignitaries came to meet us & we shut the door on them---.

I firmly believe that by now---we would be firmly embedded in the GCC---taken full charge of the security situation---brought peace to Yemen by resolving the differences of the effected parties---.

By now---would have reached out and expanded into Libya to help bring that beautiful country and its wonderful people together for another peaceful resolution to the problem---.

It is so sad that you kids have no dreams of glory and grandeur---. You have no wish of your flag proudly lands far away---but then how could you---if no one told you---.
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a friend in need is a friend indeed. if Pakistan wants support from GcC on the basis of brotherhood then she should show some love and help GCC in difficult time. they supported us in thick and thin and when they needed us most we showed them finger and again went to show them shamelessly for help
Houthis did not commit any crimes in Yemen prior to Saudi invasion, the Houthis fighting now are a response of the Saudi invasion, did you just wake up like 1 year ago and forget the previous years ?

and whats this ISIS comparison, they formed as a direct result of US invasion of Iraq, who left vacuums of un-governed pockets between Iraq and Syria which allowed ISIS to grow and expand, after they sacked the entire Baath party including over 500,000 police offers who had nothing to do with Saddam, only doing their job

I think you are confused

Nope. Houthis taking over Yemen capital and its important port city is what prompted the Saudi ops. Not the other way around.

You clearly don't know what you're talking about.
that would make iran your enemy........also push the russians more towards iran

Russians are not providing jobs to lakhs of Pakistanis or are not giving any bailout packages to Pakistan
and Iran is already enemy of Pakistan a country which threatens to invade your territory and Mubarak Hussain Patel also came from there
that would make iran your enemy........


We had nothing against Iran---. Iran chose to be our enemy---.

Pakistani shia boys went to fight for Iran against Iraq in the 80's---these young pakistani hot heads thought that was a Jihad---not knowing that it was a war for real estate---.

Pakistan sent train loads of ammunition and weapons to iran to fight that war---tens of trainloads of ammunition---and yet the Imam wanted to push his revolution from Iran into Pakistan---.

At one time the iranian foreign office officer stationed in pakistan threatened pakistan with 80000 pakistani shias equipped with AK47's will rise against the pak govt if the Imam gave the order---. Oh well---.
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We had nothing against Iran---. Iran chose to be our enemy---.

Pakistani shia boys went to fight for Iran against Iraq in the 80's---these young pakistani idiots thought that was a Jihad---not knowing that it was a war for real estate---.

Pakistan sent train loads of ammunition and weapons to iran to fight that war---tens of trainloads of ammunition---and yet the Imam wanted to push his revolution from Iran into Pakistan---.

At one time the iranian foreign office officer stationed in pakistan threatened pakistan with 80000 pakistani shias equipped with AK47's will rise against the pak govt if the Imam gave the order---. Oh well---.

Vilyate Fuckee is a dangerous cult.
@Mangus Ortus Novem @Shane @I.R.A @Signalian @Alternatiiv @Brass Knuckles
@Tps43 @ali_raza @MastanKhan

1) Which country was it, who Pakistan shares a border with, that was ready to attack in Feb, along with India?

2) What were the mil assets at PA, PAF, & PN's disposal from GCC?

3) If people suffering from myopic vision, cannot see what "protecting Pakistani interests" means, let them howl away to glory.

In a war, what comes in the press, and what happens on the ground................
You know there are khaki camo boots wearing maroon, green and blue berets on the ground alongside KSA and UAE, classified numbers of course, favors don't go unpaid.
I am not going to argue on this again. It is very, very simple.

+ Houthi are terrorists trying to seize control from Government and establish their version of Sharia law just like ISIS and TTP.

+ Saudi Arabia and UAE are our natural allies. Only 2 countries in world to voice and offer support following sanction threats by international community on nuclear tests. Now, also helping in financial crisis. When will we return the favor?

+ It is in the national and international interests of Pakistan.

I don't care if Houthi terrorists have not done anything to you. This frankly doesn't concern you, it concerns Pakistan.

And what about all the stuff Saudi Arabia and UAE has done for Pakistan?

This is issue with Pakistani people. Always look at own interests, never others' interests.

We people want unconditional candies handed to us, and not have to do a damn thing for it.
Let's agree for a second that the houthis are terrorists. At the end of the day, majority of the Yemeni population supports the houthi rebels. If we as a nation believe in the will of the people, then how do you justify fighting a group of rebels who have the biggest majority support in Yemen and among it's people.????
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