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U.A.E. Pulls Most Forces From Yemen in Blow to Saudi War Effort

That would be interesting, but i was asking about the “UAE pulling out” news.Also, i find it gross when people (usually its us Pakistanis) says that we should help KSA/UAE in yemen militarily and in return take money... even if we ever decide to take part in any UAE/KSA war, it shouldn’t be for money or any other favor,


@Khafee --- this is the future of pakistan---. Yhis is the future of Islam---. They find it gross---.

The Christian army of the US / UK and other christian nations did not find it gross to jump in and take out Iraq and then later charged them for war expense---.

These same christian militaries neutered Libya and destroyed Syria---they did not find anything gross in it even though they are responsible of killing upwards of 4 million people in that region & not to mention destruction of the whole country infra structure---historical heritage amongst other things---.

And yet---our great muslim warrior finds it 'gross' to benefit---.

@Khafee---the decision of incompetence by Gen Raheel would be showing their effects for decades to come---mark my words---.

So it turns out 500 millions Arabs equipped with state of the art American and western technology are not man enough to defend ka'bah even from rag tag mercenaries let alone a proper military power like Israel and they want us second class Muslims(Bakistanis) to do their fighting. If this is the level of your incompetence then its about time you let some one else take the charge.Perhaps a joint Turk+Pakistani task force.


Sir---I do not know what world have you been living in---. The GCC had already asked Pak military to take charge years ago multiple times---.

And why yo bring out Turk task force in this issue---who are they. You want to fck up an already volatile situation---.

What rewards Allah is giving you on platter---you are trying to find ways to screw it up by bringing in Turkey---.

When Allah is giving to you 'the whole'---you want to fck it up and say---I don't want to accept the 'whole'---let me bring in Turkey and really start and stir up sh-it in the region---.

Why are you kids 'the enemies' of your own country---.

Sir---I do not know what world have you been living in---. The GCC had already asked Pak military to take charge years ago multiple times---.

And why yo bring out Turk task force in this issue---who are they. You want to fck up an already volatile situation---.

What rewards Allah is giving you on platter---you are trying to find ways to screw it up by bringing in Turkey---.

When Allah is giving to you 'the whole'---you want to fck it up and say---I don't want to accept the 'whole'---let me bring in Turkey and really start and stir up sh-it in the region---.

Why are you kids 'the enemies' of your own country---.
Shows a serious lack of confidence and critical thinking.
You mean generals are incompetent and useless like all other sarkari afsars of Pakistan after all war is also part of politics and someone who can't understand domestic politics how can he understand international politics etc it means our MNAs and MPAs are much more competent and generals are just common sarkari afsars or babus


With all those ' half ars-ed martial laws '---most of these generals are average people---.

See---killing an enemy soldier in war is a different thing---than ordering the killing of a criminal.

Enforcing the rule of law by punishments is a different thing---.

Our great warrior Gen Musharraf did the worst damage to the country law & order---when he stopped the whipping of criminals with lashes---he just could not take it---.

@Khafee --- this is the future of pakistan---. Yhis is the future of Islam---. They find it gross---.

The Christian army of the US / UK and other christian nations did not find it gross to jump in and take out Iraq and then later charged them for war expense---.

These same christian militaries neutered Libya and destroyed Syria---they did not find anything gross in it even though they are responsible of killing upwards of 4 million people in that region & not to mention destruction of the whole country infra structure---historical heritage amongst other things---.

And yet---our great muslim warrior finds it 'gross' to benefit---.

@Khafee---the decision of incompetence by Gen Raheel would be showing their effects for decades to come---mark my words---.


Sir---I do not know what world have you been living in---. The GCC had already asked Pak military to take charge years ago multiple times---.

And why yo bring out Turk task force in this issue---who are they. You want to fck up an already volatile situation---.

What rewards Allah is giving you on platter---you are trying to find ways to screw it up by bringing in Turkey---.

When Allah is giving to you 'the whole'---you want to fck it up and say---I don't want to accept the 'whole'---let me bring in Turkey and really start and stir up sh-it in the region---.

Why are you kids 'the enemies' of your own country---.
Sir g I dont care about the technicalities of politics
All i know is my father and my cousins signed up to fight for this country and this green white crescent star flag
and if the time came they will give their lives for this flag but they not will go 1000s of miles away to fight for some king we barely know. PM has made it very clear Pakistan will never again fight some else's war AGAIN our lives are not for sale.
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This is good news. The Saudis want Yemen to stay intact and united at least.

Subversive emiratis instead want Yemen to splinter into not 2 but multiple pieces @Khafee

@Khafee --- this is the future of pakistan---. Yhis is the future of Islam---. They find it gross---.

The Christian army of the US / UK and other christian nations did not find it gross to jump in and take out Iraq and then later charged them for war expense---.

These same christian militaries neutered Libya and destroyed Syria---they did not find anything gross in it even though they are responsible of killing upwards of 4 million people in that region & not to mention destruction of the whole country infra structure---historical heritage amongst other things---.

And yet---our great muslim warrior finds it 'gross' to benefit---.

@Khafee---the decision of incompetence by Gen Raheel would be showing their effects for decades to come---mark my words---.
I do think you have hit the nail on the head. War is largely a business. Even the crusades were more about business for the Christians than actually liberating their holy lands. Bonds of trade strengthen both partner nations far greater than bonds of abstract idealistic virtue. But more to the point, Pakistan is not UAE. Our soldiers' expertise should come at a heavy price.
You should not talk about your delusions openly.
Where's the delusion lol?

This is a fine detail that everyone misses out on and people like you keep it to yourself deliberately. The Emiratis wanted Yemen to be broken into bits. Saudis have sense in them and they know that something like that would lead to perpetual conflict.

I am glad that the actual troublemakers in this conflict have been booted. Hopefully KSA will exercise more control over their subversive neighbors like the UAE.

Sir g I dont care about the technicalities of politics
All i know is my father and my cousins signed up to fight for this country and this green white crescent star flag
and if the time came they will give their lives for this flag but they will go 1000s of miles away to fight for some king we barely know. PM has made it very clear Pakistan will never again fight some else's war AGAIN our lives are not for sale.


Is there a 'NO' that you missed or is it as you wrote---.
Sir g I dont care about the technicalities of politics
All i know is my father and my cousins signed up to fight for this country and this green white crescent star flag
and if the time came they will give their lives for this flag but they not will go 1000s of miles away to fight for some king we barely know. PM has made it very clear Pakistan will never again fight some else's war AGAIN our lives are not for sale.


And that is a shame---regardless of what their views are---.

They joined the military to obey the order---not a selective order---.

The military has spent millions on their training and they would want to disobey when the country would need them the most---.

Now---ask them---what would they do if the military ordered them to go to that conflict zone---. Would they comply---would the refuse---if forced----would they jump ship and go to the enemy's side---?
ahh.....so UAE is gonna be part of the american coalition against iran now....
After having read the comments of all brothers here, I’m concluding for now, that maybe we could go there now. Why ? I don’t know yet, but still I think there is a window for it.

Maybe because @Khafee said about Iran which was ready to attack us while we were in open conflict with India. Yes i remember Iranian seaport of charabia m, raw agent Patel, etc

But I remember also the Arab coalition had added us in their list without our consent.

I remember also all those GCC countries doing business with India despite India being enemy of Pakistan...

Yes the GCC helped us for our nuke program, etc.

But they have also protected our own nationals, especially the corrupt one. I remember also they have given asylum to Ben Ali the Tunisian dictator President, Moubarak the Egyptian dictator... etc if it m not mistaken.

So even if I saw an opportunity as most of you stated, I’m still confused.(agree I have not full picture in mind and I don’t have full knowledge thus I could be always wrong).

But even if we have to go then :

- first of all we should define the objectives of the mission with the GCC’s heads.

- we should define a set of rules about the tools required for the objectives

- timeframe with milestones.

- exit conditions and exceptions.

- policies for Yemen after the exit.

And why not what we will get in return and when.

Thanks we did not joined the bandwagon last time: no objectives clearly defined, no requirements defined, no policy to resolve the underlying issues of the yemenites.

@Khafee --- this is the future of pakistan---. Yhis is the future of Islam---. They find it gross

Uncle red to kr dia sara par shaayd prha ni... chaly me repeat keye deta hun. Mene kaha “i find it gross when people say lets fight for arabs in return of money”. Bhai mercenaries ni hy hm, tabhe kaha kay agar larna b hua to values ky lye, yak-jehti ky lye , emaan ky lye, naa ky 20 billion dollars ky lye.

@Khafee , it seems mastan chacha wasn’t paying attention.
Sir g I dont care about the technicalities of politics
All i know is my father and my cousins signed up to fight for this country and this green white crescent star flag
and if the time came they will give their lives for this flag but they not will go 1000s of miles away to fight for some king we barely know. PM has made it very clear Pakistan will never again fight some else's war AGAIN our lives are not for sale.
Our military fights for all sorts of reasons in all sorts of far flung locations under a UN banner quite often. If an intervention is justified and in the overall national interest of PK, then I don't see an issue vis a vis where the fighting is taking place.
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