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U.A.E. Pulls Most Forces From Yemen in Blow to Saudi War Effort

PAF needs US$3bn min for a new 3rd Platform.

Sit back and watch the show. This is going to be interesting.

That would be interesting, but i was asking about the “UAE pulling out” news.

Also, i find it gross when people (usually its us Pakistanis) says that we should help KSA/UAE in yemen militarily and in return take money... even if we ever decide to take part in any UAE/KSA war, it shouldn’t be for money or any other favor,
@Mangus Ortus Novem @Shane @I.R.A @Signalian @Alternatiiv @Brass Knuckles
@Tps43 @ali_raza @MastanKhan

1) Which country was it, who Pakistan shares a border with, that was ready to attack in Feb, along with India?

2) What were the mil assets at PA, PAF, & PN's disposal from GCC?

3) If people suffering from myopic vision, cannot see what "protecting Pakistani interests" means, let them howl away to glory.

That would be interesting, but i was asking about the “UAE pulling out” news.

Also, i find it gross when people (usually its us Pakistanis) says that we should help KSA/UAE in yemen militarily and in return take money... even if we ever decide to take part in any UAE/KSA war, it shouldn’t be for money or any other favor,
In a war, what comes in the press, and what happens on the ground................
@MastanKhan The opportunity is back. What say you? Will anyone take notice? Do write something my good man, people in important circles read your posts.

MK's idea is basically to use this crisis (and the Iran crisis) to build a new, Saudi /GCC funded army / airforce / navy and to become, ultimately, a regional security guarantor. And at the same time, make it impossible for IN to cut our supply lines, while cutting off theirs. A brilliant plan, if only we had the brains and guts to implement this.
Here is a look back at what Veteran poster @MastanKhan already posted on the subject and below it my two cents shining a torch to the flood light:

Some say ' hindsight 20/20 '---other say---' you should have thought about the consequences before hand'---' you should have thought about who you are---what your assets are---what your friends and allies need---what concerns your enemy---what assets that you have that your enemy does not want you to have---& what could the enemy do to remove those assets '---.

I seriously think that is a statement that shows like something too much to ask---even to a pakistani military General officer in command---because most of their interest lies in housing schemes---property---commissions---war on terror & things on similar line & length---India---.

The there is the mantra of tactical nucs---. Well the problem with that mantra is that the super power does not like that mantra---. The religionist evangelicals in the regime want to de-fang pakistan---and the only people who did not know abut that was the pakistani military generals---who sitting secure in their offices believed their assets are secure---I mean to say the nucs---.

What america does in front of everyone's face is that it keeps its enemies farthest away from the mainland---and keeps troops at out posts distant from the mainland and tells everyone what the reason is---yet the pakistani generals never understood it---the current pakistani prime minister does not understand it either---.

Pakistanis in general have a belief---don't bother us---we will not bother you---what they tend to forget is that they have around 200 nucs that can destroy the world---so the baby that wants to make itself look innocent singing gaga maybe innocent in its own mind---but to the outside world---it looks like a death wish come true---.

So---the nation that does not know its own strength---does not understand what steps it needed to take to expand to protect its assets---has no understanding and concept of having military bases outside of pakistan at critical locations---having no concept of having those assets---is basically clueless of its environment---.

And that was very obvious when the Yemen crisis started---. That was the time for pakistan to have understood what was at stake---what was going to happen---what was coming in the short term near future and what the long term future game plan of the opponent was---and then it should have gone ahead and firmed firmed up its grip on the region as was being permitted by the super power---.

The super power USA gave the region of the gulf states on a platter to pakistan---and the fools rejected it---. The terms used were---we don't want a war---we will not participate in a war---we are not mercenaries---even though all the conquests of the muslim empire were mercenary armies---all the great muslim warriors were mercenaries---payment was in loot and plunder---'maal a ghanimat '---.

Why did pakistan not do what it should have done---was just to please iran---and what was iran to pakistan---a muslim brother---and what was pakistan to iran---a fcking inferior dark skin nuc capable country---.

Pakistani generals have sold the integrity of the pakistani nation and the future welfare of the country trying to side with a pariah nation---a nation whose sole and only purpose is to create havoc in the region---.

If pakistan had a 150 K battle group in the gulf states---backed by a seperate air force---armor--- navy & transporation---the US would not be sending in its naval battle group and there would not have been any talk of 100K american troops in the region or the B52's striking iran---.

There would not have been any pulwama type attacks---because the indian power would have been neutered or lessened by the presnce of pakistani troops in the region---thus no attacks by indian air force on the night of the 26th---.

General Raheel---sir---you truly failed pakistan---when it was time to make some hard & timely decisions to move the pakistani military influence from outside of its borders and into the gulf region---.

I write this post seeing what is happening in the gulf---what the US military is doing in the gulf in the last few weeks and what their plans are---. Mastankhan

The reason for all the negative comments in reply is that you are too blunt and aim too high.

For a nation still finding its feet in in international politics to this day, for a nation which got scared when bhutto went on building the Islamic block and got cut to size, even the thought of such excursions are nothing short of blasphemy itself.

I have a milder sugestion that may fare far better but still not even going for that is indeed bordering on incompetence and as usual, another opportunity missed.

If involvement in another regions conflict was deemed too much of a discomfort, then the next best thing was not that bad either.

Pakistan's second best option - to draw some sort of line against India's Chabahar port investment loving, Kalbhoshan harbouring and Uzair Baloch etc facilitating Iran - was to send at the very least, it's regular Airforce in aid of Saudi Arabia to - lets just say - guard Makkah and Madina and it's aerial sovereignty and free up Saudia's own Air Force to take care of regional conflicts.

That would also have been a clearly advantageous prospect for Pakistan as well without involving directly in any conflict but sending a clear message across at the same time while reaping the benefits of actually helping our Arab allies.
I am not going to argue on this again. It is very, very simple.

+ Houthi are terrorists trying to seize control from Government and establish their version of Sharia law just like ISIS and TTP.

+ Saudi Arabia and UAE are our natural allies. Only 2 countries in world to voice and offer support following sanction threats by international community on nuclear tests. Now, also helping in financial crisis. When will we return the favor?

+ It is in the national and international interests of Pakistan.

I don't care if Houthi terrorists have not done anything to you. This frankly doesn't concern you, it concerns Pakistan.

And what about all the stuff Saudi Arabia and UAE has done for Pakistan?

This is issue with Pakistani people. Always look at own interests, never others' interests.

We people want unconditional candies handed to us, and not have to do a damn thing for it.
It's a tough call and not as black and white as you make out...but I still find myself marginally in favour of assisting Saudis in this case, rather than staying neutral. I would not support any action against Iran itself though under any circumstances (except self defence naturally).
@MastanKhan The opportunity is back. What say you? Will anyone take notice? Do write something my good man, people in important circles read your posts.MK's idea is basically to use this crisis (and the Iran crisis) to build a new, Saudi /GCC funded army / airforce / navy and to become, ultimately, a regional security guarantor. And at the same time, make it impossible for IN to cut our supply lines, while cutting off theirs. A brilliant plan, if only we had the brains and guts to implement this.


If they have not done it by now---what makes you think that they will do it this time---.

You will have to admit it by now---the men---those in position of power---are as clueless as those sitting on the street corner Soda Stand doing nothing and spitting red streaks of Paan juice---.

And of these two bigger fools---I am the biggest fool who keeps harping on this subject for the past many years and expecting a different result--.

Just look at this Blackmail of the judge---. Allah gave the IK govt the opportunity of a lifetime on a platter to take out the whole of the PML-N in one stroke---.

Should have taken the whole group to the Military court---charged Mariam and all the team for Sedition---mental kidnap---mental hostage of a sitting judge of pakistan---creating fear in the nation---creating chaos in the nation---starting restlessness against the state---.

That would be a DEATH SENTENCE crime---all known and unknown properties confiscated crime---.

In one stroke---the IK govt would have fixed this "blackmail" cancer in the society---.

But Imran Khan---as honest a person he is---he is a COWARD @ HEART---.

Imran Khan is a coward at heart---all his economic reforms MAY fail OR will be extremely slow to bring any change---because he has no clue that the first thing to do in an economic change is to control the law & order situation in the cuntry---.

Ok---IK is a civilian---but what about military men---.

Gen Raheel Sharif---he let Mariam Nawaz off the hook---I want to ask Gen Raheel---" Kia pakistan tumharay baap ki jagir thi jo iss ghaddar Mariam to Chhorr dia "---.

The State needs to take the "whip" & the "Tri-Pod" out---the prices can only be controlled one way---the incompetence of the public servants can only be controlled one way---.

The golden rule always holds true as always---" Spare the Whip---Spoil the business community---spoil the public servants---".

As for the GCC---there is nothing more that I can write---. If they cannot understandwhat I have written for over half a decade---this is not going ot make any difference---.

You need to understand---who we are dealing with---The Pakistanis---.
It's a tough call and not as black and white as you make out...but I still find myself marginally in favour of assisting Saudis in this case, rather than staying neutral. I would not support any action against Iran itself though under any circumstances (except self defence naturally).
Take into account, Missiles fired at Makkah, multiple times, then tell me, if you still "favor it marginally".
It has been paid back long ago,
Pakistan will not become part of an unjust war, we have had enough already no Pakistani will die fighting for a king over inflated and if you are so keen to help your arab brothers in expanding their kingdoms why dont you go ahead and fight for them ?
not very long ago our existence was at stakes Indians were threatening a war and your brothers didnt even provide lip service let alone sending troops
The point is... Our assistance for ksa should come at a price, I.e. major diplomatic shift by ksa in our favour.

Take into account, Missiles fired at Makkah, multiple times, then tell me, if you still "favor it marginally".
If it is categorically verifiably true and not some war propaganda - which all nations indulge in unabashedly - then that would shift most Pakistanis further away from neutral, me included.
The point is... Our assistance for ksa should come at a price, I.e. major diplomatic shift by ksa in our favour.
This is by default.
If it is categorically verifiably true and not some war propaganda - which all nations indulge in unabashedly - then that would shift most Pakistanis further away from neutral, me included.
PA Division in KSA is an eye witness.
This is by default.

PA Division in KSA is an eye witness.


If my pakistan brethren had any brains---other than to steal the land of someone else to make residential plots---take pictures of compromising situations and blackmail---
If Imran Khan a civilian is coward then what are/were the commanders of 500 thousand armed men who did nothing against these same corrupt people but instead gave them NROs and as per some people helped them in elections


They are bigger cowards than IK---.

To provide JUSTICE & enforce the RULE OF LAW---the ruler has to make ruthless decisions---.

We assume that Generals can provide us with rule of law---becuase they have fought in wars and may have killed people---but that was in military life---.

It takes a different breed of person---to do that---.

Incidently---there is NO ONE in Pakistan to take position---.
We assume that Generals can provide us with rule of law---becuase they have fought in wars and may have killed people---but that was in military life---.

You mean generals are incompetent and useless like all other sarkari afsars of Pakistan after all war is also part of politics and someone who can't understand domestic politics how can he understand international politics etc it means our MNAs and MPAs are much more competent and generals are just common sarkari afsars or babus
So it turns out 500 millions Arabs equipped with state of the art American and western technology are not man enough to defend ka'bah even from rag tag mercenaries let alone a proper military power like Israel and they want us second class Muslims(Bakistanis) to do their fighting. If this is the level of your incompetence then its about time you let some one else take the charge.Perhaps a joint Turk+Pakistani task force.
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