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U.A.E. Pulls Most Forces From Yemen in Blow to Saudi War Effort

Saudi Arabia and UAE are spending at this war but Pakistan will get paid for fighting in Yemen there's a difference
Saudi Arabia and UAE are spending at this war but Pakistan will get paid for fighting in Yemen there's a difference

Guns for hire is not a respectable position for an army. As you’re probably well aware the Pakistani army is one of the best in the world it wouldn’t make sense for it to act like something less.

What’s your number for acceptable dead soldiers fighting for Saudi?
Never paid back. We will never pay it back. Pakistan continues to take but give nothing back. Then we cry when Arab countries cozy up more to India.

This is why no one looks for a reliable ally in Pakistan. Not businesses. Not countries. Not people.

Pakistan is without a doubt the worst ally any country can even consider to have. All this military prowess yet nothing. Even Iran is more involved than us, and they aren't even getting anything in return except hostilities. While we know that we will only get better alliances and better support.

Tell me one ideological difference between TTP and Houthi.

Tell me one ideological difference between TTP and Houthi.

Seems like you guys can't even tell me one ideological between TTP and Houthi. Sympathizing with terrorists maybe?
Houti isn't our fight...why dont you volunteer as you are so eager. Sons of pakistan fight for Pakistan you go. Let's see if you do? I bet u wont. Easy to send someone else to die for your argument isnt it
Guns for hire is not a respectable position for an army.

Every soldier is a hired person army starts recruitment boys of age 17.5 to 23 apply they serve army or country and receive their monthly pay they would fight or work anywhere where they are ordered to and
It's good for Pakistan's economy and army's job is to serve Pakistan's interests
I am not going to argue on this again. It is very, very simple.

+ Houthi are terrorists trying to seize control from Government and establish their version of Sharia law just like ISIS and TTP.

+ Saudi Arabia and UAE are our natural allies. Only 2 countries in world to voice and offer support following sanction threats by international community on nuclear tests. Now, also helping in financial crisis. When will we return the favor?

+ It is in the national and international interests of Pakistan.

I don't care if Houthi terrorists have not done anything to you. This frankly doesn't concern you, it concerns Pakistan.

And what about all the stuff Saudi Arabia and UAE has done for Pakistan?

This is issue with Pakistani people. Always look at own interests, never others' interests.

We people want unconditional candies handed to us, and not have to do a damn thing for it.

If you’re anti-Sharia law you should know Saudi Arabia enforces Sharia law. Their version is the version that lead to the ISIS implementation one


If you’re against ISIS you should know high level Saudi funding was provided to them and document by the world when it started.


If you’re for human rights you should look at how they treat people. Khashoggi for example.


If you’re easily persuaded by money and selling your own people’s lives you’re not worth debating with :-/
Sons of pakistan fight for Pakistan

They fight for the interests of Pakistan and fighting in Yemen would be good for Pakistani economy so if a Pakistani soldier is fighting in Yemen it means he is fighting for the betterment of Pakistan
Every soldier is a hired person army starts recruitment boys of age 17.5 to 23 apply they serve army or country and receive their monthly pay they would fight or work anywhere where they are ordered to and
It's good for Pakistan's economy and army's job is to serve Pakistan's interests

You said soldier I said army (as a collective). There’s a difference.

Google mercenary
go and fight for saudis and die there and let us enjoy the riyals we will get for your sacrifice. got the feel? dont recommend others to go there and get killed so that parasites like you can flourish on their sacrifice by getting riyals.

send your army as mercenary to every conflict zone in the world and get rich. what a nice foreign policy. selling your mother will be the next step. shame.

When you can't answer, you attack personally. Keep it up.
They fight for the interests of Pakistan and fighting in Yemen would be good for Pakistani economy so if a Pakistani soldier is fighting in Yemen it means he is fighting for the betterment of Pakistan
They are not mercenaries. Why dont you ho and fight instead of send other peoples sons. Afraid?
The Saudi and UAE economy is hurting from this war but you think some how Pakistan will benefit?

Give me the numbers of how many dead Pakistani soldiers is acceptable to you for an uncertain “may help”

Sorry to be brutally honest.

UAE and Saudi Arabia are already helping us financially. Of course they would be ready to fund the ops.

Guns for hire is not a respectable position for an army. As you’re probably well aware the Pakistani army is one of the best in the world it wouldn’t make sense for it to act like something less.

What’s your number for acceptable dead soldiers fighting for Saudi?

Did you have a number for acceptable dead soldiers in Waziristan!?

No one gives soldiers the assurance of life. That is the brutal truth.

If you’re anti-Sharia law you should know Saudi Arabia enforces Sharia law. Their version is the version that lead to the ISIS implementation one


If you’re against ISIS you should know high level Saudi funding was provided to them and document by the world when it started.


If you’re for human rights you should look at how they treat people. Khashoggi for example.


If you’re easily persuaded by money and selling your own people’s lives you’re not worth debating with :-/

I am not anti Sharia. I am anti terrorist version of Sharia.

You are trying to justify terrorist Houthi who are killing civilians, torturing, and trying to seize control. Their slogan is "Death to Jews," literally. What a peace loving people, right?

They are not mercenaries. Why dont you ho and fight instead of send other peoples sons. Afraid?

It's not about mercenaries. It is about your country's and your allies' interests.


Case settled. We know. You people know they are terrorists but you sympathize with them.
Sorry to be brutally honest.

UAE and Saudi Arabia are already helping us financially. Of course they would be ready to fund the ops.

Did you have a number for acceptable dead soldiers in Waziristan!?

No one gives soldiers the assurance of life. That is the brutal truth.

I am not anti Sharia. I am anti terrorist version of Sharia.

You are trying to justify terrorist Houthi who are killing civilians, torturing, and trying to seize control. Their slogan is "Death to Jews," literally. What a peace loving people, right?

It's not about mercenaries. It is about your country's and your allies' interests.


Case settled. We know. You people know they are terrorists but you sympathize with them.

My dear get the message. No one cares about your question. Its not relevant. Even if they are same its not our fight. Did the saudi or emeritus come to fight TTP? Saudi and uae dont help us, they have interests. Example...UAE sent soldiers to india on their 15 august parade but 14 august no emirati troops in our parade. Look how Pakistanis are treated in uae and saudi. U may think of the ummah and brotherhood these people are with israel and buy from software to military equipment to no action on Palestine or al aqsa. So please spare us the lecture on they are helping us. Most of us here are old enough to know when we will be taken for a ride.

that's the point. they themselves dont want to sacrifice. they want to enjoy while others get killed and they get paid.
I think alternative is young
Why dont you ho and fight instead of send other peoples sons. Afraid?

Why would I go I am not a terrorist I don't care for Saudi or khoti I was just saying if Pakistan sends army in Yemen it would be good for Pakistani economy
But if Pakistan army starts recruitment specially for Yemen war then I will apply
You are calling them mercenaries not me I said it's job of Pakistan army to fight for the interests of Pakistan

You said soldier I said army (as a collective). There’s a difference.

Without soldiers army is tanks Toyota hiluxes artillery etc soldiers make army , army is nothing without soldiers
Why would I go I am not a terrorist I don't care for Saudi or khoti I was just saying if Pakistan sends army in Yemen it would be good for Pakistani economy
But if Pakistan army starts recruitment specially for Yemen war then I will apply
You are calling them mercenaries not me I said it's job of Pakistan army to fight for the interests of Pakistan

Without soldiers army is tanks Toyota hiluxes artillery etc soldiers make army , army is nothing without soldiers

Why should I go ..i am not a terrorist...

Enough said...
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